
Hello Everyone! I need to loose 20 pounds. I am 49 years old...I have worked out mostly all of my adult life...but in the last few years I have been slacking with working out and eating. I want to get tone and loose weight. I'm beginning to get in step classes and strength training. I will take any encouragement and testimonies of how you lost yours....Thanks


  • MittenKitten
    Hello, Mitten Kitten here. If you've stalled in your weight loss - try a couple weeks of the South Beach Diet - that will kick start your weight loss again and get your motivation going.
  • MittenKitten
    From Mitten Kitten: Hello, had some health issues a few years ago and then also sold my horse that was broke to ride, and didn't fill the void with other types of excerise. Due to both excuses I have gained a ton of weight. I have just had my young horse trained and will ride consistently starting this spring with plans to show her so will need to be at a much lower weight and stronger in order to compete effectively. So need to get busy and drop 57 pounds - starting today.
  • saramathers22
    Welcome to the site

    The best thing you can do is be honest with yourself - log all calories you have eaten, and of course the exercises you have done and you are bound to succeed!

    I have only been on the site for 2 weeks but I'm addicted already!

    Good luck