Good "diet" alcoholic drinks?

Looking for some alcoholic drink ideas that won't cause me to ruin my diet. Would also LOVE TO FIND a drink that causes less of a hangover than beers or vodka diet sprites which is what drink now.

We go out a couple times a week for drinks with friends after work - can't be avoided. And then I am a concert promoter so I am out every other weekend promoting events at bars and festivals so drinking happens.

So can anyone suggest some drinks that I can have 5-6 and not ruin all my weight loss efforts the week before?

Heard gin and tonics?

Heard tequila and soda water with splash of lime?

Any other ideas or tips?

(please do not say stop drinking)


  • taschmitz2
    taschmitz2 Posts: 1 Member
    I drink whiskey and water with a lemon slice. I like to say that it helps with a hangover because I am hydrating and drinking at the same time, but I don't know if there is any science in that :)
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    any spirit + any low/zero cal mix

    or darker beers
  • jtitle911
    I generally do jack and diet coke, or vodka cranberries.
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    if you want alcohol, then white wine, diet cola and Malibu, rum and diet cokes, drinks made with shochu, drinks made with seltzer or sparkling water rather than sodas

    if you just want a drink in your hand, club soda or diet ginger ale on the rocks: it looks and feels like a "real" alcoholic drink but isn't

    as for the hangover parts, in my experience its about how much one drinks, rather than the type of alcohol one drinks
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I love IPA's, but the calories and alcohol content are killer on most of them. My new favorite for camping, cookouts, etc is Founders All Day IPA 4.7% 140calories.
    If I am just having one glass of something, then its usually a white wine or a glass of a good bourbon
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    Looking for some alcoholic drink ideas that won't cause me to ruin my diet. Would also LOVE TO FIND a drink that causes less of a hangover than beers or vodka diet sprites which is what drink now.

    We go out a couple times a week for drinks with friends after work - can't be avoided. And then I am a concert promoter so I am out every other weekend promoting events at bars and festivals so drinking happens.

    So can anyone suggest some drinks that I can have 5-6 and not ruin all my weight loss efforts the week before?

    Heard gin and tonics?

    Heard tequila and soda water with splash of lime?

    Any other ideas or tips?

    (please do not say stop drinking)
    Beware of gin and tonics! Unless they use diet tonic (which I doubt), they're full of sugar and calories. I usually get some kind of liquor with soda water and a lime if I'm watching calories. Otherwise, I looove me some beer. I know there are some low calorie beers. I've had Sleeman Clear, but I know Michelob Ultra and Canadian 67 are also popular around here (but ewww Canadian).
  • mom2nicknat
    mom2nicknat Posts: 56 Member
    I like Veev Acai with Diet Ginger Ale and a lime
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    get the most bang for your buck if you're looking for some sorts of lower calorie / higher potency options.

    Me? I drink great big beers. Not necessarily size, but I'll regularly down 11% ABV brews. I just make them fit.
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    When I drink, I usually drink either vodka or wine.

    Vodka with 0-calorie club soda (instead of tonic) and a splash of Rose's lime juice is good and pretty low cal.

    I also like Vodka with low-cal cranberry juice.

    Wine you can mix with a clear diet soda to make it go further.

    I agree with a previous poster, though, the hangover comes from how much you drink, not what you drink. Drink lots of water while you're drinking or water your drinks down.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    My suggestion would be along the lines of your diet sprite with vodka (or rum and diet, or whiskey and diet (which is heaven)) but just limit it to 4 or whatnot and stretch it over the night.

    If you put the limitation on how many you are aiming for ahead of time, you can budget it.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I own a business and routinely have to entertain clients. Not only do i watch the calories, but I watch my alcohol intake so i do not pose a driving hazard. Sometimes I claim sober-chauffeur duties and get a complete pass on imbibing.

    So - now to my go-to drinks:
    ===>Bourbon with a splash of diet

    You will sip the bourbon and be able to sip a little faster with the bourbon w/a-splash o diet. Sipping will slow you down as compared with the rest of the crowd. Of course - do not do shots lol.

    OR BETTER YET - find a disgusting drink and order it. This will slow you waaaaay down.

    I also get a drink and a club-soda (two glasses) and drink both before I consume a second adult beverage.
  • untrue
    untrue Posts: 7 Member
    i like stella cidre, it's only 150 calories per 550ml bottle
  • jwramirez
    jwramirez Posts: 9 Member
    Agreed - higher quality booze will treat you right.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Shots, Quick, efficient , lowest calorie.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    A shot of tequila is about 95 calories.

    I second
  • fleshyflower
    i heard vodka has no calories? i think aaha
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    Bourbon or Scotch. Neat. The end.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I'd suggest a whiskey of some form: scotch, bourbon or rye (or others)

    Drink them on the rocks or with a bit of water or neat if that's your thing. They are sipping drinks for me (and most others I drink with) and don't go down as fast as beer or wine.

    1) No added calories from pop or soda
    2) You may drink fewer of them, reducing calories and hangover
    3) No one will call you out for "not drinking" if you've got one in hand.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    For beer I like sierra Nevada (175 calories) or Michelob Ultra (90 cal)
    Scotch and water takes care of the mixer calories.
    Red wine, I tend to drink less when I am out. For some unknown reason I also feel like it doesn't end up on my stomach. I use to have a beer gut but never have gotten a wine gut.. I know, its all in my head.