Piyo Core Routine: Core or Upper Body

I am not sure if I am doing the Core routine correctly or not since I generally end up feeling it in my shoulders and chest. It is possibly I feel it in my shoulders and chest due to the many planks and plank-like exercises and my chest and shoulders are kinda weak. However, that doesn't take away from the fact my core/abdominal muscles don't seem to get much work.

Has anyone else felt the same way?

Have you felt the same way then found out something you've been doing wrong?

Please share.


  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    No, you're not doing it correctly. If you're doing AB exercises but your chest and shoulders are sore, then you are doing the exercises with your chest and shoulders and not your abs. When you're in plank position, your abs should be engaged causing you to be in the correct position. Not muscling through the correct pose with your upper body.