who here does their own juicing?

I have a fantastic juicer which I haven't made enough use of, so I have dusted it all off and it's keen to get busy.

Who here does there own juicing and how do you log it?

For instance if you make your own juice from an orange, an apple and a lemon, it doesn't seem right to log for the whole fruits as you only use the juice and not the flesh?

Also keen to hear about any favourite juices people make. :smile:


  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I am tagging this because I just bought my very first Juicer and I want ideas!
  • Janelle3927
    I have a juicer and I LOOVVEE!! it esp at the end of the week when there are a few things left over from the week. We're a big family so 2 oranges an apple 3 strawberries and 5 grapes isn't really gonna feed anyone efficiently..Soo we'll juice it add water and sweetener (agave nectar, honey) and everyone (usually) likes it. as for logging it on here. I think it's fine to put in a whole fruit because it takes all the nutrients out of the flesh and (thin) skins. I say thin because u dont want to put an orange or banana skin in there but u dont have to bother peeling apples or grapes.. I go to the recipe section and put in all the fruit we used and split it into however many portions it yields. but if ur only making enough for one person i dont see anything wrong with putting in a whole fruit. (maybe look for a "peeled" option like if u type in apple pick the one that says apple-raw-peeled.

    I made a juice today with 3 grapefruits and an apple then added water and 2 splendas (bad i know) there's recipes online but i usually just go on a whim..also i have never tried it but ive heard u can add protein powder or spirulina to ur juice to make it more of a complete meal/snack
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I have a large glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit or orange juice every morning.

    When you add breakfast, lots of juices are listed, I typed in grapefruit juice, fresh (from memory) and it came up with the calorie count, so I googled it to see if it was the same, which it was. You could try to calculate it yourself, measure how much apple juice etc you are drinking and add it up...?
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    ooh, interesting question! I have a juicer but haven't used it since tracking calories. I think you get pretty much all the nutrients out of the fruit/veggies, but not the fiber, if you are tracking that. My fave juice is apple carrot parsley, so good!
  • jtreadwell
    jtreadwell Posts: 90 Member
    Apple mixed with pear is really good! Watermelon juice is pretty tasty as well :drinker:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. :drinker:

    From my juicing days I remember I used to like "apple & carrot", as well as "pear & parsnip". A fruit & a root vegetable mixed always gave a nice consistency. :happy:

    In fact I think I could do with a little nutrient boost right now so I'll get busy.
  • lyndastew
    I do my own juicing. It is very difficult to get an accurate caloriie count. I mix about 1/2 vegetables and 1/2 fruit and I am trying to eventually have more vegatables than fruit to cut back on the sugar in the fruit. So far I have been lucky enough to find a juice mixture already calculated that is close enough to what I am juicing, so I use that as a base but as of now I am still researchiing how to be more accurate. You can buy a juicing book of recipes that have a calorie count and thaat may be of some help.

    If you get more info on this, please post it and I will do the same.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    List the ingredients you are using in the juicing recipe; use the calorie counting guide, and near each listed ingredient, note the calories of each as well as the amount of fiber in grams if you are using a juice extractor.

    Multiply the grams of fiber by four because every gram of fiber has four calories in it. Subtract the amount of fiber calories from the total calories of each ingredient when using an extractor because the extractor pulls out the fiber-filled pulp content. Add the fiber calories to the calorie count if you are using a citrus juicer because fiber-filled pulp is not removed.

    Add up the final calorie totals. Put the ingredients in the juicing extractor or the citrus juicer and turn them into a juice according to the instructional guides provided with the equipment. Make a note of how many ounces the juice recipe makes.

    Count the calorie total of all ingredients if you are consuming the entire recipe in one sitting. Count only part of the caloric content of the juice if you are drinking a portion of it; for example, if you are drinking half of the recipe, you would take your calorie total of all ingredients and divide them by half. Write the calories you consume in your notebook.

    Use your calorie-counting guide to count any calories from any foods you intake while juicing, too. Use the food scale to figure out food portion sizes.
  • shmait
    shmait Posts: 20 Member
    Regarding to juice or not to juice the peals of citrus, etc.

    My juicing book says oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and nectarines have bitter juices in their rind that can cause digestive issues. Also, the seed of apples contain a small amount of cyanide that maybe cause problems for children, the elderly, and people with food allergies. One more thing, carrot and rhubarb greens are bitter and contain toxins. Who knew!

    I have been getting aloe from my aloe plant and adding to juices for digestive health as well. Just learned about that.

    I have also found certain juices to do a great job at keeping me full and preventing cravings.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member

    I juice apples & pears whole, but peel citrus fruit.

    I juice root vegetables like carrots & parsnips unpeeted, but wouldn't use their greens.