The Evil Scale

I find it pretty horrible that a little square of wires and metal can dictate how we feel about ourselves. I haven't weighed myself for a week, but am still logging food and getting plenty of exercise. I honestly don't miss the weigh in. Every day I see how the scale makes people here doubt themselves, their strengths and their path. Anyone else feeling this way about the scale?

I'd honestly rather go by my clothes, how they fit and only weigh myself like once a month. The people who weigh themselves once a day (or more) actually really concern me. I don't want to become obsessed with weight loss and one obsession is all too easy to swap for another. What I want is a healthy lifestyle change. To eat good whole foods that nourish my body, stretch (mentally and physically) and become strong. I think it's as important to re-build our self esteem as it is our bodies and lives and I just don't see how that evil scale fits into that healthy picture?


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Personally, I need the scale. Sure, I get pissed off every once in a while when I don't see a loss (I haven't seen a loss in 6 months - talk about a stall), but when I am up a pound or two, I know that I need to get my head on and do something about it. I weigh in every single day and it keeps me on track. On days that I am up, I make a good effort to be extra good. On days that I have a loss, I celebrate. On days that I maintain, I am happy as well. I have been at this since September 2009 and I can tell you that for me, weighing in everyday has been a very important part to my weight loss. It's like facing that number everyday prepares me for what I need to do.

    Not everyone agrees, but that's okay...
  • dars069
    dars069 Posts: 12
    I personally hate my scale. The scale I have in the bathroom gives me one weight, the Wii Balance Board gives me a second weight, and the doctor's office gives me a third weight. I've taken to ball parking my weight as an average of all three when someone is dumb enough to ask me that question. I prefer to go by how my clothes are fitting.
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    Personally, I need the scale. Sure, I get pissed off every once in a while when I don't see a loss (I haven't seen a loss in 6 months - talk about a stall), but when I am up a pound or two, I know that I need to get my head on and do something about it. I weigh in every single day and it keeps me on track. On days that I am up, I make a good effort to be extra good. On days that I have a loss, I celebrate. On days that I maintain, I am happy as well. I have been at this since September 2009 and I can tell you that for me, weighing in everyday has been a very important part to my weight loss. It's like facing that number everyday prepares me for what I need to do.

    Not everyone agrees, but that's okay...

    Just about took words out of my mouth. Whatever works for you, it really is an individual thing.
  • burksfamily
    I can see both perspectives. I agree that it shouldn't be an obsession. I also know that when I weigh in once a week and I can see progress toward my goal that it motivates me to stick to it. Weight gain motivates me to be more diligent. On the other hand, if you've ever weighed yourself more than once in a day you know that your weight fluctuates throughout the day. If you are devastated by a slight gain, it may not be the most healthy thing you could do for yourself. What works for one doesn't work for all, so to each there own. Just one person's perspective.