I miss my MFP family.

So I know I haven't been around. Jerimyah was sick and now I'm sick. I'm happy that he's gettin better but dang how come I got sick?! So I'm doped up on Theraflu and motrin. Hopefully I'm better soon. I def miss you guys. I got an interview tomorrow so please pray I don't sneeze on my new to be bosses. haha My guy asked me if I was preggs, so I had to explain to him I wouldn't be sneezing, that's a different kind of sick. Men! :ohwell: Then I come to find out that my car needs a new engine, this is after I've just put another 4k worth of work into it. So I'm now looking for a brand new car (my first brand new car, I've always had used :bigsmile:), but who wants to buy a new car with the way gas prices are? None of todays 2008 or 2009 models have good gas except hybrids and I'm so to cityish to be drivin a hybrid. :laugh: So hopefully God will lead me to choosing the right car for me and my lil man. Okay I'm goin to stuff somethin in my tummy.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I found the best guy in the whole world! Gah I'm not a relationship type of chick. I'ma hit it and go girlie, but this wonderful man makes me want to stay around for some more. I sound horrible and last night he told me I'm sexy to him no matter how I sound! :smooched: Gosh, I haven't felt this way in a long time. Jermanda brought out the hopeless romantic in me! Thanks you two!

Love you all! Good Luck and Welcome to the new members!

:heart: :flowerforyou:


  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    So I know I haven't been around. Jerimyah was sick and now I'm sick. I'm happy that he's gettin better but dang how come I got sick?! So I'm doped up on Theraflu and motrin. Hopefully I'm better soon. I def miss you guys. I got an interview tomorrow so please pray I don't sneeze on my new to be bosses. haha My guy asked me if I was preggs, so I had to explain to him I wouldn't be sneezing, that's a different kind of sick. Men! :ohwell: Then I come to find out that my car needs a new engine, this is after I've just put another 4k worth of work into it. So I'm now looking for a brand new car (my first brand new car, I've always had used :bigsmile:), but who wants to buy a new car with the way gas prices are? None of todays 2008 or 2009 models have good gas except hybrids and I'm so to cityish to be drivin a hybrid. :laugh: So hopefully God will lead me to choosing the right car for me and my lil man. Okay I'm goin to stuff somethin in my tummy.

    Oh and I forgot to mention, I found the best guy in the whole world! Gah I'm not a relationship type of chick. I'ma hit it and go girlie, but this wonderful man makes me want to stay around for some more. I sound horrible and last night he told me I'm sexy to him no matter how I sound! :smooched: Gosh, I haven't felt this way in a long time. Jermanda brought out the hopeless romantic in me! Thanks you two!

    Love you all! Good Luck and Welcome to the new members!

    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

    Wow.....such good news and bad news all rolled into one.:happy: :frown:

    I hope you and that lil gut get to feelin' better. I've had on/off migraines for three weeks now so I feel your pain, sweetie. You take care of yourself...you hear?

    WOO HOO....for finding a great guy! He sounds like a real sweetheart. He better be or Soupy will come over there and take out his kneecaps....LOL. j/k

    A new car? Good for you, girl! You deserve it! Have you looked into Hondas?:love: I have a 07' Civic SI(non-hybrid) that gets phenomenal gas mileage. It's pretty sweet. I'm a diehard Honda fan...could you tell?:laugh:

    Good luck with your job interview. Make sure you have a tissue handy!:bigsmile:

    Big hugs and lots of prayer coming your way.:heart:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I hope you feel better soon girl!!! and good luck at your interview!!! and woot woot for great men!!! haha

  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    :laugh: Soup he's not to far from you to hurt, he's in Cleveland. So feel free! I'd let you know! Thanks for the prayers and well wishes for Jerimyah and me.

    I didn't look into the Hondas, I've never been a Honda, girl, I'll have to check them out. Do they have v6s? Cause I like big things.... I meant engines! (yeh right) :laugh:

    I had to come back on to log my last snacks and stuffs. I'm goin to drink a Theraflu night time in bout an hour and call it a nite. Love you all! :flowerforyou:
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    Hey there Crystalbella...

    Sorry you are :sick: ..... :happy: you miss us!

    Feel better soon...we miss you too! :wink:

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Crys! I have been thinking about you! Wondering where you were!

    I am sorry you guys are sick! I will definitely pray that you feel better soon.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good luck with the car buying! And BEST of luck for your job interview!!! :drinker:

    And I am so happy you have found a great guy! You SO deserve it and more!! And you are one sexayyyy mama, that's for sure!!:smokin: :smokin:

    Take care!! Talk to you soon girl!:heart::heart:

  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    Awwe feel better soon (you and your little guy) and lots of love and luck at your interview tomorrow :)

    and ooh congrats on the new man -- sounds fab! :D

    GET WELL SOON :heart:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Heya beautiful, hugz to you and the little guy! And congrats on the new big guy as well, you deserve to be happy gurl! And what a bag of life you've been handling, huh? Seems that God manages to give us all just enough to make us grow, in the directions we didn't want to, to become better people. You hang in hun, and try to not sneeze too much at the interview, I know you'll be grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8!

  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    Jermanda brought out the hopeless romantic in me! Thanks you two!

    Love you all! Good Luck and Welcome to the new members!

    :heart: :flowerforyou:

    ROFL!! We love you, too, Crys... I'm glad to hear things are going well in the romance department.. glad our sappiness could help :laugh: :laugh:

  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Hey there pretty girl!!!

    I hope you're feeling better today and that your sweet baby J is too!!!!:heart:

    best to you on the interview...if they have any good sense they'll scoop you up!!

    AND as far as the MAN goes...MORE DETAILS BOO!!! when you're better that is! {giggle}

    hugs and :heart:
    :drinker: < more theraflu!