how much weight do you gain/loose during period?

This one is for the ladies :)

I usually gain about 10lbs during my period, plus i get a huge puffy face and stomach.

anyone else experience this? i never knew if it was extreme

anyone have any tips to curb cravings?


  • emserene1
    I usually weigh about 4-6 pounds more. I try to up my fluid intake and lower my sodium to help with the feeling puffy thing.
    To curve cravings I work out instead, which can be hella hard. sometimes i just give in.
    the day after my period it shows that all that bloat weight is gone, and sometimes more because I'm really good on my period
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    As high as seven, but usually 4-5 extra pounds. I eat more before and less after, too.

    Always knew I craved more before but never noticed, until is really paid attention that I didn't get hungry afterwards. So, some days I eat more and other days, less. :) I much prefer this to being hungry before and force-feeding myself after. :)
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    I can go up as little as 1lb and as much as 8lb.

    About a week before I have serious cravings and give a LOT of excuses to not exercise. I am still working on how to manage this as I haven't found a way that works for me yet. I feel fat, bloated and uncomfortable. Advice will be gratefully received. (The exception to this is those who say "just do it". Clearly I can't do it, else I would.)

    If I have only gone up a little then I find I normally go back to my lowest weight before the cravings kicked in; if I have gone up a lot in weight then I find I will go back down to a weight that is 1-2lb heavier than I was at my lightest.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    3-5 lbs. for me, but it is all due to water weight. It starts creeping up the day or so before and then drops off the day after I'm done. I luckily have no cravings, but I try to keep up with the workouts also during so that I sweat the water retention out.

    I used to get nervous about that gain on the scale too until I got to see the pattern. Since I've lost over the last month, I didn't even see the scale move during my time of the month this month and was pleasantly surprised by a 3 lb. drop after my period. :)
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I gain about 6-7 lbs. I really only have 1-2 days that are huge on cravings and overeating. I just allow it, don't fight it. The weight never sticks so it's really no big deal as long I continue on with my goals.

  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    This one is for the ladies :)

    I usually gain about 10lbs during my period, plus i get a huge puffy face and stomach.

    anyone else experience this? i never knew if it was extreme

    anyone have any tips to curb cravings?

    No wonder it's difficult for women to lose weight. That's 120 pounds a year you have to lose to stay the same weight.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    32-52lbs, generally.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    I don't even know anymore.
    I'm 'on my period' about everyday minus maybe 3 in a month... each month :/
    stupid mirena :grumble:
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    about 2-3 lbs
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    I don't even know anymore.
    I'm 'on my period' about everyday minus maybe 3 in a month... each month :/
    stupid mirena :grumble:

    I took mine out myself I hated that dang thing, gave me cysts on my ovaries that hurt like hell.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I never cared enough to take note. It's temporary so why bother worrying about it.. right?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've been on MFP for about a year and a half now and EVERY month I lose no weight during my period. I don't "gain" but I do not lose. The week following my period, I lose only 0.5 to 1 lb. Then I start losing pretty quickly (at a slightly higher rate than I am set to lose) all the way up to the start of my next period.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I don't even know anymore.
    I'm 'on my period' about everyday minus maybe 3 in a month... each month :/
    stupid mirena :grumble:

    Oh - I had this with Marvelon. Stupid hormones in general.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    My Lady Friend loses between 185 and 195lbs during Shark Week. Because this guy GTFO of Dodge!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My Lady Friend loses between 185 and 195lbs during Shark Week. Because this guy GTFO of Dodge!

    Is THAT what's happening when you say you're "going fishing?"

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    At best, I stay at the same weight.
    At worst, I think I've gained 5 lb.
    Then in the week after, I usually drop not just that weight but another 3 lb or so.
    (The excess is gone within a couple days.)
    And I'm often feeling sort of low-energy, so my workouts are likely to be shorter, as well as using lighter weight.

    Cravings? Oh, yeah. Simple carbs & fat: cookies, crackers, potato chips.
    Just have some. Try not to go overboard, but if you do accept that it's happened & you'll feel better next week.
    If you're consistently at a deficit, it won't hurt you that much to have a couple days of junk food.
    And if you don't have it, you're likely to be grumpy, so be nice to everyone around you & have the cookie.
  • bethanyboomstick
    bethanyboomstick Posts: 52 Member
    I never cared enough to take note. It's temporary so why bother worrying about it.. right?

    Same here. I've never noticed a real difference.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I tend to have about a 4 pound weight swing in a month's time, with my heaviest weight occurring the week I ovulate. I don't gain as much the week of my period, but I do have a lot of cravings, and generally won't lose that week, either.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    When I did pay attention, it ranged anywhere from 4-8lbs. I have the Mirena so I have no periods now. :drinker:

    I was HORRIBLE with cravings though. I would eat all the carbs in site and wouldn't work out. I was a huge diet pop drink so I would use that to curb it.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I weigh weekly so on a 'period weigh in' I tend to lose 0-0.5lbs, then the next week I'll tend to lose 3/3.5lbs to make up for it. Although I've had a couple of months where there didn't seem to be any effect (so my weight loss was as steady as the rest of the time.
    (I have a lot to lose so aiming for 2lbs a week for now and non period weeks I generally lose about that).

    I record it but I don't expect a great loss that week so I don't worry about the loss being small/non-existent.

    I indulge my cravings, in a controlled way, any time of the month! So if I'm craving chocolate I keep some freddo bars (UK small bars - 95cals each) in the fridge and have one of those. That way the craving's satisfied but I haven't gone over my calorie goal. Actually I'm eating one now, and not for hormonal reasons! :smile: