Food is my drug of choice..

babadee Posts: 22 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I grew up with alcoholic parents. I saw them drink their problems away. I turned to food at a young age for all my problems. Since puberty I have been fat. I knew I was different from the other kids because I was gay. Kids hated me and I just ate more. From age 21 to 35 I drank, smoked and abused drugs. Then I met the love of my life. She also came from a bad home enviroment althought not as bad as mine. She had turned her life around. She made me want to be a better person. I knew I could change myself for the better. I stopped drinking, smoking and drugs but I still struggle with the food. We got married and had a daughter. Then she had lost 100 lbs on weight watchers because she wanted to set a great example for our daughter. I did too. I had lost 70 but then I lost my job. I have been on a rollercoaster since then. gaining 20. Losing 20. etc. etc. etc. I have not been able to find a job but have been temping to stay busy. I am sure you all have heard it before. I can be so good during the day but at night I find myself wandering into the kitchen. looking for and sneaking food. my spouse is so supportive and we both cook healthy meals. I just need to stop this. I need friends who are in the same boat as I am. Someone who can watch my food log and give me heck when I need it and in turn I will do the same. I have had enough of this. All the nw clothes I had just bought when I hit my lowest weight ever (185) are now getting too tight because I have gained again. Is there anyone out there.....


  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Please send a fried request (if that's what they're called! I'm new-ish). I'd also appreciate someone to help hold me accountable
  • I have to admit food is also my addiction. I use it to cope with stress. Last year I had lost sixty five pounds and I am trying to lose the weight i gained over the holidays and due to surgery and bad health. I battle with depression even on medication and I use food to cope with it. Its a battle that I know far to well . I am hear for any support you may need feel free to add me if you like. You can do this you can over come your food addiction and you can become the mother you want to be for your daughter. Your already setting such a great example of perseverance for her.
  • I completely understand what you mean. I lost about 75 pounds, 10 years ago right after quitting smoking. And its been up and down since then, i basically gained it all back and then some. Last year i joined the gym and the program called True Star. It really helped and i had lost 55 pounds. I unfortunatly gained approximately 30 back but i'm back at the gym and i really want to make this work. The way i look at it, if i work out for an hour a day, at least its better than doing nothing. So keep up the good work and keep trying, we'll be doing this for the rest of our lives.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Although I didn't have a terrible childhood, I grew up with an overweight mother. I was never overweight until after I started having children. I too abused drugs (speed - which I think burnt out my metabolism). I'm a food junkie and a closet eater. I have found that when I crave to eat at night, I choose an apple or grapefruit. I've only SERIOUSLY been at this for 2 weeks now. I've lost nearly 9 lbs. My sister told me, "if you can't tell James (my hubby) about it, don't eat it". So that's how I have been approaching things. I've also started jogging a little bit everyday (running in place). If you would like me to help be your support, just add me! Best of luck to you, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Redbella
    Redbella Posts: 58 Member
    Alot of what you are saying has really hit home with me. I never got into drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes but I had food. They say you eat when you are depressed. Well, i eat when I am depressed, when I am happy, at parties, alone, etc...... I am def my own worst enemy. Trying to find some control and get a handle on my eating is a big focus for me and this site has really helped me by making me look at what I am doing and how much cal and fat I am putting in my body. I have def started eating less since I have joined this site! Just be honest with your logseven if its ugly and you will want to make a change when it is literally in black and white and you can see what you are or arent doing right!
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