fluctuation in weight measures, guide please!

Hello! I have 2 questions..
1) I checked my weight a week ago and it was 61 Kgs. A week later i.e. today I checked it again and found it to be 63 Kgs. What could be the cause? I have lost 7 pounds so far (in 2 months which is very slow and kinda depressing)
2) With a calorie diet of 1200, how many calories one has to burn in order to start losing AGAIN?


  • nabiaali
    By the way, my resting metabolic requirement lies somewhere between 2100-1800 cal per day (accordin' to some calculator provided on internet)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    #1 - water weight fluctuation, TOM, sodium, etc.
    #2 - a 1200 calorie diet is REALLY low for most people. I take it you mean your TDEE is 2100-1800? If so, 1200 is creating a huge deficit.

    Check out this post. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • una2282
    una2282 Posts: 48 Member
    Your weight can fluctuates and i wouldn't worry too much about it.

    The other thing could be that 1200 is too few cal for you to be consuming, you might be one of those people who simply needs more in order to lose. Your metabolism can slow down. Are you eating multiple meals throughout the day? What about your exercise routine? Is it always the same?
    Is it "that time" of the month? Water gain can come in quick like that as well. :-)
  • nabiaali
    And how about how many cal one has to burn.. I meant me... should burn in order to start losing again?