Off Topic - Law Enforcement Deaths

As the wife of a police officer (and having worked as a police dispatcher for 8+ years,) I am always saddened when I hear about a line of duty death of a police officer. But the last week, especially the last 24 hours, have been downright shocking.

A shootout in my hometown of St. Petersburg, this morning, 2 officers killed, one U.S. marshall wounded

An individual walked into a police station in Detroit and shot 3 or 4 officers

A shootout in a local Wal Mart in Washington State, 2 officers wounded, 2 people wounded

Now I ask you, what the hell is wrong with people?


  • BriannaSkye
    Its tradgic, my heartfelt condolences to the officers and their families, I worked closly with many while I was a Certified first responder and this just breaks my heart. Ahh dispatching has got to be horrible but amazing at the same time. Im hoping to go that route shortly :)
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    What can I say except people can be **********. I'm a Police Officer, about 12 years ago a guy walked into a Police Station here in Ireland, emptied a can of petrol on the floor and set fire to the public area of the station. One Officer was killed in the fire. I was working that night and heard it all happening over the radio channel.

    Maybe it is just the fact that the uniform represents authority and is a target for sick people. Who knows?
  • orchid100
    orchid100 Posts: 40 Member
    My Heart goes out to each and everyone of them .... we`re very fortunate here gun crime,( never mind gun related death) is very rare but it happens. My best friend and her husband are both serving officers and folk at times just don`t appreciate just how much we should be grateful to them, and their colleagues, ...
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    This is one of the reasons that while I am applying at all my local sheriffs offices I am scarred of actually getting the job. But if my life is asked of me to protect someone else...I will gladly give it.
  • blixthecat
    blixthecat Posts: 1 Member
    This is also a topic very close to me... I am also a "cop wife". There have been 2 shooting in our area in the last few weeks... one of which the officer was killed! SO sad! My prayers are sent up everyday for all the great men and women fighting for our safety!!
  • paragoalie
    I was in law enforcement for 11 yrs. I can say in my experience it is a lack of respect for law enforcement officials. Some children are taught that the Police is the enemy.
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    Bridget, I'm the wife of a police officer too. There was also a shooting in my state, Oregon, in a small coastal town this morning. The officer is in critical condition as of this afternoon, and the shooter is still at large. :( Makes me ill.

    Two weeks ago, we had another officer killed in our state by a man high on meth. Prayers, always.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I know, right?! Recently an officer in Toronto was killed by some guy who thought screwing around with a snowplow was fun... it was really touching to see photos of his funeral (literally a sea of uniforms), but heartbreaking to find out that he left a wife and a little boy behind. And it also really sucks that despite the obvious danger, these men and women get up and go to work to serve and protect us, but everything they do for us is so heavily scrutinized that they're basically scapegoats. *grr*

    My condolences to... well... everyone who's been hurt in the line of duty--family and friends included. (And, I have to say I admire that you're a dispatcher--that can't be an easy job...)
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    This is one of the reasons that while I am applying at all my local sheriffs offices I am scarred of actually getting the job. But if my life is asked of me to protect someone else...I will gladly give it.
    It is a risky job, but then again almost every job has its own risks.

    It does have its own rewards as well....things like reuniting a lost child with their parents.
  • UrbanLegend
    UrbanLegend Posts: 9 Member
    Ironic you should bring this up. In December a study showed that, i believe, officer deaths were up 30%, the night the story was released a female deputy was killed. Im a cop in San Antonio, two nights ago we had a drunk driver hit an officer who stopped to assist a stranded motorist. The officer was nearly thrown off the highway but managed to hold on to the concrete divider to avoid falling 30 feet. The officer survived but lost his leg.. :( People dont realize that when people in society are willing to kill or injure a police officer, how little must their regard be for everyday innocent people..
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    As a police officer this hits very close to home. 2 of those shot yesterday were in an adjoining county. Within the last 14 months I personally have assisted in the investigation of 5 officers killed, 4 of them as they sat in a coffee shop before starting their shift. One of the hardest things to see are the comments that blame everything on the police. So, thank you all for your kind words.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    two words...gun legislation
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    We just had a police officer die, he was hit by a stolen snow was aweful, the funeral was very heart does go out to all those that serve civilians.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I live in Los Angeles. I don't know what to say. We cannot afford to lose any officers, and my heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones. I have so much respect for the people who go into this noble profession with their hearts on their sleeves, discipline, intelligence, and such bravery.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    two words...gun legislation
    I don't want to sound overly Pro-Gun or like I'm trying to start an arguement but sadly gun legislation doesn't help that much.

    Here in Ireland we have very strict gun control laws. Ordinary citizens can't obtain sub-machine guns but the criminals are having no problem getting hold of them. A few years ago 30 rounds were fired from a sub-machine gun in a drive-by shooting on the steps of a police station.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    two words...gun legislation

    No. This would only take guns out of hands of people who know how to properly use them and basically set it up that only criminals will have guns. I'm a proud member of the NRA and I simply say that if the goverment wants to take away my 2nd amendment rights they'll have to bring an army to take away my guns.
    "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms protect themselves aginst tyranny in government"- Thomas Jefferson.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I think people who go out and kill officers having coffee before work are cowards. They should be drafted en masse with their gangs as operation human shield and sent weaponless abroad to form organic walls between insurgents and marines, instead of supported with three hots and a cot for any amount of time. But these are just my imaginative and gory little solutions.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I wish gun training was mandatory the same way I wish people had to take aircraft mechanics' classes before getting their license to fly small private planes. I also think it makes no difference, but I wish it did. Sadly, just another dream similar to the one I have about all people having 24-7 access to their doctors, affordable medications and lab tests. Even though I have spent long minutes on hold with 9-1-1 on several occasions over the past decade or so (new years eve rape witness, a man pretending he had a gun while licking my car window, someone got shot in an apartment complex of 450 units where I was a part-time weekend manager, someone trying to break into a girl's apartment in same place (I didn't stay there long), I still think communication and rescue is the best option we have in this world. I don't think guns actually solve anything. I have nearly been shot twice by accident, once by someone with 20 years training and once by a shady young guy. The irony is they had the same gun model. I think the young guy almost killed me more (in the sense that he was closer range) but who knows, they both looked pretty scared and said "oh my God I almost shot you!" My lesson? training nothing! guns is guns!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I am the wife of a deputy sheriff who works the criminal courts in Salinas, so this topic does hit close to home for me as well. We are living in very troubling times and it seems like all LEO (law enforcement officers) are wearing even bigger targets than ever before. The men & women behind the badge are putting the lives on the line every day to keep all of us safe from violent crimes!! These men & women might be working on the right side of the law - but they are still husbands, wives, sons, daughters to other people. The one thing that they are NOT is human targets.
    My heart goes out to the families of the Officers taken from us today and those injured on the job. It's been a horrible start to the year.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    Agreed. It is a sad day, and a hard start to a new year for many families. Some good people gave up their lives doing what they could to better a community, and that is a truly noble sacrifice. Although their presence will be so missed in the lives of their families, if anyone here reading this has lost a loved one in this way, I hope it helps even just a little bit that such people so briefly in our world make it possible for strangers like me, just regular citizens, to want to go the extra mile, mostly because of their heroism. It is so sad but it is also a catalyst. Inspirational. I hope it helps that even in this tragedy, their legacy is strengthened, extended, because people who don't even know them will go the extra mile to consider what they can do to help, to do what they can, to help create a stronger, more benevolent society and further the ideals that these heroes died for.