Fitbit Accuracy

I have been wearing a smarthealth HR monitor (its a watch style one) for a couple of months now but it has recently stopped on me. Instead of buying a new one I went with the fitbit zip. I'm noticing that my FB zip is calculating a similar number of steps but a much larger number of calories burned. Is it accurate? I don't which device is giving me a more accurate number?



  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I'm not sure how your HR monitor works, but fitbit is calculating ALL your calories burned throughout the day. If you go for a run, it is not just adding up the extra calories burned from that run but rather is taking into account the calories you burn just existing during that time. so over the course of the day, the fitbit should give you your TDEE for that day and account for whether you are active or not. My fitbit gives me a BMR of 1400 and a TDEE anywhere from 2100-2500 depending on my activity level. this aligns with calculators I've used so I'm inclined to believe it is accurate.

    Make sure that you do not "double" log your step based exercises too!
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    I also have a zip, and was previously using a device that only gave me cal burned for the number of steps taken. The zip estimates caloreis burned based on your BMR- or basil metabolic rate. Basicly the number of cal you burn just by being alive.
  • hila_13
    hila_13 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks. I think my previous monitor may have been undercaluclating.

    If my fitbit gives me a BMR of 1294 and I am walking 2-3 hours a day, but sitting or sleeping most of the rest of the time, what might a reasonable daily calorie burn be?