Post-Menopause and Weight loss



  • inmyidealworld
    inmyidealworld Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm trying to get healthy and happy again after 6 years of not being able to truely workout (dermaotmyositis) and an emergency full-hysterectomy (cancer) which threw me into instant menopause. I've noticed a big difference in myself: I can actually work out now, but I can't stop eating and gaining weight. My self control is down to zero! I've never had this before and need help. I hope MFP can get mne back on the right path.
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    I think there is something about hormones in the peri and menopausal stage that makes you hungry. I have been trying to lose weight but I am actually really hungry A LOT. I gained 3 lbs recently and am now at my heaviest weight. Whenever I eat any carbs or sweets it seems to go up. Oh how hard it is to not eat breads, crackers and such. I can only say I understand how you feel and I can support you in your journey with this difficult transition. I am 52 and weigh 162. I can't even believe I went over the 160 mark. I have always been thin until just a few years ago.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Hello Healthygreek,

    I appreciate your advice. Your calorie count seems low for a 1 pound weight loss per week, but I know you also mentioned that you ate 1/2 of your workout calories back and it looks like you are very active. I am 48 years old and I am starting to have irregular menses and I have had a few hot flashes in the last month. Did you find that during the summer months you had a harder time loosing? I have increased my water intake from 50-60 ounces a day to 70-80 which seems to help when I am in an air conditioned building all day but if I am at home (no AC) I retain more water?! I know TMI but I am desperate and it seems like you have it down. I keep my calories around 1500 cals a day and I exercise 5 days a week for about 45-60 minutes each time. But I have actually gained 10 pounds in 5 months...if I eat just 500 more calories a day I will gain 1-2 lbs! I should mention that I am not perfect 100% of the time, but what I do now used to work in the past...Help!!!! :sad:
    Im sorry I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I mentioned that I eat 1/2 to ALL of my exercise calories back depending on my hunger cues-which have gotten extremely reliable at this point in my life.
    I weigh (on a digital food scale) everything solid plus stuff like peanut butter and yogurt!
    I measure all caloric liquids. At my weight (123) and exercise level, I need to make sure I'm eating enough-but not too much!
    Today, for instance, I ate 1888 calories and burned 869. I'm feeling very satisfied at this point but if I get hungry later on, I might have some grapes or pistachio nuts.
    During the time I had hot flashes, I found that exercise helped regulate my resting body temps and the flashes eased a bit. I also drank lots of cool water. I noticed at this time that too much alcohol (more than 1 glass of wine or 1 drink) would cause me to have a flash filled night with changing of night clothes involved and even sheets once or twice.
    Now I can have 2 glasses of wine, lol!
    If you are having trouble losing weight and are in fact gaining, you are eating more than you think.
    Be sure to use a food scale at home for ALL solids! For me this has worked very well.
    Exercise and lifting weights is very important as we age! It will keep you moving and keep your brain sharper as well as your memory. It really is true-that old saying "use it or lose it"!
    Exercising also gives us shorties (5'2") and post menopausal women more calories if we love to eat!
    Also it's more important than ever as we age to eat well-veggies, eggs, cheese, nuts, beans, fish, olive oil, fruit.
    Don't forget to eat the treats you love everyday in a portion controlled way so you are living life to the fullest!
    Eat everything you want within your calorie budget.
    Now that I only have a couple of vanity pounds left to lose, it's very slow but that's ok!
  • mariesham
    mariesham Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, Ive bee cycling since Jan 1 at least three times a week, been sore all over since jan 1, I have lost six pounds thats it……. I have stepped up the cycling to 40 miles on monday 40 miles on tues and going to do 60 on sat….. Im not sure why Im not losing weight……… This is driving me crazy………….I don't eat a lot of sweets, fat, and or junk…….
  • lynnvarian
    lynnvarian Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, I am 50 and post-menopausal. I am back and would like to lose weight. Last year I put on weight rather quickly - it seemed the gain was not in proportion to my eating. ( I could be in denial ;-)) I ate "healthy", walked, hiked and yoga'd all summer and lost nothing! I felt better for the good food and exercise, so there is that. I know way too much about nutrition and diet - and that hasn't helped! In fact, at times I have felt more confused about what I should do/eat.

    Today I took my measurements, weighed myself, and am working on a "keep it simple sweetheart" plan. Starting with what is working: I love yoga, walking, hiking, and my elliptical for exercise. I am lucky to live in a beautiful place with no shortage of gorgeous and challenging hikes. Those are exercises I know I can stick with. When I can get my belly out of the way, the yoga I practice incorporates lots of weight bearing and strengthening postures.

    I take vitamins and supplements that I feel are right for me. I went and did blood work - a complete panel - I am concerned about my thyroid and inflammation (lovely genetics I have). I will get those results in a few weeks at my appointment.

    So that leaves me with choosing a way of eating that is live-able and conducive to weight loss, planning for and controlling environmental factors (read: snacking husband and daughter who continue to enjoy foods that are my triggers - so the stuff is in the house), and building a support group.

    As for the diet I am thinking whole foods, with a focus on lots of veggies, lean protein, and some fruit. I am up in the air about grains. I have an gluten and oat sensitivity and generally feel better when I avoid those. Sprouted grains seem easier on my system.

    I would love to connect with others and hear what has or hasn't worked, and share support and feedback.

  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    There is absolutely no reason why being menopausal should make weight loss any different than any other time in life. The problem is usually losing lean muscle mass so the key is to be active and not let that happen. It's more of an old wives tale to explain the middle age spread than it is based in fact. As we age we do less, eat more, gain weight and lose muscle. Reverse all of those and you'll be fine

    I used to have that same opinion... and then Post surgical menopause proved me wrong. There are many studies that support a link to weight gain and estrogen loss.

    Men don't have a lot of estrogen and they lose weight. There's a study out there to support any theory you want to come up with.

    Ah, but men DO have a lot more testosterone--makes a big difference!