Anyone doing ChaLEAN Extreme?

Is anyone doing ChaLEAN Extreme? Or even something similar? I'm about to start Phase 1 again, would love some company!


  • Bella_69
    Bella_69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi carolineat111!

    I am doing the Chalean Extreme I started last month ( well i did it before but only did the first month Burn Phase then caught a really bad cold, never got to finish the program and then started it again which now i am doing). Its a great workout I love it. Keep doing it . Dont give up !! I'd be happy to join you on the journey . I'd love to hear more from other members as well about the program. For me I started off with an Atkins diet ( 244lbs) I dropped 11-12 lbs then I decided to incorperate exerise. ( I think it did help me lose some weight , i was just too heavy to jump around ) Now i feel great ! I am at 228.8 lbs and i noticed alot of inches coming off ! Exspecially around my thighs and stomach area.

    Everyday I Push play and i keep going !! You must keep going. It is crucial to also have a good support system, i.e boyfriend, family , friend to support you emotionally. I felt like giving up because i doubting myself if am losing anyweight or inches. But my boyfriend keeps saying " keep going it will pay off you wont get bulky " and thats what chalean says too !!!. My family is noticing improvment !. Although i havent been entirily sticking to the Chalean Extremes eating plan. I am eating a healthy , clean diet ( ok i had one soda drink today , i wont kill myself over it) I like to tell myself , 2% i can indulge hehehehehe.

    I am at the end of the Burn Phase I am doing the Burn It off today and Recharge. Then I start the next Phase.
    Keep pushing play !
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Beachbody? :laugh: Um, no. I got this body
    without buying into any ridiculously over priced "system", and you can too! All you really need is a calorie deficit and weightlifting. Good luck.
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    I have Chalean Extreme and I love it.....I live in a small apartment and I have a set of Bowflex Select Tech dumbbells....that's all I have room for and I can't afford an ongoing gym membership at the moment so I rely on DVD's.....I also have p90x, Brazil Butt Lift and Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30....
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    Beachbody? :laugh: Um, no. I got this body
    without buying into any ridiculously over priced "system", and you can too! All you really need is a calorie deficit and weightlifting. Good luck.

    You know just because you CAN get great results without a particular workout "system" doesn't mean there's anything wrong with using a system. Or no system. We're all motivated by different things. There's nothing wrong with that.

    If your goal on here is to discourage people, by all means continue, but since you've clearly achieved your goal why don't you let the rest of get to ours (however we may choose to do so) without your negativity?

    Thanks for the tips girl, I'll send you both friend requests. :) Good luck on your workouts!
  • Bella_69
    Bella_69 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with carolineat111 there is nothing wrong with using a particular system .... This " system " for some of us are using is perhaps the breakthrough love for lifting weights. I can say it was pricey but heck I am not paying gym fees or a personal trainer that costs $1000 to just teach me how to lift properly . This workout system and Beachbody have great workout videos for us who do not know how to lift. I frankly love Chalean Extreme because she teaches me how to lift . It works for people who have little knowledge of weight lifting or who are new to this or cant afford to go to the gym.

    I believe that people who are already fit and happy with their bodies who have reached their goals, it would be nice if they can share their tips and advice without being bitter or negative in these posts. Instead of saying " I did this all by myself without the help of some system bla bla bla ...." trying sharing your tips on "how you got there" , "what do you eat" , "what helps you through your workout". That would be great. I'd love to hear others on their success. I noticed i haven't lost much weight with the Burn Phase but I am feeling tighter and firmer. Any tips on how i can lose a bit more ? Or is my body adjusting to this.
  • dawnc05
    I am wanting to re-start my ChaLEAN Extreme again. I loved it when I was doing and like someone else posted also I got bronchitis and gave up. On the bright side I participated in the Dirty Girl Mud Run with the bronchitis but it was a very hard long 5K with an elephant on my chest :laugh: :laugh: . I plan in starting it in the morning before I go into work not sure if I am going to follow her workout schedule or just do it every other day.

    My big question that I have is though...How in the world do you track this exercise of ChaLEAN in the MFP exercise section. I do not have a fit bit or hear rate monitor. I am at a loss and this is partly what is holding me back from doing it as I want to track properly.

    Any help or ideas on this would be great. :bigsmile:
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I am wanting to re-start my ChaLEAN Extreme again. I loved it when I was doing and like someone else posted also I got bronchitis and gave up. On the bright side I participated in the Dirty Girl Mud Run with the bronchitis but it was a very hard long 5K with an elephant on my chest :laugh: :laugh: . I plan in starting it in the morning before I go into work not sure if I am going to follow her workout schedule or just do it every other day.

    My big question that I have is though...How in the world do you track this exercise of ChaLEAN in the MFP exercise section. I do not have a fit bit or hear rate monitor. I am at a loss and this is partly what is holding me back from doing it as I want to track properly.

    Any help or ideas on this would be great. :bigsmile:

    I'll admit, I WAY underestimate my calories for workouts (1 cal/minute is what I log) because I already eat 1600-1700 calories (w/ 120g protein) and logging exercise that way allows me to eat SOME exercise calories if I'm hungry, but doesn't let it get out of hand.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    I realize I'm replying to an older thread, but how is it going? I'm doing Chalean Extreme too. I probably started around the same time as you. I'm on week 3 of Phase 1. I like how strong I'm feeling but I'm wishing I could find a way to add in some extra cardio. I am always surprised my heart rate gets on the burn circuits though.
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    Beachbody? :laugh: Um, no. I got this body
    without buying into any ridiculously over priced "system", and you can too! All you really need is a calorie deficit and weightlifting. Good luck.

    As opposed to ridiculously overpriced gym memberships and trainers? You do what works for you, and keep being that positive ray of sunshine!


    I just finished Chalean a couple of weeks ago. Great program, and I definitely got stronger. But I kind of fell off the wagon food-wise during the course of it, so I didn't SEE the results I wanted. Taking a break from it, regrouping, and starting again in another couple of weeks.
  • EvieJ111
    EvieJ111 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started on Sunday!! I would love a partner!! I'm doing Chalean Extreme and am going to use the 21 Day Fix meal plan (that part is starting Monday!)

    This is my first time doing Chalean Extreme. Are you on Facebook? Maybe we can message each other...keep each other motivated. We can start a thread right here too I guess!

    What kind of weights are you using? I have a set of adjustable dumbbells, but they are in increments of 5. I may have to invest in a better pair or in 12 / 18 / 22 lb weights. (mine goes up to 25 lbs each)