
Hello! I'm looking for some vegans out there who want to become MFP friends to help motivate each other! A little about me....I'm female, 23 years old, 5'2 and about 117 pounds. In the spring I weighed 112 and was very happy at that weight (but my goal has always been 109...) and over summer I drank too much, ate too much, and didn't exercise enough and thus put on five pounds. I've been vegan since March of this year and have currently been training on my own to run a half marathon so I'm quite active. I'd love to hear your goals, see what you eat in a day (always looking for more vegan food ideas) and have some more inspiration. Let me know if you're interested :)


  • phipps3113
    Kelly, I am Mark. I am a pretty new vegan as well. I finally gave up cheese / pizza at the end of 2013. After a less than positive Thanksgiving experience, I knew I was done. I started my diet changes for my health and slowly eliminated many foods that I found to cross the line either from being too dense in calories, i.e. oils or containing cholesterol. That's how I ultimately ended up vegan (with the exception of chocolate, of course). I have a lot of staples / safety foods that anchor me in an otherwise chaotic existence. I also would like to explore food options. I think I did a post on my homemade power bars last year. Look for it on my profile. I sent you a friend request.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm Jacki. I became Vegan today. I was vegetarian for just over a year now but took the plunge to go Vegan late last night with the help of a great facebook group in Australia.

    I am 39, mother to a 21yo boy, wife to a 46yo child and they both eat meat. I work at Bakers Delight (a bakery that actually is great & their bread is vegan anyway) and I am studying to be a counselor. I'll get my Diploma in 2016. I did this for ethical reasons not weight loss reasons because I dont need to lose more. I also fast 3 days a week (so dont eat on Mon, Wed & Fri)