Yet another need freinds post

I am super new to MFP (like as of today) am just starting out and learning how to use the site! Need freinds for motivation and support- I KNOW I cant/wont do it on my own

Have about 50 lbs to lose- I think. I am just lookin to be in a healthy BMI. I am super enthusiastic right now but know it wont last forever- hopin havin freinds will help keep the ball rollin!


  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
  • BW4469
    Hiya, I'm in the same boat - just joined today. I can totally relate to the whole not being able to do it alone and being super enthusiastic right now, but know it may not last... so, i'm more than happy to join you on the journey so we can keep that enthusiasm going this time!! :) my only thing is i don't know how to add people yet :-/
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! Let's do this... I am trying to walk 3mi/day... :smile:
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    You can add me ! I am not so new to MFP but am on everyday and love to motivate others as well as recieve motivation!