considering leaving ww!

cathych Posts: 19 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Anybody else left ww? Since they have started their new plan, I am not losing at all. A lot of people are finding it difficult to follow.


  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have used WW before and lost weight (gained it back when I was done, but I digress) :smile:

    WW points are calculated the same way monitoring your caloric intake is. They give it a fancy name and guides, but really, it's a calorie capped, higher fiber, higher protein diet. It's a good diet! But, so easy to do yourself.

    On MFP, just follow the guidelines. I follow about 1300 calories a day, 120 grams of carbs, 100 grams protein and 25 grams of fiber.
  • I just left because I couldn't afford it. This works...I've done it before. Add me as a friend.
  • I left WW out of principle. A few months into our program they changed to PointsPlus and we were supposed to buy all new gadgets. Not cool.
  • Yeah, I've joined here instead as ww doesn't seem to be working. Plus in the end it all comes down to calorific intake anyhow.
  • I also just stopped WW cause I couldnt afford to go after losing my job. A friend of mine, from Church, mentioned this and now Im hooked. AND YES the point values I was eating and the caloric intake this allows were identical. SO Its working for me just as good if not better than WW. Its a little easier too because you dont have to worry about calculating points, just watch the calories and fat intake. The accountability is about the same too! Just stay faithful logging what you eat, eat right and exercise regurlarly. :-)
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I used to do weight watchers before the change and I wanted to join again recently but I can't afford it either! I'm just glad to have found MFP, it's easy, useful, fun and free! If I did join again, I would use it in conjunction with MFP as well. Now your saying the new program is kinda of difficult to follow? How did they change it again? I think if you did quit as long as you stay active here, you would be successful, it's all about focus and putting forth the effort for the goals you want to achieve. Counting calories, counting points, it's all the same isn't it? As far as support goes, there is plenty to go around here, infact, I think ithe support on MFP is better than weight watchers. Good luck!
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I left ages ago. My group leader was an idiot! Didn't have a clue what she was talking about. She could never answer my questions. In the end, I was paying £5.99 per week to get weighed and listen to a load of rubbish. I can get weighed at home and listen to my husband for free! I also don't think that 20 points is enough food!
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I stopped WW! MFP is working such much better for me than WW. I hardly lost weight with WW and what a waste of money when you have something so great like this for free!!:bigsmile:
  • VP72
    VP72 Posts: 89
    If you were happier on the old plan I would leave & continue following the old plan at home.
    I've done WW before, not for years now though cause seem to loose just over 2 stone & then got stuck......
    I have followed it at home using the old information etc before & again lost over a stone, then lost motivation.

    You know how the plan works & how to calculate your points, so there's nothing stopping you from following this diet, without having to pay for the priviledge.

    Good Luck what ever you decide to do!

    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    i did ww years ago and learned some helpful tips but i didn't learn a thing about foods. you learn about points but if you're not following the program 100%, points mean nothing. when you journal your foods like on here, you learn how food is made up, what it contains and how it is broke down. you learn about what you put in your mouth, not a number. one of the things that kept me watching my diet was the weekly weigh in. i had to be accountable to get on the scale in front of someone.....that person does not have to be WW. ask somone at your gym, friend or family member to weigh you in each week. i offered that to my clients when i owned my gym, they loved it. it was free and they had to present themselves in front of someone. it kept a lot of ppl on track. i recommend journaling your foods on here and find the support you need with friends, family, trainer, gym....learn your foods, not your points!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I just left because I couldn't afford it. This works...I've done it before. Add me as a friend.

    i agree, i would rather go zumba twice a week than pay someone to weigh me! plus this website is fab
  • Yeah WW is just a fancy way of counting calories and they take almost £5 a week off you~!!! i used ww, it works, but meh this is free and much better!
  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    I left ages ago. My group leader was an idiot! Didn't have a clue what she was talking about. She could never answer my questions. In the end, I was paying £5.99 per week to get weighed and listen to a load of rubbish. I can get weighed at home and listen to my husband for free! I also don't think that 20 points is enough food!

    HAHAHAHA yessss this made me laugh! :)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    This is helpful. They are about to start WW at Work at my office and I was on the fence. I'd tried it before but was on the fence about paying full price to start it again. Think I'll just stick with MFP. Thanks!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I followed a WW plan once and it worked. I couldn't see the point to all the meetings. I think you'll get what you need here.

    I have ans so far I've dropped 5 lbs
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    I also attended WW and lost and then lost interest and quit!! I love it here!
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