Strong Curves Help

So I am reading the book Strong Curves, and there are so many variations of things I am getting confused with the workouts. Someone who has done it, please can you sum out the lower body gym workout guide for me? Thank you


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    The lower body lifts are glute bridges/hip thrusts, squats, and deadlifts. Then there are variations of those same lifts. There is a guide in the back that gives instructions on how to perform every exercise. I don't know how else you would like it summed up, to be honest.

    Are you new to lifting? If so I would suggest that you start with the Bootyful Beginnings program and focus on the exercises in each phase rather than all of the exercises mentioned in the book.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yeah, the book explains it all fully. You follow the workout guide, doing the workout it provides for each day. In the back of the book it provides a comprehensive guide of exercise progressions and variations for each movement type and what muscles it works most.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    If you're on Facebook there is a group called SC Ladies, you can send a request to join. Lots of good advice and feedback there.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It seems very overwhelming at first, but as previously stated, it boils down to variations of the same lifts. I was very intimidated at first, and I had been doing strong lifts for a year (so not new to lifting). It seemed like so much to learn, but it's really all minor variatons of the same basic lifts. The explanations of the exercises in the back are very helpful, and you may want to bring the book with you. I got caught yesterday because it's my second week of gluteal goddess, and I'd forgotten what one of the exercises meant, and I didn't have the book with me. It's on the list of things for me to look up because I don't want to get stuck again. Most things are self explanatory though. And it's a good idea to look over the coming workout the night before just to remind you of what the names mean.