Destined to stay fat, and look like a beached whale!

Am i the only one in the world that can't lose weight? That's how it feels at the moment, when i got on the scales this morning after a good week and only lost 1lb. I'm putting myself through 2 water aerobics sessions and a lengthy swim for 1LB!!!!!!! Normally when i start a diet, i lose loads in the first week, so what have i done wrong? This is so disheartening. I'm going on honeymoon in 4 months, and just wanted to look half decent in a swimsuit in our luxury hotel, but i seriously doubt if i will have the confidence now. I'll be under a maxi dress for the whole holiday, and it's my first time abroad. I just know that there will be beautiful people everywhere sunning themselves. It's not fair!


  • lisa_lotte
    Are you sure your eating enough?? I went through a stage where I really struggled, and it turns out I wasnt having enough calories, especially when I exercised. If you dont have enough your body goes into starvation mode and stores everything. This is the first thing I would look at (and you should defo eat your exercise calories). Have you also been to the docs if anything like undera-ctive thyroid is possible??? The best weight-loss tip I could give anyone is to avoid carbs in the evening - this made a massive difference for me!!

  • Jasdramaqueen
    Jasdramaqueen Posts: 55 Member
    Dude, I totally feel your pain! I had my first weigh in last week, had been eating well and been to the gym 5 times and only lost 1lb!! Perhaps you have less to lose than others? So the weight may come off more slowly...I was disheartened at first and my first thought was to EAT...and I did BUT I also went to the gym twice on the weekend and picked myself up again this morning.

    Think of it this way- in 13 weeks, which is just over 3 months (and will ZOOM by) you may have lost a stone! Don't give up honestly- we're all in this together! And yes, eating your calories, exercise ones and all, is important. You can do this!
  • AngieSWatson
    I have done horribly this week and I am not looking foward to my weigh-in but I know we must take it one day at a time. But if you lose one pound a week for the next 16 weeks you will be 16 pounds lighter. You can do it!
  • deandp371
    Keep at it! If you burn off more than you take in, the weight will come off. It has to, like water flowing down a hill! It may take some time to get it going, so give it a few weeks.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    He hit it on the head. You get what you deserve. If you want to lose more, work our more. I'm guessing your scale is in 1 pound increments...maybe you lost 1.5 pounds. Let's say you did. You want to be somewhere with your weight loss in 4 months...well that about 17 weeks from now. At "only" 1.5 pounds per week, that's about 25 pounds!

    You've spent alot of years overeating and not being active enough to burn those calories. Don't expect that it will just 'happen' overnight. You have to pay a price to get in shape...and let me be the first to tell you, the rewards are very much so worth it!!!

    As an aside, I'd guess your one pound loss may be due to many things, water retention, muscle increase with fat loss (see my post about the Scale vs. Mirror), etc. But, as this gentleman said, it takes time. It takes effort. It takes dedication. As long as that number has a negative sign in front of it on a regular basis, keep doing what you're doing. Do it for the rest of the'll be past your goal weight, your heart and lungs will be in the best shape of your life, you'll decrease your chances for disease, and you'll feel AMAZING.

    Last tip is that motivation does not come first. Motivation follows action. Get off your butt and workout no matter how you feel, and you'll be amazed at the motivation that follows for the next workout and continues to build.
    Keep at it! If you burn off more than you take in, the weight will come off. It has to, like water flowing down a hill! It may take some time to get it going, so give it a few weeks.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    Are you watching your sodium because that is a weigh in killer. I know I struggle with my body changing shape and size but my scale is staying put currently which is no fun. Just keep at it and vary your work outs. I read an article that said water work outs are great for toning and maintaining but for losing walking may be more effective because the water supports your body weight and in fact you may burn less calories. If you have the time do both! Good luck and remember your to be hubby will only have eyes for you on your honeymoon despite what others around you may look, dress and dance like. Trust me I am pretty conservative and on my honey moon I felt out out of place but my hubby was only had eyes for me and my discomfort was all in my head. We went to a Sandals resort and everyone there was on a honeymoon and didn't even look at other couples.
    My best friend had a similar challenge and she decided to rock the pin up one piece look. She looked beautiful and classy the whole time. (my favorite style was the Jantzen Vamp Malliot). Good luck and use this as motivation to get in shape but in the end don't let your discomfort get to you when you are there with the one you love.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    sorry this was a double post. Good Luck and Congrats on your wedding!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    With that attitude and those high expectations, you are destined to fail. Change your mindset.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You didn't mention what you've been eating and that is a huge part of the equation. Were you at your calorie goals? It's great that you're exercising but is it possible you're overestimating the calories you burn doing 2 water classes and a swim?
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I used to believe that I could not lose weight, I was conviced of it. I even went to a doctor to get him to tell me it wasn't my fault. I am actually losing weight, I am the lightest I have been in almost 6 years, if I can do it you can too!
    One pound down is one pound less of you. Keep at it. What has helped me is committing myself to being active for at least 30 mins a day and eating almost all my calories, some days are better than others.
    Try the Wii EA Sports 2. I swear by it.
    Good luck, in 4 months you will be down 16 lbs and you will feel wonderful on your honeymoon.
    You can do this, I know you can!