Running VS. Elliptical

What is your pick and why?

I feel like running works out your whole body just because i can actually feel it (giggles and wiggles:wink: ) But i feel like the elliptical burns more calories.


  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    neither. roller skating and weight lifting.
  • __Bad_Leroy
    Running outside > Elliptical > Treadmill. Based on my HRM, I burn more cals running. Elliptical is easier on the joints.
  • __Bad_Leroy
    neither. roller skating and weight lifting.

    At the same time FTW!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Running. I've never really liked the elliptical, and haven't used one for several years. Being fixed in one place (whether on a stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical) usually doesn't keep my attention for long.

    I usually run on a track, and when I do sprint intervals I feel like it's more of a full-body exercise - my abs will actually be sore!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    My main focus is heavy lifting with the strong lifts 5x5 program, but I do light cardio on the elliptical after (20-30min depending on how tired I am from lifting) then on my in-between days I do 45-60min on elliptical.

    I like the elliptical because I can tune out and watch netflix while I workout, also nice that the machine I use allows me to input my age/weight, target heart rate, and auto adjusts to keep me at my target heart rate. Still an estimate for calorie burn but I like this estimate better.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Running outside is my preference. I run on a treadmill, but feel like a rat in a lab. I sometimes use the elliptical, but the motion is awkward for me.
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    Running outside is my preference. I run on a treadmill, but feel like a rat in a lab. I sometimes use the elliptical, but the motion is awkward for me.

    I prefer running outside too. I also have a treadmill at home which has been wonderful during the winter seasons. I'd do the elliptical too, but I don't have it. I like to work out at home with the free weights I have and outside as much as possible.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    What is your pick and why?

    I feel like running works out your whole body just because i can actually feel it (giggles and wiggles:wink: ) But i feel like the elliptical burns more calories.

    My pick used to be running outside, but life has a way of kicking you in the gut sometimes and you have to make changes (first knee issues and now hip issues). Now my pick is an ARC Trainer and lifting barbells/ dumbbells. The ARC trainer is very similar to an elliptical. I prefer it over the traditional elliptical because I think it is even easier on your joints. However, I have had others tell me the opposite.

    As far as caloric burn, I can burn just as much on the ARC Trainer as I can running outside in the same amount of time. Granted, the key is to actually make it challenging. I will stop there, otherwise I will get on a soap box.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What is your pick and why?

    I feel like running works out your whole body just because i can actually feel it (giggles and wiggles:wink: ) But i feel like the elliptical burns more calories.

    Running, no question.

    I prefer the weight loss not being my brain melting from boredom
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    Walking. Easier on the joints.

    I used to run. I have a really hard time running on a treadmill. Very boring. Running outside much better, but it's still running.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Running for sure. More fun, more exhilarating, MUCH less boring.
  • amgerbin
    amgerbin Posts: 49 Member
    I think the answer is "whatever makes you get up and keep doing it!"

    Everyone has their own motivation - you have to listen to your body and keep at it.
  • frangrace
    frangrace Posts: 6 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor and see which one gets you to your target heart rate zone fastest and is most sustainable at that rate for your stamina and level of fitness. Aiming to hit a target heart rate of 80% of your maximum heart rate for a sustained period of time, will burn the most calories, whichever the exercise. Some say you melt more fat at 60-70% but you burn more calories at 80%. I focus on that and the fact it forces me to sweat and pant for 30 - 40 minutes or more, whatever I can handle that day. I personally find that running can raise my heart rate a bit too high and is difficult to sustain at a reasonable level, also the eliptical trainer is easy on my joints (which being a fatty can get a bit stiff) and I don't find it boring at my gym cos I have music on my headphones and read the subtitles on the TVs! I gained a lot of weight this year because of a combination of a knee injury getting me out of exercising for about 4 months (after which I lost the habit) and the fact my job involves a lot of boozing. But every time that I have focused on my health and lost weight, hard exercise is what has made it really fall off.
  • campellini
    I don't know ... I go back and forth on it. haha!
    Elliptical is probably the best cardio machine if you're just looking to build fitness but if you want to run and run fast, set PRs etc then you gotta run. Elliptical is good for some low-impact crosstraining but it won't sub out for a running workout. I'm a runner (~60miles/week) but I also own and use an elliptical trainer. I don't own a treadmill. If I can't be running outside then the elliptical it is.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Why choose? Get an Elliptigo and you can do both at the same time.


    Rowing outside is another great thing you should look into.

  • captain_abigail
    Running. I think it's more productive, it burns more calories (well I think depends on the intensity though), but I've tried elliptical and I could go on and on for a long time to feel similar results to running. It's time consuming and boring.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Back when I was chubbier - i.e. before I ACTUALLY started trying to lose weight... I couldn't even run for 2 minutes. But I could do the elliptical for an hour. It probably was partially due to me not know how or if I should change the resistance (though I always used a pre-set program and entered my weight). I really don't think elliptical did anything for me. Running is hard and I hate it. It's so boring. But I feel it's a better workout for me.