Weight loss buddies needed!



  • sherellescott5
    sherellescott5 Posts: 11 Member
    Looking for weight loss buddies for help and encouragement :smile:
    I've been a member since last year but it's only recently that I've started to lose the weight that I've wanted to lose. Only now I feel myself start to slip again! Help!
  • savvymom37
    Hi I am looking to be a buddy and I’m in need of BUDDIES (yep plural). I need to lose 45 pounds and even though there are several people in my circle that would be healthier if they lost weight, at this time none of them are interested. With that said, I need some encouragement. I would also like to do the same for others. I am not new to this site but I have never really used it much but I am going to now:) I will even upload a picture as soon as I figure this thing out.

    Oh yeah I'm turning 40 in a few months. Much success to everyone here and come on buddies "I'm ready".
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm working on losing between 80-100 pounds. when I get closer to my goal weight I'll have a better feel for where I will decide to stop the weight loss. I have problems with yo-yo dieting and emotional eating.