100k in 5 days...

SimonLondon Posts: 350
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Ok, It's time to put all this weight loss to the test. My (slightly crazy) plan; to run 100k in 5 days :noway:

I'm going to keep updating this post each day to show my progress but I would appreciate some support to keep me going :laugh:

Sunday 23rd Jan - 22k

Monday 24th Jan - 21k

Tuesday 25th Jan - TBA

Wednesday 26th Jan - TBA

Thursday 27th Jan - TBA

Total So far: 43k


  • Sounds VERY impressive - well done and good luck! :)
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    your gonna run more in a week, than I care to drive in a month!! Go get yours brother!!
  • janetv3
    janetv3 Posts: 37 Member
    Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOur so motivated, thats GREAT.... keep up the good work.....what's your diet like? I really need someone to keep me motivated....

  • That is just...incredible! I'm only just starting to learn how to run and that amount of distance is just mind boggling! Well done!
  • Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOur so motivated, thats GREAT.... keep up the good work.....what's your diet like? I really need someone to keep me motivated....


    I'm upping my calorie intake quite a bit (1,700 extra calories to eat today :noway: ) but it includes more chicken, raw cashew nuts and bananas to help slowly release the energy :smile:
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Wow, well done so far and best of luck!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Oi Simon, this is the kind of distance pros run. Let me grab my bike and I'll join you.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I hope for your legs that you actually built up to that kind of mileage otherwise I suspect you'll be suffering some kind of over use injury by the end of the week. :frown:

    I've been running for a year now, and recently started building up my training for a 30k race at the end of March. In the last 3 days I've ran 27k, and my legs are letting me know. I'm not running tomorrow to recoup as I have another 25k to run before the end of the week.

    Good luck with your goal, but don't sacrifice your health for it. :smile:
  • Why can't you edit posts? Grrrrr! :laugh:

    Sunday 23rd Jan - 22k

    Monday 24th Jan - 21k

    Tuesday 25th Jan - 24k

    Total So far: 67k

    Thanks for the concern Ray. I regularly run 50 to 60k a week so this is something I've been building towards for a while (a personal goal). I must admit my legs are letting me know tonight which is why I did a bit more so I have less to do over the next two days hehe

    Well on track so to speak :laugh:
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