Nerdy Friends



  • did someone say anime? fantasy?? 0_o

    That would be me sir!!

    -Thundercats lover
    - Sailor Moon is my best friend
    -I am a Disney character
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Didn't read through the whole thread, but the forum at might be right up your alley as well.
  • taylorizal
    taylorizal Posts: 25 Member
    I am obsessed with all things Marvel, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Supernatural, The Sims and Charlotte Bronte! I just got hooked on Sherlock also. Please add me!
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    Let us all retire to the nerdery! :D

    Quite right, quite right.

    Pip pip, did anyone bring the tea? I say!

    1 lump or 2?
  • breanaka
    breanaka Posts: 3 Member
    Love me some Doctor Who, video gaming, and Magic The Gathering, among other things. :)
  • Chls122
    Chls122 Posts: 22 Member
    Fellow nerd here. Add me! I have been solo flying this for a few years and I have lost and gained, but I feel I could lose and keep it off with the extra bump in motivation of buddies! Especially buddies that have the same interests! :smile:
  • Helen_free
    Helen_free Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know if I'm a nerd or not, but I enjoy video gaming a lot. I was a bit addicted to dota once!:D and I love reading books very much. I spent most of my life reading. Add me if u like. :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Not sure if its been these kind of threads or not but it has inspired me to do a throw back to my old reading lists...

    currently reading A Wizerd of Earth Sea and the second book in the Thomas Covenant Chronicles...both stories I enjoyed many moons ago.
  • sarvalfon
    sarvalfon Posts: 53 Member
    All the nerds! I'm in! Add away!
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Nerds FTW!
  • bananafannah
    bananafannah Posts: 194 Member
    I thought I was nerdy, until I came to this thread. Now, after reading approximately 2 and a half pages, in no particular order, (I jumped around a bit for a wide sampling) I feel I'm not hardcore enough to be accepted into your pack.

    But, if almost nerd is kind of your thing, here I am. I like books, and superheros, and stuff.
  • Solve for i in terms of u:

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
  • I consider myself nerdy and crazy :) I am Christy, nice to meet you all.
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
  • Choboman
    Choboman Posts: 41 Member
    Another nerd here. Add me if you want.

    I read a LOT of SciFi/Fantasy, and am into computer games (mostly TBS and RTS). Used to roleplay a bunch of Shadowrun, but the group fell apart.
  • Anyone can add me as well
  • Pretty nerdy, right here!
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    I am that guy that resurrects old threads because he loves fellow nerds and geeks. Plus I need to save this for later to find all my new friends....
  • Tea_Mistress
    Tea_Mistress Posts: 105 Member
    The only girl brought up in a house of nerdy older brothers who made it their mission to turn me into a gaming god.
    LoL Diamond division - Feel free to add me on here or in game (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
    - I enjoy many animes also :)
    - I'm also just going to leave this here:
    - ppifet2jicb8.jpg
  • I'd love to have some nerd/geek-MFP-friends too! Feel free to add me! :)