Define HRM -

Ok so I had a friend tell me I needed a heart rate monitor. I have been working out for a little less than a year running 5k's (slow but i do it) I have lost since 8-1 28 pounds.

I bought a watch which said heart rate monitor but all it does it really track my heart rate when I push a button. That's it - besides tell the time have a light and a chrono timer.

CAn someone please tell me how a heart rate monitor will help me and recommend one that will help me understand where I need to up my intensity of my workouts?

Do I have to wear a chest monitor to the gym? how does it work - i need to ensure i'm not spending money on a heart rate monitor that does not work or give me what I need. Single mom 2 kids - trying to do it all. need to make better and smarter purchases

Thanks for the advice.


  • chezst33
    Does your monitor have a percentage next to your heart rate? If it does, you want to try to stay above 75% as much as possible (but not exceeding 90%) to get a good fat burn from your work outs.

    Depedns on the montior if you have to wear a chest strap-- I looked for one that you didn't have to wear the strap with-- so I just check my heart rate several times during the workout to get my rating!
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    does your HRM give you a caloric burn number?

    I really rely on mine to tell me how many calories I burn so that I know how to properly refuel my body. Without giving my body back the calories to keep my metabolism up, i start stalling out on the scale.

    A chest strap gives you a more accurate read.

    I'm a single mom with 2 kids also. I looked at this as an investment in my health.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    The ones with the chest strap tend to be more accurate, or so I've read. Either way, I'd say the one you want should be able to give you an average heart rate over the course of a workout, at a minimum. From that, you can figure out how many calories you burned. If the HRM actually tells you how many calories you burned, then that's even better.
    Lots of people seem to recommended the polar ft4. I myself have an older polar model, but still does the job.

    What you buy doesn't have to be super expensive (I wouldn't pay over $100 personally), but if you go too cheap you'll run into issues where the transmitter works intermittently, etc.

    You could, for example, start by going to google and click shopping, and search for heart rate monitor, then click $50-$90 on the left for a median price range HRM. Some of them even have user reviews. Also, amazon is great for user reviews as well.
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    i have a polar f6 that i got off ebay. i've seen them go for around $50-80
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    does your HRM give you a caloric burn number?

    I really rely on mine to tell me how many calories I burn so that I know how to properly refuel my body. Without giving my body back the calories to keep my metabolism up, i start stalling out on the scale.

    A chest strap gives you a more accurate read.

    I'm a single mom with 2 kids also. I looked at this as an investment in my health.

    ^^ What she said! Mine was a gift, but I know it was purchased from Costco for less than $40. I don't how I lived without one for so long!