Another Newbie

KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
Hi. I'm another Newbie. After having 2 kids I'm finally smacking myself and getting my body back on track. With the 1st child I lost all the baby weight right away but then 4 months later too a desk job and gained 10, started the 2nd pregancy 10 pounds heavier and now my 2nd is 18months and I'm a total of 18 pounds heavier than before kids. All this time I've always been an athletic person and never needed a food diet but the years are getting on me and I need both. Workout and food diet. I'm 3 weeks in and have lost 5.5. I'm thrilled. I'm staying on track and loving it. I feel like a new person. My goal is to get back to prepregg 150 but I'd like to get down to 140 eventually. I'm a taller girl and that is totally in reach

I also signed up for my first half marathon.. Can't wait. Oct 2011.

So my goal is to be back at 150 before my big 30th bday in June. Totally reachable and I'm going to be there if not more. :)

Good luck ladies.


  • saramathers22
    Well done for signing up! You will love the site, there are so many people who are good at motivating you, and its a lovely community!

    Good luck with the weight loss!

    I have not been as brave as you, with a marathon, but will be doing a 10k run this year :D

  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Hey a 10k is still a nice accomplishment. I actually love to run but I normally only run 5K at most. Right now I'm just using an elliptical at home for an hour 4 xs a week. Once the snow is gone I'll start training. We have a Mountain Goat race here. 10 miles, last year I only did the mini Goat for 3 miles and stood there and watch people double my size and age finish the 10mile. I may not run the whole thing but I'm doing it.

    Great job on your wieght loss
  • saramathers22
    Yes I will feel so good once I finish it!

    I have not managed to go out runniing either as we had bad snow and ice here! I am glad its gone for now :D

    That sounds great fun, well done! Im sure you will manage to complete that!

    Thank you, good luck