So I'm kind of excited! :D

I've tried losing weight many times, and I admit it was because I put my health on the back burner for most of my life. I was an overweight kid and an overweight teen that found myself eating a lot of unhealthy food while I mourned my lack of social life behind a computer screen (I still do that now, but with healthier food). But this year has been has been a major change for me =) I found an activity I really enjoy that gets me off my butt. Also, I started using MFP seriously about 2 weeks ago and the logging experience has made me realize how much sugar and sodium is in the food I eat >.< Ow.

But for the first time in a long time, my scale hasn't show anything above 195 and that makes me super excited! It gives me hope that with time and determination I can finally experience what it's like to be healthy. I'm currently doing Couch to 5k and beginner strength training exercises. I work out 3-4 days per week, and even though my diet isn't as strict as I'd like it to be right now, it's a major improvement. Dance Dance Revolution and League of Legends are my main hobbies, so if you're into any of those things feel free to message me or something =) Looking forward to sharing my journey with you all!

Oh, and my name is Jojo :D Nice to meet you!


  • It's nice to meet you and welcome to myfitnesspal. I too have struggled with my weight most of my life. I was extremely heavy (over 200lbs @ 5'2") by age 13. My weight bounced up and down since then, but luckily I became determined to live a healthier lifestyle in 2009 and have since lost all the weight and have been able to keep it off.

    Just remember that all the baby steps add up and although your diet isn't where you want it to be you are at least heading in the right direction and will be where you want to be in no time Some people are able to just jump right in and eat extremely healthy right away while others need to take it a step at a time. I know from experience that's what I had to do and it has led up to a diet that is the complete opposite of what it use to be.

    I wish you the best of luck on you journey!
  • ema_onelove
    ema_onelove Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing couch to 5k as well!! Feel free to add me!