Newbie and just started Ideal Protein Diet



  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I was reading today that there are many different ways to lose wait and that most will work... if you stick to them.

    Some people like the freedom to eat any food and so count calories - some people like to avoid certain food groups- some people like to eat at certain times or obey special rules (I've seen diets that look like magic spells!) - some people like to fast on a few days a week - some people find paying for a plan is motivating.

    If there really was one plan that worked best - well we'd all be on it by now!

    Personally, I think that diets need to be as varied as dieters. The most important thing is to find something that works for you and which you can live with long-term.

    MFP seems to welcome everyone and allows us all to compare experiences as we fight the good fight!

    So - good luck and wellcome. I wish you all success
  • meonlybetter118
    Thanks for the welcome! I can say I came here to join others who want to get fit. Whether that it is to lose weight or exercise or both. I just think that the word diet may be misleading. Isn't it what we ingest? It can be good or in my case it has been, hence why I am here. Anyhow I thought this forum addressed all of that. Right now I am on a specific diet, it may be different from others, but isn't the end result the same goal for all of us? Eat right, exercise = leaner & fitter? I have my fingers crossed that with the help of all you good people, I can stay committed and be successful.
  • jnysoup82
    First, WOW on all this feedback. Thanks, everyone. I understand some folks feel the regular diet and exercise routine is the way to go. This for me, is a way to do it which works for ME at this point in time. It's easy for someone to say to make changes, but some changes are harder than others for different people. I like the regiment and have actually found success so far in the short time I've been on it, and I don't feel deprived. I know there will be some adjusting when going back to somewhat normal, but healtheir lifestyle. Without going on and on...this type of diet is working for me. Everyone's opinions and thoughts are welcome, but no need to talk down to someone who is using a method that works for them. I have quite a bit of weight to lose and I want this to be the start of me choosing healthier habits.

    I actually want to switch to HealthWise, which is a much cheaper (like a third the cost) of IP. I am trying to find detail of their program, but having a difficult time. I've heard it's basically the same as IP but since it's made in the US and not CA it's cheaper. I cannot find a local rep, so I will probably pick an online provider. If anyone is familiar with this program please friend me. It would be great to have people on the same (or similar) program I can connect with!
  • Mindfreak1999
    You have all come to the right place to become healthier people.

    Good luck :smile:
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    My father just started this and is happy with his 6lb loss in the first week.

    He's done "diets" before and has been happy with his initial losses.

    Then he gains it back when he eats "for real" again.

    Then he starts a new diet and is happy with his initial loss.

    Whatever works and makes you happy. Do it. But, just consider how you will maintain after you lose- because if you don't, you won't be happy.

    A diet is a lifestyle change too --- it's just up to you to maintain it!
  • FluffnPlumpy
    Hi all. I'm new to MFP as well and planning on starting up with Ideal Protein. I did use the IP protocol in the past and lost about 30 pounds over the course of a couple of months. I kept it off for a couple of years until I let the bad eating habits creep back up. Hoping to have good success again and keep it off!
  • paints4me
    I did Ideal Protein in 2011 and lost weight with it. Since then I have fallen back into bad habits; beer, not food, and have gained all the weight back plus 10 lbs. So, that being said, I restarted it last Monday. What I want to know is, can I use some of the Medifast foods i have left from when I tried Take Shape For Life. I was looking at the carb content on the TSFL foods, and they seem really high, so I was thinking I could use their foods as my snacks. I'm trying not to have to buy a bunch more foods, but will if I need to. I really like the pasta that they have as well as the omelet. Hoping to get back to the thin me that is buried in the chubby version of me right now.
  • beth4326
    bookmarking for later :-)
  • wilshe477
    wilshe477 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting Ideal Protein Diet tomorrow!!! First time. Hoping to get off this post-accident weight that has gotten out of control. If anyone has tips let me know. Thank you!
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Weight - weight - I mean weight! Don't tell the spelling police... I'm keeping a low profile but know they are close by (perhaps collecting all the fat we MFPers have 'loosed')

    "I was reading today that there are many different ways to lose wait and that most will work... if you stick to them.

    Some people like the freedom to eat any food and so count calories - some people like to avoid certain food groups- some people like to eat at certain times or obey special rules (I've seen diets that look like magic spells!) - some people like to fast on a few days a week - some people find paying for a plan is motivating.

    If there really was one plan that worked best - well we'd all be on it by now!

    Personally, I think that diets need to be as varied as dieters. The most important thing is to find something that works for you and which you can live with long-term.

    MFP seems to welcome everyone and allows us all to compare experiences as we fight the good fight!

    So - good luck and wellcome. I wish you all success"