Dizzy/Low Blood Pressure When Dieting

Hi, Is anyone else having trouble with getting dizzy when they stand up because they are dieting? I believe this is called orthostatic hypotension.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It could be the dieting and it could be something else. You should see your doctor.

    If you aren't eating enough, eat a bit more (and make sure you're drinking, too) until you see the doctor.
  • fatasfack
    fatasfack Posts: 77 Member
    It could be the dieting and it could be something else. You should see your doctor.

    If you aren't eating enough, eat a bit more (and make sure you're drinking, too) until you see the doctor.

    Thanks, that's good advice. Being a man, I try to avoid the doctor at all costs, but it couldn't hurt.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Haha. Being a human who tries to avoid medical interventions unless absolutely necessary I also avoid the dr. However I just went to see her the other day for this exact issue. You should definitely go see YOURS because it could be a symptom of something more serious. Mine said it could be dehydration or because I have slightly low blood pressure. I doubt the latter because it was no lower than it's been in the past! Try drinking more. My doc had me do a bunch of blood tests. Everything came back normal so no conclusion here! My trainer also said dehydration. I notice it more when really hot and/or exercising so very well could be.
  • fatasfack
    fatasfack Posts: 77 Member
    Haha. Being a human who tries to avoid medical interventions unless absolutely necessary I also avoid the dr. However I just went to see her the other day for this exact issue. You should definitely go see YOURS because it could be a symptom of something more serious. Mine said it could be dehydration or because I have slightly low blood pressure. I doubt the latter because it was no lower than it's been in the past! Try drinking more. My doc had me do a bunch of blood tests. Everything came back normal so no conclusion here! My trainer also said dehydration. I notice it more when really hot and/or exercising so very well could be.

    Thanks, that's good advice. Anytime I've gone to the doctor in the past for an issue, he's run a bunch of expensive blood tests and it turned out that I was fine. It's probably dehydration from not eating enough, as food also contains water. I'll definitely try drinking more.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    I assume you already googled it, but I got curious, and this Mayo clinic article has lots of good info: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/orthostatic-hypotension/basics/definition/con-20031255
  • fatasfack
    fatasfack Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for this. This is definitely what I'm experiencing. I'm just not sure what's causing it. I'll let you know if I die. Thanks again.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    LOL. Thank you, that's very thoughtful.