its all gone wrong.

cupcake502 Posts: 16
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Right hopefully ill keep this short. (and sorry for any spell errors i try my best with my spelling!)
Since the breack up of my ex-boyfriend who i use to live with i have gone back into bad eating habbits, e.g. being sick, or not eating enough. im trying to be healthly and since december i was doing a good job at eating healthly (only a few days in december where i wouldnt eat or when i would make myslfe sick.) eating on adveage 1200 calls a day.
i dont no why im posting this, i just dont wanna sink back into bad happbits again. i dotn no who to talk to, im living back at my parents and my mum tries to feed me unhalthly meals so i just dont eat them at all. im feeling proper low. if i ever went through them stages i talked to my ex and he would make us salads and really healthy food even if it want much i would be eating something. i carnt talk to him, my family all eat unhealtly and my mates never stop talking about deits and will think im being stpid.
Im not ill or anything as im not underweight. im just getting pissed off that i tried hard to be healtly and im back to doing this again.


  • Please keep your head up!!!!! Use that anger you have and push it to the test!!!!!! Go buy yourself healthy foods....there is so much out there!!!!! You have to do this for yourself, not anyone else....some family do that to see you fall on your face and others think that you need a little bit more meat on your bones....DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. Push yourself to work out.....drink plenty of water......and when you wanna have a junk food session put yourself in time out (just like a kids who gets in trouble) like do 30 situps that way you associate a bad habit (eating junk food) with a good habit (getting extra workout sessions). Hit me up if need be.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    i would filter those feelings into the gym - I used to eat when I was upset, sad, happy, etc... but have found that when I get angry or upset, going to the gym and getting it all out in some high intensity cardio or crazy weight training session helps a lot. If you struggle with or don't have control over your food intake, at least burn it off (and the endorphins will make you feel better inside ;-))

    good luck
  • :). ive been trying to walk when i wanna hit the fridge or have some diet coke . or lots of houswrok and cleaning to the music channels so i can dance around!! and get in the good books of my paretns! i just really needed to rant thats out thanks for yourr time!!!
  • When you say getting sick and not eating, it sounds like you're talking about bulimia and anorexia.

    If that's the case: You MUST get professional help. NOW.

    A therapist can help you sort through these feelings and get you on the track to healthy choices, no matter who's cooking what. If your family and mates aren't supportive, it might be time to clue them in to that fact. They may not realize what you're going through or how to help.

    If they don't want to help, well, there's lots of people out in the world who do.

    Good luck and take care of yourself.

  • tbh i dont really want them to no everything, i no sometimes im not healtly but my weight is healthy so i just feel stupid if i would see anyone. and i no i will get better caus i always do but just feel scared that i havent got my ex now.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    When you say getting sick and not eating, it sounds like you're talking about bulimia and anorexia.

    If that's the case: You MUST get professional help. NOW.

    A therapist can help you sort through these feelings and get you on the track to healthy choices, no matter who's cooking what. If your family and mates aren't supportive, it might be time to clue them in to that fact. They may not realize what you're going through or how to help.

    If they don't want to help, well, there's lots of people out in the world who do.

    Good luck and take care of yourself.


    I agree - I talked to a nutritionist a few months ago. She asked if I had emotional eating issues, and when I said yes, she told me to talk to someone about them - basically, that I needed to deal with my emotional triggers. I think it's really important to work on the emotional/spiritual side of whatever food-related issue you have, regardless of if its overeating or anorexia or bulimia.

    I hope that you can find the support you need. Reaching out on MFP is a good start. Do you have anyone you can talk to in your life?
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