seriously frustrated with myself! need to vent!

So here's my story....over the past couple of years, I have managed to drop 52 lbs by diet and exercise. Of course, the holiday season (which seemed to have started in Oct for me) brought on some pounds again so I'm down to 44 lost now. After New Years, I decided that I would try to lose another 25-30 for my 30th birthday April 2. So far, I haven't even lost all the weight I gained over the holidays, let alone put any type of dent into that bulk of weight! I have been consistently coming on here and logging my calories (1200 daily), and have been exercising more than I was before. I take an aerobics class 2 nights a week and have been doing the 30 day shred for a week straight, as well as doing some Just Dance 2 and Dance Central. I feel like I've been eating really well during the week but then the weekend comes and I always seem to back track! If I had lost a pound that week, I'll gain it back over the weekend. Of course, it's my own fault for letting myself fall off the wagon but I'm not understanding why I'm not getting more/better results from the weekday progress. UGH I'm just so frustrated with this weight loss journey! I feel like the only way I will lose this weight is if I workout like they do on the Biggest Loser or something (hours and hours a day!!!) Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks for listening!!


  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    your diary is set to are asking for advice but not revealing what you are actually doing...people are only going to be able to superficially encourage you.

    Are you eating your exercise calories? Once I started eating those my weight started melting away.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • macbff
    macbff Posts: 2 Member
    That sucks!
    I know the feeling.
    Here is something to watch for though too...1200 daily calories sounds like a starvation type thing actually. I know that once a male drops below 1700 net calories a day the body enters a kind of starvation mode, I want to say that for women it is 1500. so if you go below this, you could be opening yourself up to very slow weight loss.

    I'm no expert by far, but have been to classes put on by experts, and this magic number does seem to exist.

    Just my 2 cents!!

    Good Luck...
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    An obvious question BUT are you eating your exercise calories? My apologies if you already know about this but I was oblivious to the fact I was eating too few calories after exercising. So sorry if you already know about this but thought i'd mention it, just in case you hadn't. P.S I'm on a mission to make new MFP friends! can I add you?
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    An obvious question BUT are you eating your exercise calories? My apologies if you already know about this but I was oblivious to the fact I was eating too few calories after exercising. So sorry if you already know about this but thought i'd mention it, just in case you hadn't. P.S I'm on a mission to make new MFP friends! can I add you?

    WOH!!! by the time i'd finished typing this, people had already beaten me to it! damn!!
  • chunk3y_m0nk3y
    dont get frustrated..i know how u feel cuz i fell off the wagon back in October too..i gained back almost 10 pounds since October so i know wut ur sounds to me like ur doing everything right..dont push urself to hard and dont expect to see results in the 1st week..the weight will come really will..u do not need to workout for hours and hours a day..ur body needs lots of water and rest..dont strain urself or u will be more miserable with urself..i dont do so well on the weekends either..i eat wut ever and when ever my husband eats and he eats all kinds of fatty is so frustrating but if we put our minds to it girl we can get this weight off!!..dont give up..wut ever u do dont give up..stay positive and u will soon see may be small but u will see results..hang in there will get better..take care and u CAN do it!!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    The notion of it I eat less I'll lose more has to go away. It's killing peoples progress.
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    The notion of it I eat less I'll lose more has to go away. It's killing peoples progress.
    AGREE!!!!! :drinker:
  • EastWindWoman
    I find weekends very tough as well! I don't know if this will help but I force myself to drink the 8 - 9 glasses/day. I have this water bottle that holds up to 3 glasses and I make a point of drinking this within 10 minutes in the morning and repeat this at lunch and just to prior having supper.
  • chunk3y_m0nk3y
    macbff wut if ur only to eat 1200 calories a day..thats wut im suppose to eat..i was told that by my doctor cuz i asked him how many calories am i to take in cuz im trying to lose weight and he told me for my weight and hight i am only to eat at the very very most 1200 calories a day so if i eat more then that it wont do any good..right?? just asking cuz now im confused and i just wanna know that wut im taking in is wut i need and im not starving myself..
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    quote from a user on another similar thread:
    Joined Apr 2010
    Posts: 281
    Mon 01/24/11 09:26 AM
    I didn't previously eat my exercise calories back last year when I was only exercising 3 times a week at about 300-500 calories per session. I was doing great with my weight loss progress (~1.5 lbs a week) UNTIL I started working out 6 times a week at the beginning of this year. I didn't change my diet, nor was I hungry, but the weight stopped coming off. Then I looked back at my net calories for the month of December versus the month of January and realize that in Dec. I was right at 1200 net but for Jan i was only at 810! When looking at the reports, my total calories are dead on 1200 but my net are much lower and quite sporadic. No wonder why the scale has stopped going down! I didn't even realize I was doing this to myself. So, I am really focusing on hitting my net calories (+/- 100) for the rest of this month and all of Feb to see what the scale does. I recommend eating most (if not all) of your calories back...starvation mode is real and once you are there it takes a while to come out. Good luck!


    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." ~Jim Ryan
    23 F 5' 7"
    SW 184.8 (April 1, 2010)
    CW 158 <--"Normal" BMI Range
    153- Jan 30 Houston Half Marathon 147- Feb 20 Austin Half Marathon
    GW 143 (by March 2011)

    and here is a link to the thread if you would like to read and join in the topic :happy:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I can understand feeling frustrated - I lost about 30 pounds about a year and a half ago, then gained 20 back. I spent a few months last year feeling angry and like I was a failure, but I finally got back on track. Then the holidays happened, I stopped tracking for about a week and had a 4.5 pound gain. I was so afraid that I'd slip back into my old habits again! But I managed to start tracking and walking again (though I'm not where I want to be with my exercise level), so it's been a learning experience for me. I'm learning that I can break old habits, and get back on track after a slip up. That's huge for me. One day, or one week, of mistakes doesn't mean that I've failed completely.

    I'm not sure I can address your specific issues without more information about what's going on for you. Are you taking rest days? If you're not giving your body a break, that could add to your frustration. Other posters have suggested eating more calories - and I'd add that you should make sure you're eating a lot of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins so that those calories go further. Drinking water helps, too. I hope you're able to find a good balance and get back on track.
  • Fat2FitAmanda
    Wow you guys are all wonderful!! Well I will have to figure out how to unblock my food diary, I didn't even realize it was. BUT I will add for this past weekend that Saturday I did not finish the log because I was just disgusted that I kept eating and eating! Then yesterday I had tried this recipe I'm making for my Pampered Chef shows this coming weekend and didn't know the accurate nutritional stuff so I just picked something....seemed high but didn't want to underball it.

    I have wondered if I wasn't eating enough but I think 1200 is what MFP said I should be at. I'm 5'2" and my current weight is 161. I will sometimes eat my exercise calories but not always. I will typically burn around 500 calories in a little over an hour at my aerobics class then with the 30 day shred I'm at about 200 burned there. So the days I do both, I find it hard to eat that much. I do have a lot more fruits and vegetables in my diet than I used to. Since last Monday, I have not taken a full day off from working out. I've been trying to be consistent with my shred. Although my thighs are killing me, I think I pulled something. I definitely think that drinking a lot of water in the beginning of the day will help me but I have such an overactive bladder that I will be in the bathroom sooo much! I know that's a good thing, and that running up the stairs whenever I have to go is beneficial, but it's annoying! LOL

    Thank you all for your responses! And yes, add me anyone who's interested! :) Can't have too many friends to help with this sort of thing! I will try upping my calorie intake with some more substantial and healthy foods and see what happens. I need to get this weight off!!!
  • Fat2FitAmanda
    I love your quote! If you bite it, write it! Too funny!
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    there we go...that's the ticket!! :D Keep us posted and let us know how things go!! :happy: