However we eat regularly is exactly what we get good at!

I just read this post from JillFit: However You Eat Regularly Is Exactly What You Get Good At (

"However we eat regularly–whether consciously or unconsciously–is exactly what we get good at doing. Whatever we practice is what we get amazing at. It becomes effortless precisely because it’s what’s been practiced. With every day and with every meal, you are reinforcing that meal or that day. Three days in a row of drinking wine after work? It is now getting easier to drink wine after work.

Are you someone who does the weekly deprive-then-binge cycle? You know, Monday through Thursday is flawless and Friday through Sunday is a blow-out? When you do this week after week, you are actually getting GOOD at this. BETTER at this. You’re becoming a pro at this.

Ugh. How depressing!
And yet, how empowering …?

Personally, I think this is good news. Because it also means that I have somewhere to go, some action to take, a way to change my outcomes. I am not a victim of my habits. I can choose to implement new ones and work hard to make them stick."

It's a long article but worth the read! I love the idea of reinforcing habits to reach goals.

For me, habits which serve me well now are: counting calories instead of eliminating food groups/carbs/dairy/sugar/salt etc, not having any "good" or "bad" foods, exercising because it's fun!, loving everything I eat and not wasting calories on "average food", drinking 3L water a day, going to bed feeling like most of my dinner has digested, getting enough sleep, weighing myself every morning and observing the natural fluctuations.

What are you doing regularly and is it something you want to be reinforcing? :smile:
