Insanity Buddy

Hi all! I am 5'3.5", 130ish (it fluctuates, sometimes more like 126lbs and others more than 130) and can build muscle easily. I really want to complete Insanity, but never do. I will start it and do well for a week and then take one extra day off and then two and then I stop... Just looking for a good forum for Insanity or a buddy to keep me in line. I don't have a specific number but would like to be *somewhere* around 115... Thanks!:smile:


  • kelseyg22
    kelseyg22 Posts: 36 Member
    i too have only ever finished the first 2 weeks or so....when are you looking to start?
  • Elimi88
    Elimi88 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I am 5ft 1 and weigh about 130 lbs. I have been doing a lot of research about Insanity and am finally going to start tomorrow!!! Let me know if you guys plan to start soon and we can motivate each other!