I will admit I am really struggling



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't understand the nuances of the disorder, but, logically I think this...

    Therapy is great, talking is great, but there is a point when one is all talked out and therapied out and one has to just white-knuckle through the feelings and just get to the other side on their own steam.

    You may try positive affirmations to change thought patterns or listening to music in your ears all the time. Something. In the end, it's up to you babe!

    "Dopeysmelly" had some good advice too on the walking and music.
  • it's time for you to see someone about your issues. you are feeding them on here talking to random strangers about your health issues. I have read your posts recently asking for support and advice on gaining weight whist displaying photographs of a perfectly healthy body.
    We cannot sort this for you. You need the help of someone qualified to talk to you and help you.
    You happiness and sanity is the most important thing. Not eating right can cause all sorts of problems physically and mentally as I'm sure you know. Eating disorders are rarely about being fat, it's likely to be a form of control, eating is something you can control when everything else seems uncontrollable. A therapist can and should help you with this. It's a good thing you can see it coming this time and want to do something about it. That a really positive step. Next step is to tell a professional. xxx
  • Oatmeal, some are bland and all kinds "stick" to the stomach calming it, and there are different kinds that have different calorie counts, plus really good for you in tons of ways! Good Luck, hun
  • Anxiety Stinks!!! I have it!!! I hate it!!! I have health anxiety so bad that it has caused muscle twitching :( I did start the magnesium. It takes time to take affect (at least 6 months), but there has been many scientific links between low mag and anxiety. Do your research on it because not all mag is treated equally. And like they said, try to get out of your head. Think about less stressful things. Listen to comedy, watch funny movies, talk to light hearted friends. Stay away from drama and people that are depressed alot. All that will do is make your anxiety surface. I am sorry you are suffering with this too. It Stinks!!!
  • I think the naunces is caused by nerves from the anxiety. Just from my experience.
  • You are on a community board to get ideas, support, and encouragement, not professional advice. My two cents: because stress and anxiety are preventing you from happily eating to nurture yourself, do something to relieve the stress and anxiety. I don't mean a therapist's couch or drugs - what about yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis relaxation techniques? It may seem counterproductive to say do some exercise that you enjoy (I know I feel better about everything after I exercise). If you really aren't eating enough, you probably should not spend those calories, but if a brisk walk makes you want to tackle more peanut butter and crackers, go for it. If your stress and anxiety is work related or relationship related, figure out what you can improve and try to accept for now what you can't. We do not have to solve all of our problems in a day or a week; things work out over time. I suffered ridiculous panic for years and took Xanax and one day I realized it was ridiculous that I could not go in a clothing store to shop without hyperventilating. This was before the internet, but who wants to live without going shopping? I used self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques to stop the panic before it got the best of me. It took time to learn and work consistently, but it did. Final comment, be sure to give yourself credit for everything that you do well.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Okay I have tried to ignore what has been happening past few days but it feels like my Eating Disorder is creeping back.

    My anxiety levels have been shooting through the roof which makes it very difficult to eat. Because I am not eating well I am tired all the time and have no energy (get dizzy just washing pots).

    My anxiety makes me feel nausea and like my throat is closing up so eating has been so difficult past 2 days.

    At the moment All I can manage is bran flakes for breakfast , crackers spread with peanut butter and nutella for lunch and a cooked tea (roast chicken and potatoes ect )

    My weight is stable at the moment but I am so tired from lack of sleep and with my body being at a constant state of anxiety it saps my energy levels. If I eat anything that is not bland it aggravates my stomach which does not help because bland foods tend to be low in calories.

    Can anyone suggest anyway to help me feel more relaxed about eating again?

    (p.s When I went to doctors/therapist they found nothing wrong with me medically, so its all just in my head)

    You answered your own question it's just in your head... so have a debate with yourself?
  • Everyone struggles. Everyone.

    The secret is to not let that get you down. Push through the struggle, come back strong the next day.
  • Make sure you set some time aside each day where you either write down what is stressing you out or relax (I take long baths with a book! :D ) .

    Food wise I have been there last year I hit 125 and for someone that is 5'9'' that was an issue. But setting timers on your phone throughout the day and having snack ready food, like nuts or peanut butter with celery will help. Also, I suggest shakes with protein powder,

    2 scoops protein powder in chocolate
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk, soy milk or skim milk
    1 banana
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    3-5 ice cubes

    I thought it was a little heavy so I added more Ice and split it up to drink throughout the day.

    I wish you all the luck and keep strong! Don't be afraid to rely on your friends for support as well they will be here for you!
  • Yes even a small smoothie can be great for energy, and a cool trick for adding calories is to pour a bit of cold-pressed oil (ie olive or whatever your taste) into it. this can be an easy add on for people who struggle with bulky foods
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    Try to eat things that have more calories instead of snacking on low calorie things. Even if you have to force that steak down, DO IT. Don't forget why you're here.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Can you take anything to help you sleep? Just over the counter stuff? I like to listen to audiobooks and podcasts to calm my anxiety when I'm awake & shouldn't be - that way I don't have any lights on but I still have a distraction. I feel that lack of sleep screws everything else up a billion times more.

    I also got a free app called "Simply Being" that does some meditations, maybe it could help you with calming down? Breathing is good!!
  • Anxiety Stinks!!! I have it!!! I hate it!!! I have health anxiety so bad that it has caused muscle twitching :( I did start the magnesium. It takes time to take affect (at least 6 months), but there has been many scientific links between low mag and anxiety. Do your research on it because not all mag is treated equally. And like they said, try to get out of your head. Think about less stressful things. Listen to comedy, watch funny movies, talk to light hearted friends. Stay away from drama and people that are depressed alot. All that will do is make your anxiety surface. I am sorry you are suffering with this too. It Stinks!!!
    That's really interesting. I suffer with anxiety also. Taking meds. Saw a nutritional therapist and she said I'm low on magnesium. Never associated the two!!
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    As someone previously stated that it is NOT all in your head. A 'starved' brain doesn't work the same way a well feed one does. It SO helps when you start to eat.

    I too suffer from ana and SO remember the time I went through quite a 'spell' - similar to yours. However, just eating a little bit of varied food items (with fat and protein in them) really helped my mood and outlook.

    I began incorporating some fish (sardines; salmon) and whey protein powder.

    I was SO amazed by just doing this how different I felt.

    However, I would also -like almost everyone has stated- find a therapist to work with...
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    Anxiety Stinks!!! I have it!!! I hate it!!! I have health anxiety so bad that it has caused muscle twitching :( I did start the magnesium. It takes time to take affect (at least 6 months), but there has been many scientific links between low mag and anxiety. Do your research on it because not all mag is treated equally. And like they said, try to get out of your head. Think about less stressful things. Listen to comedy, watch funny movies, talk to light hearted friends. Stay away from drama and people that are depressed alot. All that will do is make your anxiety surface. I am sorry you are suffering with this too. It Stinks!!!
    That's really interesting. I suffer with anxiety also. Taking meds. Saw a nutritional therapist and she said I'm low on magnesium. Never associated the two!!

    Agree with both - also vitamin D. Worked wonders for my anxiety.

    I tried meditation, therapy, blah blah blah. You know what really helped me? Some regular classes - pottery, music. Sounds kind of lame but when you're doing those sorts of things you're simply in the moment and everything else sort of melts away. It's the only time I can truly say I'm not inside my own head which it sounds like can be a problem for you too.

    Anyway I hope things get easier for you soon, and don't listen to the couple of morons saying dumb things on here :-)
  • ItsMeBlue
    ItsMeBlue Posts: 25 Member
    how about volunteering at a soup kitchen..or a homeless or battered women's shelter. my biggest issues with my weight (on the other side of the coin from you) and in my life all stemmed from internal focus..i don't intend to sound mean..so if it comes across that way forgive me...but i was all about me..how I felt..what I wanted..and it left me in despair..so i ate my way into more despair..i was so focused on what I looked like..how I wanted my life to be..that i forgot that I was here for a purpose. When I started focusing on my wife, kids, and others I began to see changes in my own life..and one by one the chains were broken off of me. I still have a ways to go..but now I can see the tools in front of me and have the desire to use them. My wife battles anxiety and panic disorder..and in it's prime she lost alot of weight from the stress. But with Jesus, Medication and support from those who love her..she has been able to lead a somewhat normal lifestyle..I have hope for you..and will pray that you get your answers!
  • scykellmann
    scykellmann Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I've struggled with the same issue forever. I think most of the people here already covered the anxiety part and erismire said something similar to what I want to mention. I used nutritional drinks like ensure, boost, or a store version like walgreen's own version of it which is cheaper and you can get the plus version, they all have a plus version, which has 350 calories and they all have a chocolate version which is my favorite. What I did is I would try to eat anything and then after that drink the nutritional drink so it's 350 calories on top of anything else you put in. I did it for every meal. I used to weigh 125 pounds and when I was stressed out I would drop down to 115 (I am 5' 10") I would look horrible. After I started doing the extra nutritional drink with the meals I gained 25 pounds and I'm now at 150! a first for me. My goal now is to get to 160 pounds. I'm working out to keep my body in shape as I gain weight. An interesting side effect that I noticed happen by itself as I had the nutritional drinks is that my body started to crave more and more food. I guess once your body gets used to the higher calorie intake it just expects it.