P90X Challenge

I've created a group for anyone who would like to begin P90X with me on August 11th. I've began this workout plan multiple times, but have never finished. This time around I'm looking for some support and a group to hold me accountable to get through it!


  • dellastreet3110
    Ok I started it several times and never finish either. I was wondering if you can tell how many calories you burn. When I put it in my fitness pal it says there is no date available. That seems odd to me
  • alaskamamaof2
    alaskamamaof2 Posts: 42 Member
    I would like to join. Accountability helps the motivation. I am currently on Day 33. Yippee getting closer to the half way mark!! This is not my first round of P90x. I did 2 rounds 2 years ago with amazing success. We then built our own home and diet and exercise took a seat on the back burner. Even though I was burning calories building. The diet we ate was not ideal. Even though it was all home cooked I was not counting calories or eating on a set routine and I undid a lot of the hard work I had put in during the first 2 rounds. So, the house is done and now it is time to start building myself back. Already seeing a huge difference in just 33 days. I would love to hear others stories and hear about this P90x journey we are taking!
  • hsmart603
    hsmart603 Posts: 32 Member
    I am going to be starting tomorrow A.M.! Any help/ support would be great!
  • valwyper
    valwyper Posts: 11 Member
    I would like to join. I started yesterday.
  • alaskamamaof2
    alaskamamaof2 Posts: 42 Member
    TODAY WAS DAY 45!!!! I am officially HALF way done with my first round. I have lost 9pounds(which is a lot for me) and have been gaining muscle like crazy. Loving the result of this nutrition/fitness that P90x brings!

    How is everyone else doing? Is this your first time with p90x? If it is not your first time what round are you on?

    Hope everyone had a great Labor day weekend.
  • jessicadbills
    jessicadbills Posts: 4 Member
    I am on day 4 and going really strong :). This is my first time ever, I am actually doing a lot better than I thought I would the first week. Keep your fingers crossed that I can actually get to day 45!! :)
  • alaskamamaof2
    alaskamamaof2 Posts: 42 Member
    Accountability: LEGS AND BACK and AB RIPPER done!!! Felt good and legs a little jello like when done so I must have done something for them. :)

    Jessicadbills- Welcome. You will make it to day 45 if you just keep pressing play. There are many days where the last thing I want to do is workout but I still MAKE myself press play and usually within 10 minutes I have forgotten that I didn't want to do it in the first place. Sometimes the hardest thing is just pressing that dang play button. :)

    How is everyone else doing? I am excited that others are doing P90x as well. Was hoping I wasn't the only one. It is nice to have accountability/support during this program.

    How many are following the nutrition guide as well? For the first 30 days I followed the meal plan 100% It was hard but, I find that if I do, it resets my eating habits and when I go to phase 2 my metabolism is so ramped up that I really start melting away any fat layers that I have. As for phase 2 I use the meal plan as a guide and find that logging them on here helps me keep where I need to be. I really know now exactly what my body needs for fuel and can tweak the meals slightly to fit into my daily life easier. I usually stay on phase 2 for the rest of the program. My body is happiest at this level.
  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    Not a stranger to P90X here. Beginning in January of 2013, I've completed two rounds of P90X Classic, a P90X/Insanity hybrid round, a round of P90X2, and a round of a P90X/P90X2/Insanity hybrid.

    I'm currently in week 5 ( recovery week) of a P90X2/Insanity: The Asylum hybrid.

    The prior four weeks have been brutal. I've been sore from my forehead to my toes pretty much every day, but I am getting stronger, faster, more athletic...and my cardio has improved drastically.

    Yoga was scheduled today. I've been switching between P90X2 and P90X yoga for the prior rounds, but for this particular round, I've been using DDP Yoga, which I absolutely love. Anyhow, I did Yoga this morning, and went for a 20 minute run on the treadmill after work.

    One of the biggest challenges I've been facing is maintaining my weight. I came into this round about three pounds over where I wanted to be. So, I went on a little cut, and lost those three pounds, plus two more. So, I've compensated, got those two pounds back, and now I'm trying to figure out where my calories need to be to stay there.

    I did follow the P90X meal plan for a long while, but now I just try to eat about 1 gram of protein and .45 gram of fat per pound of body weight, and doing so within my calorie goal.

    Keep pushing play!
  • teamike
    teamike Posts: 83 Member
    I did P90X last year and lost about 25 pounds. Then I quit working out and watching my diet and of course I gained all the weight back. A few months ago I decided to do it again and had the same results, about 25 pounds down. Plan is to lose another 20-25 pounds by New Years. Feel free to add me.