time to start!

I have gained 15 pounds and I need to start taking control now before I gain anymore weight. I have a hard time with breakfast so I need to ask is having one egg with wheat toast and 1 tablespoon of natural peanut better a good way to start my day ? Please advise.


  • manoozo
    manoozo Posts: 156 Member
    congratulations on getting back on track !!:drinker:
    this breakfast sounds nice , but it really depends:ohwell: ........you're talking about 250 calories for breakfast........so, when is your next meal??? how much calories do you eat aday???
    i usually have 7 tbsp of oats with 25 raisins ,1 tbsp of shredded cocunuts, and 1 scoop of protein all in 1 glass of skimmed milk .. it's fast ,tasty and easy :wink:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You're getting protein and carbs. I agree it depends on your full days intake. I don't believe in shipping breakfast.

    Glad you have started.
  • RNthatRuns0923
    I just read a big journal article that did a study on ppl who ate breakfast vs. not ate breakfast. We have always heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day.. This study (which I wish I had so I could copy/paste it) found that the old adage of "gotta break the fast to get the metabolism going!" wasn't true. The participants were placed in BMR analyzers and found no benefit to metabolism between the two groups. Those who lost weight in the study maintained a healthy calorie-controlled diet (nobody addressed carbs/fat/protein) based on the BMR and exercised regularly.
    I know we can get studies, articles, and propaganda to support whatever side of whatever subject we are on, but I am not a breakfast person and for so long felt guilty for skipping breakfast. Ultimately, the un-enjoyed calories I was taking in for my breakfast so I could feel like I was being healthy was putting me over for my calories allotted for the day. This made me miss the food I actually enjoyed for when I was actually hungry. If you like breakfast and are hungry, by all means eat and the breakfast you have planned for yourself won't spike your sugar creating the insulin chase. Good luck on your journey. I too gained 15 pounds, but mine is from eating anti-foods, eating out and lack of exercise :devil: .
  • cecesquats
    cecesquats Posts: 166 Member
    personally, i don't eat breakfast. i'm more of an evening eater. i don't buy into the whole "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" thing. but, if you're a person who is very hungry in the morning, though, i think that would be a good breakfast because it's got a lot of protein and should hold you until lunch. good luck :)