Guilt Free Brownies? - Recipe Inside!!!

theTupper Posts: 27
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, not really...but I didn't want to title my post just another "Hello!" or "Greetings!"

Hey, gotcha to look didn't I?

My name's Jake, and I'm finishing up my first week on the program. I'll be weighing in tomorrow for the first time since I began and I'm hoping to show a little loss. I understand that not everyone loses right away and won't be devastated if I don't, but I'm MORE motivated now than I have ever been before, so even a couple tenths of a pound would make me thrilled.

I've been the same weight since high school...320 give or take a few pounds. I lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle but eat healthy food (just TOO MUCH of it). I just turned 29 and I don't know why, but I suddenly snapped inside. There are too many reasons for me to mention regarding why I want to get in shape. Mainly though, I find myself wondering what kind of example I have set to the 7 years worth of first graders that I've taught so far? I preach good decisions and healthy lifestyle choices while setting the example of being terribly out of shape.

No more using my bum knee as an excuse not to move.

No more getting by with borderline hypertension.

No more carrying around 100lbs of useless flab.

It's a long journey, I know, but it's time I got started.

I'm one week in and I'm looking forward to the coming year.

See you around the boards.



  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    Yeah - your title got me. :laugh:
    Anyway, welcome! You will find lots of support here.
    I have been a member for 2 weeks and I have already found this to be a great site with lots of nice, positive, helpful people.

    Good luck!
  • You better find a recipe now!!!!

    Welcome :)
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    Hi !

    Keep logging! Keep exercising! Make some supporting friends! Your going to do great! =)
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    Ugh! Dirty trick, I LOVE brownies! :sad:
    Clever, though. This place is awesome and really helpful to give perspective on what/how much you're taking in. That should be really helpful that you eat mostly healthy to start out with, it's a huge struggle for a lot of people on here to not just eat less stuff, but the right stuff as well. Good luck getting started! :drinker:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You got me too :smile:

    Here's a Guilt free brownie recipe:

    Brownie mix
    Can of pumpkin

    Bake as usual:)
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    Ya! Find a good recipe buddy!!!! :mad:

    Welcome to MFP butthead!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Darn you! Welcome to MFP. :grumble:
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Hey Tupper. Not funny by the way. Okay, maybe a little. Anyway, congrats on you decision to change your life. I hope you stick with it. It will be hard at times, but you will feel so much better, and who know, that knee might even feel better not having to carry around all that extra weight.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Good one...welcome!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Good on ya for being a model for those first graders. You've already made it through step one-- the mental shift! Good luck and welcome!
  • Well, That was just MEAN! Funny, but MEAN! LOL!

    Welcome to our cult !LOL!

    I have been her just two weeks but loving every step!

    Keep it up and you will soon be seeing results!
  • Welcome, I just started myself and still trying to find my way..........
  • keep going my friend you will get there.....i just started on this website today but have been dieting and excercising since jan 3 2011 and have lost 15 pounds. it feels good to walk upstairs and not feel out of breath....and i look better too!!!
  • Sorry to toy with everyone's emotions. It's just who I am. :-P

    Lots of replies in just a little time. Impressive!

  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Sorry to toy with everyone's emotions. It's just who I am. :-P

    Lots of replies in just a little time. Impressive!

    Well, we are all a little brownie starved here...what did you expect? :laugh:
  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    You got me. =( I would be sad, but I couldn't help but laugh at it. My sweet tooth screamed "Jerk!" but my sense of humor says you're a pretty great guy. Welcome, and may the force be with you! Or something.

    Sorry, I'm sidetracked with running a google search in the sidebar for guilt free brownies.
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    that was just plain cant come on a fitness website, talking bout yummy guilt free brownies when so many of us are trying so very hard to be good, lol...but yeah....caught my welcome to MFP!
  • Okay, I give.

    Here's a link my wife sent me.

    Gotta love Martha.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Sorry to toy with everyone's emotions. It's just who I am. :-P

    Lots of replies in just a little time. Impressive!


    Well, welcome. And, now I want brownies, thank you very much!!

    This is a great site. I have gotten so much support here.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. More support the better!!

  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    You better find a recipe now!!!!

    Welcome :)

    Too funny!
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