
This is ridiculous.

I eat better and exercise more./harder for the first time ever and I put weight on.

I feel stupid and just like I cba anymore.



  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    You may have gained muscle, which is heavier than fat. Take your measurements, are your clothes fitting better? Everyones bodies are different, some people lose inches and never move the scale. Don't give up, you can do this :)
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    how often are you weighing yourself? change it to once a week or twice a month and it probably won't be as frustrating.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Yes, you very likely could have gained muscle, or be retaining water possibly. Don't be disheartened. :)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Hey,am sure this is just a blip.You have already lost eight pounds and are well on your way.Just write this off and get back those positive thoughts that have seen you do so well.:smile:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Do you really care what number shows up on the scale? Or do you care more about what size pants you're wearing?

    Try and focus more on measurements. Or better yet, focus on how much better you FEEL, physically and mentally, when fueling your body with good foods and giving it the exercise it deserves.

  • libertyj77
    Make sure that you are weighing yourself at the same time on a particular day weekly. Your weight can flucuate 2.5 pounds in one hour. Also, Do a cleanse and focus on cardio/areobic exercise first. Maybe even Yoga and jumproping first. You want to start losing then gain muscle. Up your water intake and get rid of the high sodium (like pop or diet pop). Keep with it. Find what works for your body. BE HONEST!! Measure your food and preplan you mealsdaily so you stay under your caloric intake for the day. Dont eat late and get enough sleep in the pm. YOU CAN DO IT!! You will have those type of weeks just be persistant!
  • jeebsah
    jeebsah Posts: 39
    Don't let it get to you. I record/update my weight monthly increments....if i weighed myself every day/week, I'd go crazy. The scale can change on a daily basis, based on what you eat, how much you sweat from working out, or that time of the month,...etc.
  • BrandNewMia
    Don't be discouraged!!!

    Today I weighed myself on my Wii Fit. By the end of a 60minute work out, I weighed again and I had GAINED 2lbs. After 60mins of sweating my butt off!

    Just goes to show you how quickly our weight can fluctuate. I agree with PPs, weigh monthly, not daily or weekly. Pride yourself in the way your clothes feel, how much energy you have, and meeting your calorie and exercise goals. EAT your exercise calories every single day.

    This is a long (and, at times, quite painful) process. Have faith in yourself and don't give up. You are worth it!