Please help me.

Okay so I'm 19 years old 5'4 and currently 168 pounds. I started off at 175 then lost nine pounds in a month putting me at 166 that's how much I weighed three days ago but today I weighed myself and I gained two pounds leaving me at 168 which I don't understand I've been eating 1000 calories a day sometimes less I work in the mornings from 9 to 2 basically walking around the whole time I also sometimes do cardio burning 200 calories sometimes 400. I don't get why I gained weight I just want to lose more I'm trying to be at 150 by October but I don't know how to make that happen or what I did that made me lose 8 pounds in a month before someone please help me I just want to be skinny but I need a strick diet and exercise plan that'll actually work and not disappoint me in a month I'm really frustrated I just want to reach my goals ):


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Comparing weight day to day will drive you batty. Don't do it.

    Look at it in the long term...not the short term.

    Weight can fluctuate by upwards of 5 lbs day to day due to things like water retention, "time of the month" (for those of the female sex), etc.

    As long as the overall, long-term trend line is down, don't concern yourself on an outlying day here or there.

    Now...on the other hand...1000 calories for someone your size and age is entirely too low. I rather doubt you're able to adequately nourish your body on that few of calories per day. I'd take some time to re-evaluate your plan and run some numbers to come up with something that is going to be more sustainable long-term.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First of all...deep seem way too worked up over this. What's the big deal with October?

    The biggest problem here is your super unrealistic expectations. You lost a lot in the first month - it's a very common thing for just about everyone when they start eating less and moving more than usual It's mostly water weight, not fat. Once that's gone, you'll start losing at a more reasonable rate of 1-2 pounds per week. There's pretty much no way you're going to lose 18 pounds by next month so just get that out of your mind.

    As for the gain - that's probably water weight too. Did you eat a lot of sodium lately? Is it that time of the month or maybe ovulation week? Did you get a good workout in or move more than usual in the last couple days? All factors for fluctuations on the scale.

    Also, please stop eating so little. Set your goal to lose 1 pound per week, set your activity level to at least lightly active (due to your job) and eat whatever MFP gives you for a daily goal PLUS at least half of earned calories from exercise. 1000 calories is not enough.
  • How many calories should I be eating daily then ? I have no idea how much I'm supposed to be eating or how much I need to burn daily I don't like to exercise much so I figured eating under my calories would help I could burn two hundred daily though but I don't think I could do 400 or 500 daily. My goal weight is 120 so the app told me to eat 1200 a day.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Set your goal to lose 1 pound per week, set your activity level to at least lightly active (due to your job) and eat whatever MFP gives you for a daily goal PLUS at least half of earned calories from exercise. MFP already includes a calorie deficit in your daily goal, you don't have to eat less than that.
  • I'm going on vacation in October with some friends so I was trying to look thinner fast and I did ovulate this week so maybe it is because of that ? I have no clue.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    How many calories should I be eating daily then ? I have no idea how much I'm supposed to be eating or how much I need to burn daily I don't like to exercise much so I figured eating under my calories would help I could burn two hundred daily though but I don't think I could do 400 or 500 daily. My goal weight is 120 so the app told me to eat 1200 a day.

    At your age, height & current weight, using iifym online calculator, your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is around 1800 calories or so, assuming NO exercise at all. I'd shoot for somewhere around 1500 calories a day and re-evaluate every month or so if you're losing too fast or too slow.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    With less than 50 pounds to lose you should adjust your weekly weight loss goal to 1 pound a week. This will give you a little more to eat.

    The goal is to get as close to the calorie goal that MFP set for you as possible. Your goal is set up so that even if you didn't exercise you would still have a deficit and still lose weight. There is no reason to eat way less than that because you don't exercise.

    It might be a good idea to read these links:
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    also... take into account your skin... losing large amounts of fat in a short time will leave you with loose skin... which I am sure is counterproductive to the look you imagine having before you head out on that vacation. creep profiles here... find some friends that have the body you envision yourself having someday... I am sure they won't have a problem telling you how much work and effort needs to go into creating their "look". IF you seriously want an athletic clean eating, WOW in a bikini look it can't be done in weeks, or months... and a starvation diet is NOT going to be sustainable... do what everyone above me here has suggested... create a realistic goal and think long term.. sustainable healthy lifestyle.. you will be far happier... Besides you ARE beautiful at any weight...

    lastly.. ignore the scale and think body recomposition... lower your body fat % and increase your lean muscle mass % and when you are kicking *ss at the gym.. you will be glad you freed yourself from the weight scale
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far! You should input your weight and goals into MFP and follow their recommendations. This isn't a race and you will be much happier long term if you have realistic expectations.
  • thinnerrugger
    thinnerrugger Posts: 25 Member
    Protein Protein Protein. And cut carbs to 50 a day MAX. Increase water and you'll lose weight. Check with a professional before taking my advice. Everyone has their issues. Good luck.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Just relax... you'll get there when you get there. Read the links posted above and remember, your friends invited you on vacation when you weighed whatever weight you started at so that's who they want there. The girl you already are.

    I know you want to walk around vacay looking like a supermodel but you'll look however you look when you get cracking on adequate cal goals and helpful workouts using those links above. I know it's hard, I wanted to be thin enough to get into a leopard pencil skirt from Zara by this weekend (theme party), but for some reason I'm retaining water and bloating and it was literally the difference between being able to zip that thing or not. NOT. Definitely not gonna happen. I'm just going to stay focused so the next time there is an event I will be buying an even smaller size and smaller and smaller each time. That's all we can do. Look the best we can for now where we are now.

    Good luck, I know you'll have all the fun on your vacation just as you are. I know your friends will enjoy your company just as you are as well.
  • Thanks you guys for all the help (:
  • 1000 calories is way too low. One should never go below 1200 calories a day. 1500 is better ofr your overall health and longterm success. Good luck.:smile: