PiYo/Body Beast Hybrid

Hi, I am going to start PiYo/Body Beast hybrid on August 4th. I need the accountability and MFP gives me the opportunity to log in my meals and exercises in one place.

If you are interested in joining me let me know.



  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    That sounds like a really interesting hybrid! I've only done the shoulders workout from Body Beast but I enjoyed it.
  • Stacey984
    Stacey984 Posts: 27
    The workouts from Body Beast are great, and although I prefer to push my limits with heavier weights, I think this time I will stay with a moderate weight and just focus on improving my form and being better with my meals. I have lost some flexibility so thought the pilates/yoga would help with that.
  • joansjourney
    joansjourney Posts: 110
    This does sound like an interesting hybrid! I should be recovered from surgery by then so I would love to join you!
  • Stacey984
    Stacey984 Posts: 27
    Hi Joan,

    I will post the link to the group once it is set up.

  • I was just googling Body Beast/Piyo hybrid and this discussion came up - too funny! I'll actually be starting mine this week. Have you found a schedule for the hybrid or will you be making it up?
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    As short as the Body Beast workouts are (30-40 minutes), it should not be too difficult to add the 30-minute Pilates or Yoga workouts from P90X3, possibly on the same days as a cooldown.

  • joboz78
    joboz78 Posts: 1
    Hi! I was just checking out Google for a Beast/PiYo hybrid!! Do you have a schedule made up that you plan to use? I'd love to join ya!

  • Please let me know as well. I will be done with P90x3 on 07/26. I was planning to start Body Beast on 7/28 amd I am thinking about adding PiYo for continuing to work on flexibility. I just ordered BB Friday and will likely order PiYo Monday. Initially, I am just planning to do PiYo in the morning and BB after work.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Must admit that I prefer the P90x3 yoga and Pilates to Piyo.
  • sarahssmilez
    sarahssmilez Posts: 1 Member
    I made myself a hybrid schedule if anyone is interested. Message me!
  • samiam00
    samiam00 Posts: 1
    I'd love to join please
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    I have noticed there seems to be a trend toward hybridizing different things. I suspect it is just a way of squeezing more money out of people by hybridizing two or three things together and then floating it on the market as something new.

    I guess the trend will come full circle and eventually people will be seeking the pure elements again and so on.
  • smoochies72
    smoochies72 Posts: 1 Member
    i'm planning on starting piyo/body beast as well.
  • snapdragon1231
    snapdragon1231 Posts: 36 Member
    A quick question are body beast or piyo lower impact? I have severe plantar facitiis and can not do a lot of jumping moves.
  • kassiejune
    kassiejune Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join this group as well. I've been doing PiYo and running for a few weeks but want to swap the running for body beast.
  • PiYo is definitely low impact. It's a mix between Yoga and Pilates. I am doing it right now and have no problems.
  • Sorry I was MIA - I was out of the country for a few weeks and just able to get to the message board again. If you want in the group please friend request me so I can add you. I have a couple hybrid calendars you can use. Unfortunately, my Piyo was not shipped yet so I will be doing Beast until it arrives.


  • you can modify all moves so it does not affect your feet. I use a ice water bottle and roll them when mine flares up. I also found that a good support shoe during the workout prevents additional discomfort.

    Body Beast is a weight training program whereas Piyo is a combination of Pilates and yoga so as with any exercise program or routine, you go at your own pace and your body will tell you when to stop.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • @yogicarl - I hybrid my programs because I get bored doing the same thing all the time. I love weight training but feel that I could benefit from adding a program/routine to incorporate flexibility also. You can hybrid anything, even Jillian Michaels with other flexibility DVD's. These two are just programs that I wanted to hybrid together as I feel they will give me more of what I am looking for.

  • nicole7275
    nicole7275 Posts: 8 Member
    just starting this week. I am on week 8 of piyo and I will be adding body beast to my routine. I just finished Les Mills Pump. So I am ready for a change.