Help my tummy won't go flat

Hi, am 23 I weigh around 145,I have lost more than 10 pounds (and am still losing,my goal is 135) but my tummy looks the same, its a little bit depressing, I was told that I can't tell my body where to lose but I was hoping that some fat will go off in my tummy, is there something am not doing right?


  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    Patience. Just loose body fat everywhere and eventually you will lose belly fay. Patience is the thing!
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    Firstly welcome to MFP. Secondly you are already doing the right things losing weight is one, eating healtyh nutritious food is another and drinking plenty of water. All this coupled with regular exercise will get you to your goal.

    Between the process above and you getting to your goal, you need lots of patience and determination to keep you going, its not a quick fix its a lifestyle change that your body needs to get used to.

    Feel free to add me for support.
  • chsa22
    chsa22 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, that's great that you've lost weight! Not sure what exercises you regularly do or enjoy, but for myself, I see more definition in my waist when I do pilates. And planks (as many variations as you can do) work wonders too! My stomach still has a trusty layer of fat on it, :) but these things make a difference. So coupled with your healthy eating, etc, you'll get there. Good luck!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how tall are you? what exercise are you doing?
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    Even with quite a low body fat percentage a little roundness to the tummy is pretty normal, and attractive, I think.
  • fireoil
    salmon and vitamin C. Vitamin C helps regulate progesterone and salmon has been shown to thin mice.. oh.. and take up kayaking. :))
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Just wear bigger knickers ;-)
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    "Is there something I'm not doing right"?

    Yes. Not being patient...
  • kelvinbatson
    Order a free trial bottle of T Rex Muscle from There is no side effects of T Rex Muscle. It will definitely help you.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    My tummy is the LAST place where I noticed a difference, you just have to be patient. It comes off in different places on different people. Exercise did help, but it was still the last place.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    "Is there something I'm not doing right"?

    Yes. Not being patient...

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Order a free trial bottle of T Rex Muscle from There is no side effects of T Rex Muscle. It will definitely help you.

    Or just sleep on your stomach for free
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Really the only way to change that is with diet namely reducing the amount of sugar you are eating. Some people just hold more there, I'm one so I know your pain. I would have to go completely sugar and carb free to ever even dream of having a flat stomach.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    salmon and vitamin C. Vitamin C helps regulate progesterone and salmon has been shown to thin mice.. oh.. and take up kayaking. :))

    This is very interesting...I've recently started taking a high quality vitamin C supplement along with getting plenty in my diet to help with allergies. I'll be interested to see if this helps my belly fat as well...I could always eat more salmon. Another thing I've noticed as far as excersize that slims the stomach is bikram yoga (with all the ab wall compression postures) and rebounding. Both help move the visceral fat and tone the abs.
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    Measure your tummy every few weeks. It may be slimming along with the rest of your body. :)
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Measure your tummy every few weeks. It may be slimming along with the rest of your body. :)


    I thought I was stagnant, too, til I started measuring...and not just around myself, but also from my breast bone to my pubic bone (like when they measure your belly when you are pregnant)...and I am getting smaller...its just coming off all over, so I don't really notice my shape changing much looking at myself, but its encouraging to see the inches coming off.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    unfortunately it's normal to lose belly fat last. i've lost over 80 pounds - i've lost 7 inches in the waist, 8 inches around my chest, my thighs and calves are thinner, but around my belly i've only lost 2 inches.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    What exercise and fitness are you doing? I do yoga and weight-lifting and have a trim stomach unless I eat too much and drink too much fizzy pop.
  • SHHitsKaty
    If you're anything like me, the last place you'll see weight loss is in your stomach. Although, I've never had much of a gut, I did have a little bit of a beer gut for awhile and it was the last thing to go.
  • freshiefitness
    The problem here would be to do more fat reducing exercises, like crunches or planking, and try to improve your posture. Staying away from salty foods causes less water retention, and hormones can also make you bloated. Try to also pull up pants and things like that up higher so they reach about an inch or two under your belly button, this works wonders to hold in your stomach (this is a temporary fix though). Lastly, if you're building muscle on your stomach, the layer of fat will burn soon enough, it's more about patience.