Newbie and just started Ideal Protein Diet

Greetings and Salutations!

I am new to using the site (I've used the app for a couple years for calorie tracking), and looking forward to learning and growing (and losing weight)! I just started the Ideal Protein Phase 1 program Sunday.

I've heard people have good weightloss (some at 30 lbs in a couple months!) and positive effect on overall health, so I am excited for what's coming in the months ahead. Just need to keep my motivation in check. I would love any recommendations and tips for adhering to the program, and where I can find recipes. I work a lot, so things I can cook on Sunday for the week and/or quick and easy recipes would be beneficial.

One thing I would like is a "dressing" for my salads that works in Phase 1, and curious as to what the people did or didn't do who lost 30 lbs in such a short time.

Thank you!



  • byerley05
    I started IP 8 weeks ago today. Very happy with the results; 36 pounds off! I use Walden Farms dressings, but also have found lemon, olive oil and sea salt to be good as well. Good luck! The most difficult thing for me is eating 8 oz. of protein, but it is very important to get it in if you don't want to lose muscle. good luck!
  • cuptblondie23
    I started the program about 5 weeks ago and I've found success with recipes on Pinterest. (Just beware that some "phase 1" recipes aren't really phase 1 friendly but if you know your way around the kitchen, they you can make it so it is) One that's been highly successful in a household of picky eaters is the burger in a bowl salad, it's super easy to do and could be made on the weekends in prep for the week. You need iceberg lettuce, dill pickles and grilled, plain burgers. Chop all of that together and use either the walden farms thousand island dressing or use dijon mustard salad dressing (which is what I use) you will get hooked, hopefully.

    The other suggestions I'd say is make a pot of soup you can have through out the week and put your veggies in there, knocks out some of the 4 cups of veggies and can help keep you from not being hungry at work.

    I've also gotten hooked on making zucchini spaghetti or any veggie pasta for that matter.
  • meonlybetter118
    I just started yesterday! The chop burger salad sounds really good. Does anyone know where to get the Walden Farms Dressings? And which ones do you recommend? I went out yesterday and purchased some flavored olive oils at the suggestion of my coach. I steered clear of the balsamic vinegars, but am hoping with adding lemon to my salads it will taste good. Also does anyone make a few salads in advance to simplify things?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Seems the IP diet is catching on to the new MFP members or are you all here to promote and advertise for them?

    No need to waste your money on this.

    Just eat food.
    Eat at a caloric deficit, meet your macros, and do some resistance training.

    It's quite a simple process, hard to adhere to, but simple none-the-less.
  • meonlybetter118

    I can say that without a doubt I am in no way here to promote or advertise the Ideal Protein Diet.

    I just joined this forum today to become part a community that is interested in becoming fit and healthier. And I realize that there are different ways to accomplish that, thru different diets and exercise plans.

    Initially when I started looking at diet options, I found that the Ideal Protein diet had been mentioned and discussed here going back as far as a few years ago. I am just starting out and was only looking for others who have tried or are currently on this diet and could provide insight and support with what they have experienced. It may have worked for some and not for others, but the fact that I am willing to put myself out there, start a diet that I really want to succeed at, and join an online weight loss community is a big step for me personally.

    Would it not have been better to say welcome, and good luck to you?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member

    I can say that without a doubt I am in no way here to promote or advertise the Ideal Protein Diet.

    I just joined this forum today to become part a community that is interested in becoming fit and healthier. And I realize that there are different ways to accomplish that, thru different diets and exercise plans.

    Initially when I started looking at diet options, I found that the Ideal Protein diet had been mentioned and discussed here going back as far as a few years ago. I am just starting out and was only looking for others who have tried or are currently on this diet and could provide insight and support with what they have experienced. It may have worked for some and not for others, but the fact that I am willing to put myself out there, start a diet that I really want to succeed at, and join an online weight loss community is a big step for me personally.

    Would it not have been better to say welcome, and good luck to you?

    Welcome, Good luck!-
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Seems the IP diet is catching on to the new MFP members or are you all here to promote and advertise for them?

    No need to waste your money on this.

    Just eat food.
    Eat at a caloric deficit, meet your macros, and do some resistance training.

    It's quite a simple process, hard to adhere to, but simple none-the-less.

  • chubbynow
    I wish all you IP dieters the best of luck....

    IP is expensive and once you go back to eating every day food, you will gain the weight back within a year, unless you plan on purchasing their food for the rest of your life. The weight gain has happened to everyone I know that has been on this diet including me. Although no exercise sounds good, it really isn't the best option.

    By logging all my food here, on this free website/app, I have lost more in 3 months than I did on the IP diet and I haven't spent hundreds doing it.
  • suemcg34
    I'm sorry that you're already seeing such negative posts from people on MFP, I thought we were all here to support each other! Not every diet/exercise program works for everyone and some of us need that little extra support... That being said be proud of yourself for taking the first step and welcome to the IP diet!

    I just started last week (8-24) and I've already lost 11 lbs. There is a message board here for people on IP and lots of people post quick recipes and have some great suggestions for sticking with the program. and both have some great recipes.

    Good Luck!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I'm sorry that you're already seeing such negative posts from people on MFP, I thought we were all here to support each other! Not every diet/exercise program works for everyone and some of us need that little extra support... That being said be proud of yourself for taking the first step and welcome to the IP diet!

    I just started last week (8-24) and I've already lost 11 lbs. There is a message board here for people on IP and lots of people post quick recipes and have some great suggestions for sticking with the program. and both have some great recipes.

    Good Luck!

    I'm sorry you read posts as being negative.

    I'm sorry you think all diets won't work for everyone.
    All diets work - by having you eat fewer calories.
    If you find you need the extra support from coaches, and pay extra for certain foods, and supplements, than that's your perogative.

    All I am saying is it is unnecessary.

    Eat food, Eat at a deficit, meet your macros, do some resistance exercises.
    It works for everyone. Vegans, paleo, IIFYM, vegetarians....etc. .... etc..... etc.....
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    I, OF COURSE, wish you the best of luck with your weight loss!

    As a person who's "been there, done that" with many of the diets and weight loss gimmicks, I can honestly recommend that you save your money. The only time that I have consistently started losing weight is when I changed habits, and then it started coming off almost effortlessly. The problem with these fad diets (diets, in general) is that they are not sustainable long-term and they imply that the issue is with the FOOD you're eating and not the BEHAVIORS you're adhering to. I continually ask myself every day if the choice I am making is something I can do for the rest of my life...if the answer is "no", then I don't do it. I can't cut out chocolate forever, or never eat carbs, or workout four hours every day for the rest of my life. It has to be change in lifelong eating and exercise behaviors, not just a diet for weight loss and then back to normal.

    I want you to be successful for the rest of your life and I wish you the best of luck doing that.
  • meonlybetter118
    Did not mean to start any controversies here. Am grateful for others point of view, but what one may find as unnecessary, another may find helpful or at least needed initially. I don't plan on being on this diet for life, but what I do plan on is getting off the excess weight first. It may not be the ideal (no pun intended) diet for the long term, but it is what I am choosing for now, for me.

    My ultimate goal is to be at a healthy weight while learning to be accountable for what I eat. I want to exercise not to be an athlete, but to be comfortable in my own skin. I appreciate the feedback but please just be nice. I am not here to propagate any negative discussion. I feel as a community of fitness advocates we should be as supportive as possible of one another and agree that the road to fitness is not easy for some. I am a novice when it comes to all this, and to tell you the truth adowe, I don't even know what a meeting your macros I just want to lose weight, feel better about myself, learn from the success of others and meet some nice people along the way...
  • meonlybetter118
    thanks for your reply mizroxy13, this diet is a start for me, but ultimately I know it is about choices. I have chosen to eat what I want when I want for too long. Just looking to jump start a new mentality. I appreciate your input.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Did not mean to start any controversies here. Am grateful for others point of view, but what one may find as unnecessary, another may find helpful or at least needed initially. I don't plan on being on this diet for life, but what I do plan on is getting off the excess weight first. It may not be the ideal (no pun intended) diet for the long term, but it is what I am choosing for now, for me.

    My ultimate goal is to be at a healthy weight while learning to be accountable for what I eat. I want to exercise not to be an athlete, but to be comfortable in my own skin. I appreciate the feedback but please just be nice. I am not here to propagate any negative discussion. I feel as a community of fitness advocates we should be as supportive as possible of one another and agree that the road to fitness is not easy for some. I am a novice when it comes to all this, and to tell you the truth adowe, I don't even know what a meeting your macros I just want to lose weight, feel better about myself, learn from the success of others and meet some nice people along the way...

    Macros = Macronutrients - Protein, fat, carbs. the big three
    Get adequate amounts of Protein 0.8 - 1gr/ 1lb of Leanbodymass (LBM)
    Fat 0.4 gr / 1 lb of LBM
    Fill the rest of your calories with Carbs
  • KatieKansan
    KatieKansan Posts: 61 Member
    I use balsamic. Its my fav! I also count calories! I Started my diet at the end of May beginning of June and have lost 37 pounds. Everyone on here keeps me motivated its great~!
  • meonlybetter118
    got it, thanks!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    got it, thanks!

    Anytime, glad to help
  • gmh8080
    what is the Ideal Protein Diet all about?
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    I was on Ideal Protein in 2012 and lost 30 pounds and kept most of it off until I started going back to eating the carbs, fruits, and cheeses that I love. It does work, but it is expensive. I loved the way I felt while I was on it and you will get very lean. If you are going to pay the money, be sure to follow it exactly. Sprouts has a lot of the products that you need to follow it. Waldon Farms has dressings as well as sauces and other things that help. They didn't want me to do a lot of aerobic, but said to be sure to lift light weights. It did teach me to eat more proteins and vegetables and less carbs to lose weight. Best of luck in your weight loss.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I don't know anything about this diet, but if you're following a specific diet plan, why would you even need MFP? I'm just curious, and have wondered this about people on here who say they're following any diet (Atkins, WW, South Beach, etc...)