Turbo Fire Results

For those who have had success with turbo fire tell me about it. How much weight did you loose. Is it really a "fun" workout like I have read?


  • trmrgb
    trmrgb Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have specific results because I don't stick with one particular program for very long. I like to mix and match! But I will tell you that Turbo Fire is AWESOME. Any day that I don't feel 100% like working out, I put in a TF workout and half way through the warm up I forgot why I didn't want to work out in the first place! This is definetly my "go to" workout program. I would highly recommend them. They are tough but there is always a modifier. Or if you are really advanced, you can get weighted hand gloves and add high impact to everything! I LOVE TURBO FIRE!!! Best of luck on whatever you decide to try!
  • nikknight
    nikknight Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on week 7 and I love it. I have lost 13 pounds and a lot of inches. I do not like working out and I find these workouts to be very uplifting and motivating. Some days I say I don't feel like working out, but once I put it on that feeling goes away. I feel awesome afterwards....it's really a great accomplishment. I did look into the forums for advice because the high impact, 6 days a week, (even with modifications) can start to bother some people's ankles....and it happened to me. Many people said they started working out barefoot on a padded surface. I tried this last week and my pain is gone! I was so afraid I was going to have to quit the program. I hope you like it. :)
  • mdove3411
    mdove3411 Posts: 121 Member
    I ordered it yesterday! I am super excited to start!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    I did TF and loved it, I love the music and its fun. I've since moved on to trying other things as I completed the schedule and after 2 rounds I was in need of some more variety, but I still throw in a Turbo Fire DVD here and there, just did one yesterday! :)

    My profile pic has my results of Turbo Jam AND Turbo Fire (I don't have one on my work computer of just TF results). In the profile pic I had lost a total of 30 lbs, but throug Turbo Fire alone I lost about 12 lbs in the 12 week schedule, and toned up a lot! I have since gained some weight back in the last 8 months as I fell off the wagon. I honestly think because for me working out with a schedule keeps me motivated and focused on working out, and since stopping Turbo Fire I lost my way in the exercise department!

    I hope you enjoy it! I know I did and still do when I throw one of the DVDs in there! :)
  • mdove3411
    mdove3411 Posts: 121 Member
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