15 Days In - Have Not Lost Any Weight

Hi All!

I am 5'6"
38 years old
My goal is to lose 20lbs
@ 1lb per week.
@1400 calories per day

I am 15 days in and have not lost any weight.. not an ounce. I have been following the app
very strictly. With a small slip up of a few glasses of wine one night. :)

I have my exercise set to sedentary, because I have a desk job till 3pm. But after
that, I am active as a mom… you know the drill. Cleaning, cooking, running around, etc.

I am starting to work in exercise (baby steps) such as swimming and light yoga. Nothing
that will burn TONS of calories, but it's a start.

I am not totally discouraged, because I feel great. But am hoping for some advise, encouragement, or
similar stories to help keep me on track.

Thanks SO much!!!!


  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Since you don't have that much to lose, maybe drop it to 1200 calories a day. And remember to drink tons of water!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    After 35, I found it took at least 2 weeks of living perfect to see scale movement. Keep doing the right things. Warning: I also found that I have to exercise like a maniac. Just chasing the kids doesn't do it for me. I need 30 minutes of real cardio daily, and weights help, too.

    Good luck!
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    Sounds to me your over-eating and eating to maintain.

    Do you weigh and measure all your food? Weigh food, measure liquid?

    Your diary is closed so cannot review.
  • toothfairy79
    toothfairy79 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't think eating 1400 calories/ day is eating too much.. but I agree with the importance to mesure and weigh the foods and drinks. I am 34 and find that it takes longer to see a change as oppose to when I was 25.. Keep up the spirit.. Yoga and swimming are great exercise.. the importance is that you do something and most importantly that you like what you do! Good luck:)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Since you don't have that much to lose, maybe drop it to 1200 calories a day. And remember to drink tons of water!


    Don't just automatically cut anything.

    OP, it takes weeks for the body to adjust to changes to your diet. If you're weighing your food accurately, logging everything, and still don't see any changes after six weeks.. then you know what your maintenance calories / TDEE is. At that point, cut a minimal amount and start the process again.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I wouldn't drop your calories to 1200. You'll starve. Give it another 2 weeks. Sometimes it takes a while. Also, might help to measure and see if you lost any inches. Weight is not the only measurement that matters, especially if you feel good.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Since you don't have that much to lose, maybe drop it to 1200 calories a day. And remember to drink tons of water!

    No. Because then when you need to drop the last bit, you don't have anywhere else to go but down further. Not a good plan.
  • Hard to say without having access to your diary, but I echo most of the posts here that you need to be a bit more patient. My body takes around 2 weeks to show any changes I've made, good or bad.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Our bodies react differently to different foods as well. Besides watching your calories, see if you are intaking too much sodium. Perhaps there is some water retention here? Two weeks isn't too long in the whole scheme of things so just stay with the program like it sounds like you are and no eyeballing it with food...especially when just starting out. Logging every crumb that is put into your mouth is important even if you don't think it is a lot of calories (i.e. the last bite of your kid's dinner, etc.).

    Good luck, and stay the course! You can do this! :happy:
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    You need more than 2 weeks to be sure you're not seeing progress. As a woman, I find it's always best to go through one complete menstrual cycle before coming to any conclusions about results from any changes in my regimen, because I have a very clear cyclical pattern relating to my cycle. If it were me, those 2 weeks could just have started at the point of my water retention phase of the month. (And FWIW, I don't seem to retain water at the same point that I'm "supposed" to, so don't be too sure you know what your individual pattern is based on pure logic!)

    Also, if you're just starting out, it takes your bowels a little time to get used to changes in your diet (less food overall, possibly more fiber). You could simply be retaining a bit of intestinal bulk + water and that'll probably clear up and normalize shortly too.
  • Don't fret, sometimes it take a bit for the momentum to get going. Double check what you are eating. I know as a Mom its easy for me to sabotage my calorie count by having a bit of everything the kids are eating. A few goldfish here, eating their last few bits of food because I don't want to throw it away, "tasteing" the food as I am cooking. Also "eyeballing" measures gets me too. I do better when I measure everything with measuring cups and a cheap food scale from Wal-Mart. Also you might want to try some easy exercise...take the kids for a walk each night, every little bit adds up.

    You got this!
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Please answer these questions:

    Do you have a food scale?
    Are you weighing and measuring everything you consume?

    Also some of the food items in the database are not accurate. (for instance if it says a slice of peperoni pizza is 40 calories and another listing is 280 calories........280 is the correct one..
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    do hot yoga you will lose weight lol also add some strengthening exercises like do 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, Hip Bridge etc. Whenever you think about a cookie or soda stop and do something. Workout your butt and legs to increase you metabolism.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Patience and accurate logging should get you where you want to be. Did you log those "slip ups"? Do you use a food scale? Log everything you eat? If you eat back exercise calories are you logging those accurately?
  • mareacuda
    mareacuda Posts: 26 Member
    I have been almost 25 days and lost nothing. I have my calories set at 1200 and have rarely gone over... I originally set it at 1600 but lowered after 10 days of no loss. My kicker is that I am 6' tall and 270 lbs so according to everyone, the weight should be coming off as my deficit is over 1000 calories per day.. it's just not. Everyone told me to buy a food scale, so I did that, but I can say with 100% honesty that I was not/am not eating over my calories. I feel better, so I am just focusing on that at the moment.
  • djnanners
    djnanners Posts: 2 Member
    Maintain heart rate by doing cardio or Circuit training for 20 minutes (where you add weights and cardio intermittently) might help. Even if you can get it in 3 days a week... to start with. Then you can add more time to your workouts per week as it fits your schedule
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    i found that without a digital food scale I was overestimating just about everything I ate. If you don't have one, get one. I didn't really see changes until I bought mine. Best money I ever spent.
  • 55044TeamJoy
    55044TeamJoy Posts: 134 Member
    Are you taking body measurements too? Are you weighing yourself at the same time of the day?