Newly Gastric Sleeved



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  • Hi everyone,
    I'm so happy I found this thread. I'm pre-op right now. My insurance requires 6 months of dietary counseling before the surgery. I too am doing the gastric sleeve. My tentative date is Dec 2014.
    I'm struggling with telling friends and family. How do you tell them so that they understand and support you? So far, my efforts have left me in tears. Everyone seems to think I can do this without surgery. They are not the ones who are 100 lbs overweight though. Any advice is appreciated.
    Currently, my surgeon has me on a 1200 calorie diet. I will start the 2 week liquid diet closer to my surgery date. Feel free to add me as a friend! :-)

    I know exactly how you feel. I had to do the six month weight-loss program before hand but trust me does the time fly! I'm scheduled for surgery next Monday (8/25) I decided to tell only a select few family and friends (and my coworkers because how can I explain why I have to take 3-4 weeks of medical leave). It was hard at first to tell people. I think people who haven't been severely overweight cannot simply understand. I had some very close friends become critics of my decision. I had to do a lot of explaining as to why I needed the surgery but eventually I realized that I didn't have to explain anything to them. If they didn't understand and if they didn't agree then that was their problem. It is a tough decision but eventually they will come around and they will be supportive (if they are truly your friends and family).
  • shale000
    shale000 Posts: 4 Member
    I was just sleeved on 8/12 and today is the first day I can actually keep water down. I have lost 25 pounds before surgery and am hoping to lose about 150 more.

    When does the recovery process become easy? it hurts for me to event stand or walk for more than a couple of minutes. I am ready to get back to my life which involves chasing a three year old around.

    Hopefully you're feeling a lot better now 8 days later. I was taking VERY short walks on my street after a couple of days, and was back to work (office job) after 2 weeks. There was quite a bit of pain and discomfort for the first couple of weeks. I found that riding in / driving a car was especially painful in that first 2 weeks, but okay after, though still a bit uncomfortable.

    In the first 4-6 weeks I over-exerted myself a few times and didn't feel well for a few days after because of it. Pay attention to how you feel and let yourself heal. If you have someone to help around the house, then don't be afraid to let them.
  • I am 4 days post-op with my sleeve, and I'm starving! Is this normal? I am not sure how much liquid I should have at once or how long I should wait in between drinks. I have no trouble keeping liquids down, but I know I'm only supposed to have a few sips at a time. How long do you wait for more sips?
  • Emchotty
    Emchotty Posts: 1 Member
    I too was hungry after surgery I was told a few sips of water every 15 minutes and 4oz protein every hour. I hope this helps.
  • OMG! Thank you! I am 7 days post op and want to EAT! This makes no dang sense b/c I KNOW that this is what got me into the size that I am, but it is the honest truth!

    It has been very difficult. I have found that oatmeal with almond milk, (very runny) satisfies my hunger. I know that it is not on my "approved" list. It works for me.
  • Hi recently had the sleeved need help using MFP. Doctor wants me to eat 700-800 calories a day, how do I set up my calories??

    Could also use some friends :-) please help!! Thanks