Resisting temptations?

How does everyone resist temptations? I have seen on lots of different posts, when people post about their cravings and things, people say to reach for some fruit or veggies instead of the unhealthy snack that you wanted originally. I am one of those pathetic people that dont really have any self control or will power, i find it really hard to sit there munching on carrot sticks when I really want carrot cake with thick icing. Especially when those around me are eating really nice stuff. is it easy for everyone to just turn down what they really want or are they forcing themselves to eat the healthy option all the time?


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I pack my entire day's food the night before and since i do not have access to "temptations" i do not eat them. Planning keeps me accountable :-) Over time, I have lost my cravings for things too.
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    I agree with AggieCass, planning definitely helps. Clean out your pantry/fridge and find some healthier alternatives. If you're craving carrot cake, maybe try a WW dessert that you can buy premade at many stores. It's not really "healthy", but it's better than a giant slice of the regular stuff.

    There has to come a point where you make the decision between instant and delayed gratification. Is it more important to you to eat whatever you want right now or is it more important to become a healthier version of yourself?
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I honestly feel that you should just have a bit of what you want. For example, if I want a cupcake, I'll just have one because if I don't, I'll consume about three times as many calories in healthy snacks when I should've just had the darned cake!

    There are loads of treat foods that aren't that bad in calories. I think you should have treats because life becomes boring without them!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    You have to just make it a priority. It is not easy and yes alot of times I force myself to choose the healthy option. But it is important to me to finally get this weight off. But I have found that it is easier to find lower calorie substitutes for my favorites. ex I love ice cream but instead I eat skinny cow ice cream sandwiches or weight watchers strawberry smoothie ice cream bars, when I am craving something sweet I eat carmel corn rice cakes or a sucker, when I want to munch on something I choose popcorn. It does get easier over time, but it isnt easy. Good luck on your journey
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    I try not to deprive myself completely. For example, the hubs wanted ice cream last night, and neither of us like the sugar/fat free stuff, that's just NOT icecream. So, he helped himself to a big 'ol bowl (he does not have a weight issue) and I took my own spoon and had two bites, then took my spoon and put it in the dishwasher. I was fine with that. Depriving yourself will not work in the long run. Allow yourself a treat, but make it a MUCH smaller portion of the treat!
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    if you want to cheat, plan it in your calories...that way you won't go too over board, but still get what you want!
  • gustogurl
    gustogurl Posts: 12 Member
    I am horrible at resisting temptations, but am trying to allow myself to have one bite of something if I really want. If I'm at a bday party and out comes the cake, I steal just one bite off of my hubbys plate and usually after that one bite, I fell really guilty and get more motivation than before. If I find that I really need to have more, I let myself have a little slice, and try to work out for an extra half an hour that day. Face it, you can't live life without your favorite foods, its just that you have to take them in moderations. This weekend I worked a bridal gala and didn't eat anything from breakfast til 6:00 in the evening. I figured, since I was on my feet all day with nothing but a handful of almonds and water to keep me going, I could splurge. We went to Fatburger (the name says it all) and I found that when I got there, I didn't want this huge greasy burger, loaded to the limits. I instead opted for the turkey burger (still with cheese and mayo) and I couldn't even eat it all.
  • mfergie889
    I find a healthy alternative and bring it with me....and by healthy, I mean "more healthy". ha

    For example, my boyfriend has terrible, tempting candy at his house. Instead of binging on reeses and ice cream, I will often bring over the darkest chocolate I can find, which satiates you really quickly and is not as bad. Or else, even a chocolatey cereal like special-k with chocolate or chocolate chex. Another example is when I go to the movies I bring a little baggie with pre-measured out chocolate and/or nuts, dried fruit.
  • katiewcurlz
    I also have a hard time resisting food. I keep healthy snacks that contain a bit of chocolate or sugar (my downfalls) at my desk (btw, Special K Granola Bars are yummy with only 90 calories). I also have a bag of dark chocolate Hershey Kisses at home - my absolute favorite. I know this sounds extreme, but my husband literally has them hidden in the house, and I'm allowed to take ONE in my lunch bag every day. Then throughout the day as I resist temptations, like ordering lunch out with coworkers or the break room vending machine, I know I have the Hershey kiss waiting for me! :) It works!

    At some point, I realize I will need to resist the bag of Hershey kisses all by myself. That will be scary day, lol.... :)
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    Let me tell ya, I am so in the same boat. I can plan meals all I want but that doesn't stop me from passing by Burger King, Mcdonalds, Arby's and Wendy's every day on my way home from work when I'm hungry. Honestly it doesn't even matter if I'm hungry, I just want to eat it. It's hard. It is soooooo hard but all you can do is try to push it down. If you can't, and I mean CAN'T, eat a little bit of what you're craving just to kinda satisfy that inner beast screaming at you to eat. Others might disagree with me but that's the only way for me to get through sometimes. Yesterday I was at my father's house and they had a box of brownies that I walked by and stared at for 3 hours before I finally broke down and ate one. It was just consuming me the whole time I was there. So I ate it and when I got home I did an exercise dvd. Sorry this was so long but cravings are my total downfall and I feel for you. Good luck! DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    im glad im not on my own, that really helps. I guess I need to stop emotionally punishing myself if i do go overboard with foods im craving. i think I need to still allow myself the things I want but in smaller portions. I like the idea of using ziploc bags, that way I can still have the treats but not as much as I am limited. I am feeling discouraged as it is and just having a bit of a bad week so all the foods i would run to for comfort are in my mind, when im upset or stressed, the last thing i reach for is a bag or lettuce lol. I will just work harder when I do have the things I want.
  • Brandip714
    My mother lived by the quote "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" She even printed it out on paper and taped it to her refrigerator. This helped her and i am trying to use it as well.
  • Talieowl
    Talieowl Posts: 46 Member
    Here's one trick that may help. Freeze the food you crave in 1/2 portions. Then, when you first have the craving wait for 15 minutes. If you still crave it after 15 minutes, think about the fact that you have to wait to eat it until it thaws. Then, if it's worth the wait, take it out of the freezer and put it somewhere safe to thaw. Then, go for a really fast walk or some other strenuous exercise. By the time it's thawed, you may no longer want it.

    A bite of something now and then or PLANNING for a splurge is not a bad thing. I planned for my birthday dinner and dessert (split with my husband) and ate less the day before and the day of, and even then I tried to make sure that my dinner was balanced for my eating plan (no dairy, low fat/low carb, no red meat--believe me it's not easy). The key is not to allow yourself to go overboard. A bite or two or planning for it (within reason) is not a bad thing. But when we're trying to lose weight, we can't allow ourselves excuses for going overboard.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi miss london.......for me, it really helped to eat berries and fruits......I kinda felt like I was cheating when ever I ate berries, esp blue berries, but they are the best thing for you,

    Go to Sun Harvest, they are on sale this week , they are fressh as well, as they also have the Del Rio grape fruit on sale, for 25 cents a piece............I got used to the fruits, as I used to love love cakes and pies, etc, but again, if you just get used to eating fruit, some day, you will not crave sugars.......

    My tri glyceride sugar was 110 last year..........scarry, really its 89, and the range you want is from 70 to 100.,,,,,,,,,

    Save yourself from diabetes,,,,,,,,,,eat fruit , sugar is bad, really bad. They now are finding medical results in the fact that sugar destroys the liver, that it really puts tons of stress on the liver for it to filter.......thank you Dr Oz

    Try Sun Harvest, its there on 1 10 and Callahan, near the medical center.................its a LOT cheaper than Whole Foods, aka, Whole Paycheck.........................Lloyd
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks guys, I will definately try some of the really good suggestions on here. I really want to hit my mini goal of 10lbs every month, 5lbs to go in January so I need to stop cheating!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Hi miss london.......for me, it really helped to eat berries and fruits......I kinda felt like I was cheating when ever I ate berries, esp blue berries, but they are the best thing for you,

    Go to Sun Harvest, they are on sale this week , they are fressh as well, as they also have the Del Rio grape fruit on sale, for 25 cents a piece............I got used to the fruits, as I used to love love cakes and pies, etc, but again, if you just get used to eating fruit, some day, you will not crave sugars.......

    My tri glyceride sugar was 110 last year..........scarry, really its 89, and the range you want is from 70 to 100.,,,,,,,,,

    Save yourself from diabetes,,,,,,,,,,eat fruit , sugar is bad, really bad. They now are finding medical results in the fact that sugar destroys the liver, that it really puts tons of stress on the liver for it to filter.......thank you Dr Oz

    Try Sun Harvest, its there on 1 10 and Callahan, near the medical center.................its a LOT cheaper than Whole Foods, aka, Whole Paycheck.........................Lloyd

    Congratulations on losing 100lbs, that is awesome!
  • MstarsElizabeth
    MstarsElizabeth Posts: 36 Member
    When I first started MFP, I started looking at food like money and making purchases. If I wanted a new dress, and found one that was $100, I really had to think about what was in my checking account and decide... it's not worth it.

    Food is the same way for me. I'm seeing my weight go down, and I think that pack of swiss rolls isn't worth it. It doesn't fit into my calorie bank.

    On the flip side, I'm a major sweets eater. My husband could eat salty chips all day long, but I would always crave chocolate. So what did I do? I ate chocolate. : ) I just ate smaller portions, and made my own recipes. If I craved brownies, I made them with a sugar free box mix and a diet coke, making them 90 calories a piece. If I want something sweet, I drink a healthy shake or eat some fat free cool whip on top of fruit. Or chew a piece of gum. I found the more I do this, the more I don't crave the sweets. If I go out with friends, I save calories for dinner, or eat a healthy snack before hand so I'm not starving.

    Sparkrecipes is a great app for healthier recipes, especially for a sweet tooth.

    Just think, while all your friends are enjoying chocolate cake, you my friend are looking hot in your smaller size jeans. What's more important, the cake or the smaller size?
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    In addition to what everyone else has said, someone posted a great saying the other day, which I have repeated to myself ever since when I feel like blowing my calories late at night or when someone brings cookies by my desk:

    We all must choose between two "hards": altering our lifestyle, which is hard, or being fat and/or unhealthy--which is definitely hard.

    I look at the sacrifice of not overindulging every day as a worthwhile one, when the alternate----over consuming and gaining weight and feeling sh*tty, is also hard, and a sacrifice of my progress and self esteem.
