Self sabotage.

How can I want something so bad and still manage to sabotage myself so much? Like WTH?! Please, someone help me.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Wow, congratulations on your amazing loss!
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    I was totally ready to pig out on lemon zucchini bread tonight and I was already 23 calories over. So, I put on my walking shoes, some great music and went for a walk.

    Almost the whole time I talked to myself (yeah real sane). I ran through every reason I was doing this. Why this one decision would be one against a dozen why I shouldn't. I am now under calories for the day.

    I figure if you can talk yourself into self sabotage you can talk yourself out of it too.

    It looks like you are doing an amazing job so far by your weight loss. You are an inspiration. You've got this.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Haven't we all done that, on one hand we want to be thinner, but then we do things that make us gain, I guess the thing is to realize what your doing and try to do better, , at least you care. Theres always tommorrow to start fresh, after you get through it, remember its been along holiday weekend, nobodys perfect. Heres to tommorrow.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Awareness of trying to self sabotage is the first step to combating this behavior. This moment, this breath. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    how did you self-sabotage? Be more clear? If all you did was eat "bad" food but were within calories (or even if a bit above), it's fine. I'm eating kettlecorn and had a caramel rice cake with chocolate peanut butter on top 5 minutes ago.but within calories.

    If you binged, try to consider why - are you not eating enough? Are you cutting out too many foods you love? Weight loss should be about enjoying your time and eating what you love, but just a bit less of it. Either way it's probably not going to make a huge difference in your current results/progress.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I was totally ready to pig out on lemon zucchini bread tonight and I was already 23 calories over. So, I put on my walking shoes, some great music and went for a walk.

    Almost the whole time I talked to myself (yeah real sane). I ran through every reason I was doing this. Why this one decision would be one against a dozen why I shouldn't. I am now under calories for the day.

    I figure if you can talk yourself into self sabotage you can talk yourself out of it too.

    It looks like you are doing an amazing job so far by your weight loss. You are an inspiration. You've got this.
    Lol, this.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It's because deep down you don't believe you deserve it.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    I did in fact binge, for quite a few days. I'd finally made it to a one hundred pound loss and then I threw it away. I want to be fitter not fatter.

    I realize today is a new day, I just don't like having that attitude for too many days in a row. It gets old real fast.

    Maybe you're right...I do have to talk myself into a binge, so maybe I'll have to work on doing the opposite. Maybe I should write down all the reasons I am doing this as a reminder for motivation.

    Hmmm, EVERY TIME I hit a new low I do this. I don't get it. Maybe I do think I don't deserve it. I know I never imagined I would get this far, it's almost hard to believe I did this (with help). I don't know, I'm all over the place here. I'm all confused. TavistockToad, I think you may have opened a can of worms.
  • JDownie91
    JDownie91 Posts: 78 Member
    Maybe you're right...I do have to talk myself into a binge, so maybe I'll have to work on doing the opposite. Maybe I should write down all the reasons I am doing this as a reminder for motivation.

    Hmmm, EVERY TIME I hit a new low I do this. I don't get it. Maybe I do think I don't deserve it. I know I never imagined I would get this far, it's almost hard to believe I did this (with help). I don't know, I'm all over the place here. I'm all confused. TavistockToad, I think you may have opened a can of worms.

    I do the same thing- hit a low, then shoot up. Its like I think, "I've accomplished it" but in reality I'm just a half a pound lower than my current PR. It is a rough roller coaster to ride. I'm going to try what you mentioned here- writing down the reasons when losing motivation or being tempted to stray.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Your profile pic and pounds lost are inspirational enough to be in the success stories tab. Just look how far you've come! I would love to have made real progress like that. Don't beat yourself up over a few bad days.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I know what you mean. I don't really feel I deserve it, half the time I don't believe I have lost any weight. I went clothes shopping yesterday and at first I grabbed sizes that were too big for me because I don't quite get it. If anything bad happens in my life (minor or major) the first thing I think of is eating something I should not eat. This is my goto for any problem. Its crazy but its true. I have also been spending alot of time talking to myself, thinking about how far I have come, all the work involved and how I don't want to regain anything (like I always have before). So yeah its not easy.I think taking it one day at a time like AA and focus on eating the right things 'today' is a good way. I'm open to any other suggestions myself.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    Please, try to be a bit kinder to yourself. It sounds cheesy, but it's true - angels fly because they take themselves lightly.

    My philosophy in joining MFP is to treat my weight loss like a game. I haven't done as well as you. Yet. Just you wait!

    If you really do want to know why you overeat when you've hit a new low, there is no shame in talking to a therapist. But really, it doesn't matter if you stop eating right for a couple of days. Acknowledge you did it, and move on, back to living the way you do now. It's OK to have a wobble from the path you've chosen sometimes.
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    I know what you mean. I don't really feel I deserve it, half the time I don't believe I have lost any weight. I went clothes shopping yesterday and at first I grabbed sizes that were too big for me because I don't quite get it. If anything bad happens in my life (minor or major) the first thing I think of is eating something I should not eat. This is my goto for any problem. Its crazy but its true. I have also been spending alot of time talking to myself, thinking about how far I have come, all the work involved and how I don't want to regain anything (like I always have before). So yeah its not easy.I think taking it one day at a time like AA and focus on eating the right things 'today' is a good way. I'm open to any other suggestions myself.

    ^^^ This x 100.
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    I did in fact binge, for quite a few days. I'd finally made it to a one hundred pound loss and then I threw it away. I want to be fitter not fatter.

    I realize today is a new day, I just don't like having that attitude for too many days in a row. It gets old real fast.

    Maybe you're right...I do have to talk myself into a binge, so maybe I'll have to work on doing the opposite. Maybe I should write down all the reasons I am doing this as a reminder for motivation.

    Hmmm, EVERY TIME I hit a new low I do this. I don't get it. Maybe I do think I don't deserve it. I know I never imagined I would get this far, it's almost hard to believe I did this (with help). I don't know, I'm all over the place here. I'm all confused. TavistockToad, I think you may have opened a can of worms.

    Fear of achieving our goals is just as hard to deal with as fear of not achieving them. Before it goes too far down the wrong path maybe find someone to talk to about it. It looks like you have come so far already. Good job and Good Luck.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    For one, I imagine at least some of those gained Ibs will drop off pretty quickly once you get back on track.
    For two, as long as the overall trend is down, I would not stress too much. I think all of us experience phases in life where we have a few days, or even a few weeks, of overeating or binge eating, before getting back to our new normal. Stressing over it can lead to more binges, whereas shrugging it off, accepting it as part of the journey, and life in general, while easing back to your old routine is a much more positive approach.
  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    We all go through this and I don't think any of us understand it. I have been losing weight pretty quickly and I know it's happening, but when I tried on the pair of pants I thought I should finally fit in this week there was no change in how tight they were. I was VERY angry and felt like all the hard work that I've been putting in didn't do any good so I went on a binge (yeah, makes sense right?). I KNOW full well that I lose weight in my hips and butt only after everything else on my body is gone. It's just so frustrating and I think that I just wanted instant happiness from food since I didn't get any happiness from how the pants fit. =(
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    I am definitely going to talk to a professional about this and yes I agree, there's no point on being too disappointed. I guess it's time to move on. My guilt does get the best of me (probably far too often).

    The idea of making this a game may work... I have to think on that one.

    I'm trying so hard to make sure I can live this way forever (I refuse to gain back the weight) that I guess I forget it's normal to have set backs. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I know that can be a big downfall.

    Yup, I am one of those people who like immediate gratification...It seems like the weight can come back on just by smelling food but takes a painfully long time to get back off. I guess I get so discouraged at times like this and then I feel like my hard work has been for nothing. It's a bit tiring.

    I am writing down why I started this journey in the first place but because I have succeeded with much of that list, I think I need to find new motivation...find a new goal.
  • GeorgieS1983
    Firstly congratulations on an amazing loss. You are doing an amazing job and you should be very proud of yourself. I hope you are also feeling amazing on the inside. I have just started out on my journey "again". I have lost a lot of focus on myself after letting life take over, study, work, new relationship, winter (I'm in Australia). Downloaded the app and am already loving it. The day before I started I had a self-sabotage day, I just ate so much junk and it's like I don't even register I'm doing it, or even really care. I think sometimes it's easy to get in your head oh I'll start again tomorrow etc. I think one thing for me was, even though I downloaded the app after I had had a bad eating day, I actually decided to enter all the bad food I had eaten into that day to make myself accountable. Lets just say I didn't like the little message it told me about how much I'd weigh in 5 weeks if I continued to eat like that everyday :-(.

    Self-sabotage is like short term gain for long term pain, although you think it's good at the time, in the long term it's not. I am trying to learn to switch it around to short term pain for long term gain, like better health, more energy, clothes shopping, feeling good on the inside. These things don't happen overnight, and I strongly believe overeating derives from childhood habits, self-worth and whether we think we deserve to look and feel good. I am an emotional eater, I let stress, event organising, study procrastination and other things get to me. It's a vicious circle really.

    The good thing about life is, we have choices and we can choose what we put in our bodies, it's never going to be "easy" there will always be people who have to watch everything they eat and workout harder and there will always be people who can get away with eating whatever they wish without gaining any weight. Keep on your amazing journey, every single day is a day of opportunity, make sure you log your food even on a day you think is a bad day. Be accountable and acknowledge you can make the next day better than the last.

    Ps be kind to yourself :-)
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    It's human nature according to the Bible, and I suffer from this problem too :smile:

    I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Romans 7:15
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    It's because deep down you don't believe you deserve it.

    TT - this is by far the best description I have seen :flowerforyou: