30lbs to lose? 5'2 and 26 years old


I'm looking for some weight loss buddies with similar goals and stats? I know there has to be someone out there! x


  • photojennic82
    Hi! I am totally up for losing some pounds! I am 5'3" and fluctuate between 125 and 135... lol. But I would like to be around 110-115lbs. I have tried logging food and I am getting the right number of cals, I just need to workout. Are you strictly dieting? Or exercising too? I am trying to start Insanity online but it is crazy, just need an accountability partner! :) Good luck!
  • drigau
    drigau Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I am 5'3" and about 140 lbs, and I really would like to be like 110 or 115 too! I definitely need accountability partners because, well you know, if no one sees you eat it, did you really :)? Good luck!
  • desidieter
    I'm 5'1" and 27 with very similar goals as you. Feel free to add me. :)