Just starting out..

I am just starting out on my lifestyle change.. I find it hard to change my normal routine. Anyone else have this problem.. I always do good for about a week or two and then something happens. Well I guess I will just take it one day at a time. Does anyone have any tips on how to stay on track??


  • ksadler2010
    I have always struggled to stay on focus about diets. I get bored, I have an "off day" where a friend brings over dinner or my fiancee cooks and its not exactly like I can say "no thanks I need a salad." This has been the first time since high school (I graduated in 2003) that I have actually enjoyed losing weight. I love this site and the app for my iphone. I love that I can eat whatever I want, but I have to earn back the calories. Once I started seeing the weight come off....that was all the motivation I needed!! I hope that will be the case for you also!! If you have a bad day, it's not the end of the world!! Just don't stop altogether.
  • estreisel
    Make sure you stick to entering all of your information on MFP. I find that if I miss a day or I don't do so hot one day, I feel guilty, and I try twice as hard the next time to make myself stick to it. Make daily goals for yourself. Say "Today I will drink one more glass of water." "Today I will eat one more vegetable, and one less snack." Starting small will allow yourself to see results, which will keep you motivated. Trying too much, too fast, leads to discouragement.
  • lbanner10
    If i am having trouble putting something into my routine, I usually start a to do list. If its on my list, I feel like I HAVE to get it done. So put it on your list and mark it off each day. After it becomes a routine you can stop logging it. Hope that helps!!!!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Just try changing one thing at a time. For instance, for the next 2 weeks track EVERYTHING you eat. Then, after 2 weeks this will be like a routine and you can add 20 minutes of extra activity each day (taking the stairs, walking during lunch, exercise, cleaning, etc), and keep adding things like this. These small changes will become lifestyle changes and are more manageable than trying to change too many things. Make sure you take your measurements now so that you can see progress down the line. Good luck.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    It's said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. That's 21 days without interruption. I'd focus on just making those 21 days, then let yourself have occasional go-out days, high calorie days, or whatever. Maybe even use that as something to look forward to. But if you can make that first 21 days without cheating, you have it made already.