Easy vegan (vegetarian) crock pot recipes?

I'm looking for some easy vegan (vegetarian) crock pot (slow cooker) recipes considering the following:

- I'm single and don't like cooking

- I would like something I could prepare to last for a week whether it be for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all 3

- want meals that are tasty but with as few ingredients as possible, though I like different spices

- I want to spend minimum preparation time - chopping, measuring, mincing, pre-cooked ingredients, etc.

- I want meals high in protein (I'm involved in strength training)

- I like tofu and quinoa

- All ingredients should be natural, nothing processed or artificial

- I prefer vegan (not quite there yet) recipes, but will try vegetarian recipes also

I know this may be asking a lot and I realize I may have to compromise on a few items above, but I'm sure there are some recipes out there that will at least meet me half way. If you don't have personal recipes, I'm open to see links to related web sites, Pinterest boards, etc.

I am aware there are already other related topics on MFP but I'm looking for recipes more specific to veganism (or vegetarianism) and simpler to make.

Thanks in advance.


  • GeekMeg
    Try Kindneybeans curry in Indian style.

    Its low in calorie , quick and I think tastes nice.

    You can eat it with brown rice and yogurt .
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Look at Oh She Glows - she has a lot of great recipes and they are plant based.
  • gcarterIT
    gcarterIT Posts: 20 Member
    Try Kindneybeans curry in Indian style.

    Its low in calorie , quick and I think tastes nice.

    You can eat it with brown rice and yogurt .

    Thanks I love curry and Indian style cuisine. I'll look it up and give it a try. Can brown rice be cooked in a crock pot, with the beans?
  • gcarterIT
    gcarterIT Posts: 20 Member
    Look at Oh She Glows - she has a lot of great recipes and they are plant based.

    Thanks, I'll definitely take a look.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I don't have a recipe for you but I like to cook a whole pound of garbanzos in my slow cooker. Then you can use them for a bunch of things like hummus, roast them, veg burgers, toss them in soups or salads, and even freeze them for later.
    I soak overnight with salt then put in clow cooker with water or broth, s&p, garlic and whatever other aromatics I'm feeling.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    i would be making stews and chilis....I've always wondered how tofu would fair in the crock pot...maybe if you start it off as frozen? I think it would be okay because it would soak it all up....i plan on crock potting it a lot this fall.
  • GeekMeg
    No it can not be , but not to worry I can tell you one more dish.

    Cook rice and Lentils together with spices in Indian Style in pot , it very low in calorie, digestive and quick .
    For me it is delicious as well.

    Search for it " Khichdi".

    Besides this, Why not eat couscous salad with chickpeas and cucumber ; Its beauty. You can make in advance and eat for two days.

    Good Luck!

    P.S. There is so many vegetarian Indian cuisine , they are low in calorie (if you use right ingredients) and very delicious in taste.
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    The only thing I really use my crockpot for is veggie chili. I don't have a real recipe (though I'm sure there are many out there). I usually put in 2-3 cans of beans (black, red, white, whatever, I'll use a can that has chili seasoning if I have it), tomatos (fresh or canned), peppers, onion, a little garlic, salsa if i've got leftover in the fridge.... taco seasoning. And if I've got other stuff around I'll throw that in too (spinach, corn, carrots, tempeh, etc.). It always tastes pretty good, it's high in protein and it's easy.

    I've also made it before by adding pumpkin or sweet potato if you want something different, it's really good this way!

    i haven't tried it yet, but i've seen on pinterest before some 1 pot dishes where you cook the pasta, veggies, everything all together in one pot. Might be worth checking out!
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 153 Member
    For breakfast, you could do steel cut oats. I really like to do it this way and then they are ready for a week (or I throw some in a freezer for later). This is my fave recipe - a bit high in sugar, but so so yummy!

    from: http://www.theyummylife.com/Slow_Cooker_Apple_Cinnamon_Oatmeal

    2 apples, peeled, cored, cut into 1/2-inch pieces (2-1/2 to 3 cups chopped)
    1-1/2 cups fat-free milk (or substitute non-diary alternative like almond milk)
    1-1/2 cups water
    1 cup uncooked steel-cut oats
    2 tablespoons brown sugar (or substitute maple syrup or other desired sweetener)
    1-1/2 tablespoons butter, cut into 5-6 pieces (optional)
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1 tablespoon ground flax seed
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    Optional garnishes: chopped nuts, raisins, maple syrup, additional milk or butter


    Coat inside of 3-1/2 quart (or larger) slow cooker with cooking spray. Add all ingredients (except optional toppings) to slow cooker. Stir, cover, and cook on low for approx. 7 hours (slow cooker times can vary). Spoon oatmeal into bowls; add optional toppings, if desired. Store leftovers in refrigerator. Freezes well.

    To reheat single servings: Put 1-cup cooked oatmeal in microwave proof bowl. Add 1/3 cup fat-free milk. Microwave on high for 1 minute; stir. Continue cooking for another minute, or until hot.

    Nutritional Info (per 3/4 cup serving): 149 calories, 3.6g fat, 27.3g carbs, 3.9g fiber, 4.9g protein.
  • kwvogel
    kwvogel Posts: 10 Member
    If you like Indian, I've had good luck with recipes in "The Indian Slow Cooker: 50 Healthy, Easy, Authentic Recipes" by Anupy Singla. Many of these are vegan or can be adapted pretty easily.

    In contrast, I did not like any from "150 Best Indian, Thai, Vietnamese and More Slow Cooker Recipes" by Sunil Vijayakar.

    There's probably a million you can find online, but the ones in the 1st book are pretty simple, without too many hard-to-find spices (you can even find Garam Masala in most "regular" grocery stores).
  • lrichelle
    lrichelle Posts: 54 Member
    Try vegweb.com. It's a vegan recipe site and they have a category for Slow Cooker recipes.