Stay at Home Moms Support Each Other!



  • trueandgenuine
    Had a very slow start this morning, esp with a sick child last night. Couldn't get myself motivated so I headed for the gym. After a poor 15 minutes on the Elliptical, I decided to do a Yoga session....awesome as it was, it was just what I needed ...I got home & fired up my Zumba Wii :tongue: tremendous workout :tongue:

    Just as I finished up one 20-minute "expert" session, my daughter got home from classes and together we pulled a 45-minute Zumba dance-a-thon :heart: what a blast...I had sweat pouring & heart rate pumping :laugh:
    Felt so good that I scrubbed down the bathroom, ran the vacuum, changed the linens and did a load of laundry before the hubs walked thru the door!

    Days like that are few and far between, but today was the's got to be the full moon ********* hopefully everyone got a little extra energy as well! This has been such a great day all around! Thanks Moms for the support and shared ground...have a great weekend :flowerforyou:

    Ummmm okay super momma! HIGH FIVE girlfriend. You have convinced me officially to get a wii. Glad u had a wonderful day. You inspire us all. Huggss
  • trueandgenuine
    hi I would love to join. I am a sahm of 7, the older 4 are adults and on their own now, so I only have the youngest 3 at home they are 11,12 and 14. I also have 4 grandchildren and another on the way in june. I homeschooled for 10yrs, did fostercare for 7 yrs and adopted the youngest 3 from fostercare. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and hypothyroid, So as you can see over the years I have been busy taking care of everyone else and have let myself go.But no more now it is time for ME. I started on this journey in july and have lost 49lbs so I am 1/2 way there. I need motivation to exercise. I do good for awhile and then I have to force myself to do it.

    ICEBREAKER- What is your FAVORITE color and WHY??? blue because it is calming and bright at the same time, I love blue skies and blue oceans and lakes,
    QUESTION: Who or what (other than yourself) inspires you to continue on with this new lifestyle change? my health , I am tired of being sick and not being able to enjoy life and do things with my kids. I was able to go bike riding with my youngest daughter for the first time and she told me that me losing weight was the most exciting thing that has ever happened to our family because now I can do things with her like ride bikes. Hows that for motivation to keep going .. LOL

    WElcome to our group! A new group full of awesome women who share so much in common...whosupport one another and motivate. I hope you enjoy this group as much as I have. You have a great story. I encourage you to keep on keepin on.
  • trueandgenuine
    Hey Y'all! I'm sure many are in the land of sleep but I just got in not long ago from date night with my hubby! Our very first time having a babysitter other than my family. It went soooo well. Yeaaaa! Our date was awesome too but I added on way more calories than I burned off today. I knew it was gonna happen so I had already prepared myself for the numbers. Back on track I shall go!

    I wanted to share with y'all an idea that was presented to me: Every week or how ever long we can do chalenged amongst each other. Some can be as simple as drink X amount of water in 2 days or loose X amount of weight by this or that date. I think this would be so fun and we can report our progress here. After the alotted time is up I will ask for volunteers for the next. Challenge. First off is Holly! I look forward to finding out about our new challenge. I may be delayed in responding this weekend becjae we leve for the cabin tomorrow.

  • Cassandra1219
    Hello!! Im a sahm to a 5 yr old and 1 yr old.. I find it so hard to workout with them bc although my 5 yr old loves to do some of the work outs with my 1 yr old does not. He makes it incredibly diffiult. Monday I am sticking to my schedule.. My kids are no onger sick so my 5 yr old will be back in preschool:)
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Y'all! I'm sure many are in the land of sleep but I just got in not long ago from date night with my hubby! Our very first time having a babysitter other than my family. It went soooo well. Yeaaaa! Our date was awesome too but I added on way more calories than I burned off today. I knew it was gonna happen so I had already prepared myself for the numbers. Back on track I shall go!

    I wanted to share with y'all an idea that was presented to me: Every week or how ever long we can do chalenged amongst each other. Some can be as simple as drink X amount of water in 2 days or loose X amount of weight by this or that date. I think this would be so fun and we can report our progress here. After the alotted time is up I will ask for volunteers for the next. Challenge. First off is Holly! I look forward to finding out about our new challenge. I may be delayed in responding this weekend becjae we leve for the cabin tomorrow.


    I am so glad that you got some time away with the hubby! It was so hard for me too when we used that first non-family sitter, but I think that the benefits out-weighed the worries I had (all of which were silly overprotective mom stuff anyway). Now that sitter is almost like part of the family. Have fun at the cabin!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    glad you had a good time on your date night. It is important to get away without kids every once in awhile. Have fun at the cabin , sounds like fun. I just got back from going on a bike ride with my 11 yr old daughter. She told me it was lots of fun we should go bike riding more often., I agree.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Our Challenge is.....2 fold a short term goal and a long term

    The short term goal is relatively easy , that is to drink all of your water a minimum of 64 oz. for 1 week ,not juice, not soda, not milk, tea or even (gulp) coffee! You can drink any of them but they do not count towards your water intake. We will start Monday Jan. 24 through Mon. Jan. 31.

    I know I am a far cry from getting all mine in regularly so it's a chore for me as well. I find if I have a cup with a straw I tend to drink more than just an open cup so I have a reusable plastic Starbucks cup with a straw that holds 20 oz. I take it to the gym with me and fill it up at least twice (then I tend to forget about it). Maybe you like your water in a sports bottle or one big 34 oz. jug, however it works best for you.

    If you're in for this challenge send me a message and I'll make a list of names and keep track of how many oz. each day.

    The second part of the challenge is longer and more difficult... 5 % in 6 weeks in other words 5% of your current body weight in 6 weeks! Starting Monday Jan. 24th through Feb. 28. For example I am currently 145 so 5 % for me would be 7,25 lbs. If you are 200 5% would 10 lbs.

    If you're interested in this challenge send me a message with your current starting weight on Monday and each Monday after let me know how many pounds lost. This could stay private information or if you want it can be put into chart so everyone can see how the group is doing. If it stays private I will post a message Tues. morning ,or sooner if every one turns in their info early enough, saying who is leading and listing everyone in order after that .

    Let me know what you all think.


    Remember these challenges are for fun and to help encourage and support each other!
  • trueandgenuine
    Hey Ladies....Hope y'all had a fabulous weekend. My weekend was nice. Thanks Holly for the great challenges. Hopefully we will get a good response from the other moms to participate. Iknow this water challenge is most certainly a CHALLENGE for me. But I'm up for it. Well I hope evryones evening went well. I will talk more tomorrow. Happy Monday!

    QUESTION: What food have you felt you cannot live without? Or I guess your fave food? Is it a challege. Staying away form it? Does it affect your caloric intake? Would you adjust you r calories around it?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    good morning ladies
    I had a good weekend went to a brunch at church and ate mostly fruit salad and had water to drink. then came home and went on a bike ride with my 11 yr old daughter. Hope everyone had a great weekend
    I think the challenges sound great, count me in. my weight is 206.5

    QUESTION: What food have you felt you cannot live without? Or I guess your fave food? Is it a challege. Staying away form it? Does it affect your caloric intake? Would you adjust you r calories around it?

    Ice cream I love ice cream. but I have not had regular ice cream since mid july when I started this journey. I have substituted it with skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, weight watchers strawberry smoothie ice cream bars, klondike slim bars and nonfat frozen yogurt, and I make sure I have enough calories to be able to have these, yes it is a challenge but it has become easier as time goes on.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    So far I have just a few ladies who are interested in the challenges

    KC1206 both challenges

    the mommie both challenges

    trueandgenuie not sure if you want both of just water?

    and myself doing both challenges- starting weight 145.6

    Let me know if you're interested you have until the end of today to weigh in with your starting weight for the 2nd challenge you can either post here or send me a private message with your info.

    Good Luck Ladies!

  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member

    QUESTION: What food have you felt you cannot live without? Or I guess your fave food? Is it a challege. Staying away form it? Does it affect your caloric intake? Would you adjust you r calories around it?

    OMG, snack food--salty, delicious, snack food. I am not too much of a sweets person except for chocolate, so my vice is the salty stuff. I have found that paying attention to the labeled portion size has helped me tremendously, as I used to fall victim to the mindless snacking bit at night. Coupled with having to hold myself accountable on this site by entering foods, I think that I can still enjoy the things that I love, but in a reasonable way that won't kill my progress in one evening.
  • Mtymouse82
    Hey it's kinda nice to see this. I am a SAHM of two energetic boys (3&5). I manage to sneak exercise in but it requires a 4:45 wake up time ugh. I am trying to lose around 20lbs. My weakness is that I am an emotional eater. I am slowly doing better but I have bad days from time to time.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Mtymouse82 hello and welcome! You are dedicated to get up at the time of morning for your exercise that is great! I have about 20 lbs. to lose as well and I also tend to be an emotional eater. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.


    P.S. We are starting 2 challenges today if you are interested in joining let me know.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    QUESTION: What food have you felt you cannot live without? Or I guess your fave food? Is it a challege. Staying away form it? Does it affect your caloric intake? Would you adjust you r calories around it?

    that would be fried chicken...the best I can do is stay away from Church's fried chicken :cry: so as not to over eat...
    my fam doesn't prefer Church's, but they still love their fried, so we have some most Fridays...
    yes, it MORE than seriously affects caloric intake and the only way to adjust my calories around it is to have just one piece.

    I'm getting very good at not eating things that don't absolutely taste fantastic...I tell myself,
    "This isn't all that life changingly great, certainly not worth the calories"
    LATELY, that's usually enough to get me to stop.
  • lilmommy
    Hello fellow SAHM!!
    I have a Five year old Son and a Three year old daughter!! Like other moms on here I want to get fit and healthy!!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    lilmommy-Welcome to the group!
  • trueandgenuine
    Hey Y'all! Sorry didn't post much yesterday! I was super busy. I just did a lady's nursery... I made the bedding, window treatments, wall decor, and designed everything in it. It was a tedious task but thankfully its all put together and just have minor tweaks to do before its all done. Hope to finish 100 percent tomorrow. Yayyy! I will have to post some pics.
    Anyway, Thanks Holly for holding it down. Yes, I want to participate in both. My stating weight is 330 and yesterday I did 6 8oz cups of water. I started logging my info last night but got distracted and didn't finish. I also typed a very lengthy post to y'all and accidently deleted it. Uggghhhh hate when that happens.

    WELCOME all of our newcomers. It is so nice to have you here. Feel free to post as you please. We just ask that everyone respect one another and all else is fine. Tell us how your day went, your struggles, things that amek you happy, anything you please. This is a nice group of ladies and so far we all have been offering one another great support!

    Holly has presented us with a challenge....if you look back a few days ago you can read it there and if you would like to hop in on any that would be awesome. There's a short term and long term challenge. Thanks Holly! Huggs

    So, I do hope everyone had a fab day yesterday. Today I have visits to the fabric stores and minor grocery shopping to do. Fun fun! LOL Not so much the grocery shopping. Especially not with the two youngins. That's definitel y a challenge. I'd much rather wait till tthe hubby is with me or go alone! I'm sure many of you with very young ones might agree. That's usually. My mommy time.

    QUESTION: Do you feel reaching your desired weight will make you truelly happy inside? Or do you have some concerns?
  • trueandgenuine
    My answer to todays question is...yes and no. Yes because I know inside I will feel soooooo much better. I will have way more energy, be able to run around with my children like I want to without feeling as if I am going to pass out afte r a few minutes, be motivated to do more, and wear somw of my old clothes that I surely wish I could now. I say no because. With an excessive amount of weight you gain a lof of extra skin and although you can wprk out during the weight loss process, it will burn away some- it doesn't do all so you are left with not so pretty saggy skin. Of course it can be corrected but I am so afraid of the thought of that. But yeah, those are my reasons.

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    QUESTION: Do you feel reaching your desired weight will make you truelly happy inside? Or do you have some concerns?
    yes, absolutely. I can already feel the difference in energy level & my blood pressure in significantly lower not having to pump thru all that weight....mostly, I can walk/stand/dance without having to always prop up my bad ankle like before (it just couldn't hold me up any longer)

    My only concern is keeping the weight off....the hardest part is pulling the family into this new and better lifestyle. They love their snacks & take-out, so I'm trying to curb our choices and limit the fat and calorie intake. Thanks for the Q :flowerforyou: great day to ya'll
  • trueandgenuine
    Hey mommas! Where y'all at? Feel free to talk...share your thoughts about whatever. Hope we can get more. People involved and talking. Just incase y'all aren't sure how to get back to the thread. I've founf the easiest way is to go to your community tab and right before the thread topics..there are little subtitles...Go to the one that says MY TOPICS and you can find the thred in there.
    Hope to hear from y'all.