So am i going to be hungry for ever?



  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    When I was losing I was never full, and I was quite hungry when it was time to eat. At first I truly missed that full feeling and thought because I didn't have it I must be hungry. It took some time to realize that there is a difference between not being full and being hungry.
  • marquishagetaka
    Maybe at the start since you are drastically trying to reduce calories, but eventually you will discover foods that fill you up and make you feel good (not hungry) it's going to take some trial and error.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Just wanted to post that my son has selective eating disorder (SED) as well.

    he is just a young kid, so no weight type issues here, but I have read of other SED'ers who have lost weight, sucessfully on a small range of choices.

    What do you feel safe eating? (out of curiousity, because this disorder is rare, I rarely meet anyone, even online with it)

    My son's food list is pretty caloric-dense, but he does have a few items that are lower in calorie for the volume of food.

    He can eat popcorn,some cereals, pretzels, peeled apples, skim milk,and jello (sugar free or regular). Those are some lower calorie choices he is able to eat.

    His higher calorie foods are- a certain variety of peanut butter, colby jack cheese, nutella, plain hershey chocolate,soft breads, dried cranberries, apple juice, and soft flour tortillas.

    Do you have any lower in calorie foods you enjoy eating?
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    In general, if you increase your healthy fats that will help, as will higher volume foods like vegetables and greens. I don't think 200 over is ridiculous for a guy....there is room for error on all of the calculations.
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    You might try to eat smaller portions but more often.
    So instead of two or three very big meals 6 or six small ones.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    To Keep from Getting Hungry: Chicken. Chunky peanut butter. Dairy products. Not all at the same time. :happy:
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    So i just started trying to eat healthy and use myfitnesspal. Fortunately (and the problem lol) im a big guy i get allowed quiet a lot of calories about 2300 and i exercise a bit so i get those calories as well. So i thought it would be easy, just eat healthier foods and ill be ok.

    So far iv been blowing past my goal calories by about 200 a day, which isnt worrying me to much because im trying to go for 1kg per week which is like 1000calories less than what my maintaince weight is so eating just 200 calories more wont hurt my loss so bad.

    But since im use to eating so much that i gain weight i guess i must have been on like 4000 per day, im so hungry.

    In short iv been trying to eat close to my goal and it seems like im hungry all the time. Is this something iv got to get use too, or will i adapt so im not so hungry even while eating well. Also i know my calorie counting isnt perfect because for example i had some homemade pizza for dinner but i didnt know how to enter it so i just put down dominos pizza slices.

    I have the same problem, so I sympathize. I have always struggled with my weight. I can lose it, but keeping it off is always a challenge for me. I think this is part of the reason why. Whenever I switch to healthier eating habits, I always feel like I'm starving. I eat filling food...lean protein like chicken and eggs, veggies, greek yogurt, peanut butter, etc., but they never seem to keep me full for long. Within an hour or so, I am always stomach growling hungry no matter what I eat. I've never been able to figure out why. I always eat more when I eat healthier then when I don't, so you'd think it would be the opposite. Anyway, I don't have much in the way of advice. Just wanted to chime in and say I can sympathize. It's almost something you have to try and dismiss. You know you're eating, so you're not going to go hungry. Sometimes, for me, just doing something that occupies my mind until I can eat again helps.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    at first I thought this is just not enough food. But after doing this for a while, I guess you kind of get use to it. I am not hungry but I sure would like to eat like I use to, a whole pizza, macaroni and cheese, Chinese every night, big macs and whoppers and fries and pies, did I say pies. But I would also like to spend money the same way and that doesn't work either so back to the discipline. I agree up your protein to stay fuller.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Drink water, lots of it. Like a previous poster said dehydration can mimic hunger.
    Things that fill me up and I'm obese but losing.
    Brown rice with a little bit of basil and either olive oil or butter depending on what's on hand.
    Turkey meat - fully baked kind that I debone after it's cooked, from my oven, not the slices.
    Oatmeal (not instant - though I have instant in a pinch - keep some at work
    When I need to crunch something popcorn with 2 TBS of shakey cheese lil butter or olive oil depending on what's on hand so the cheese sticks to it
    Vegetables or a salad
    1 oz of cheese to stave off the pre dinner must east stomach is hungry now, if I can't whip something up quick enough or 11 almonds and some water.
    Teddie or Smuckers Natural PB on celery sticks
    An apple or bannanana
    1/2 an avacado (can be added to salad)

    Preparing a full meal, logging it or doing the recipe and then sitting down and eating it.
  • scjl1321
    scjl1321 Posts: 3 Member
    No, you won't. I've found for me that a grilled burger fills me up and keeps me feeling full for a longer period of time than other protein source. So do some experimenting and find out which foods keep you full longer. And hunger can be a good thing, it reminds me that I've used the calories I've eaten thus far and have a need for more. I'm a volume eater, I want a lot on my plate, so it's either a lot of vegetables along with the protein or a big salad with chicken, diced egg, shredded cheese, and about a half of an avocado for a healthy fat. My worst time of day for snacking is in the evening so I've been experimenting with a small lunch and a larger supper. So far this seems to be working.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    For me, I've found that a decent helping of protein and fat with a bit of carbs (e.g., eggs and cheese with a slice of whole wheat toast, or Greek yogurt with peanut butter and oats mixed in) fills me up the best. I need to combination, as opposed to a single macronutrient.

    I also agree with *some* hunger being normal. Though I'm terrible at being hungry :)
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    There's no such thing as losing weight without getting hungry. It doesn't mean you'll be hungry forever. Once your brain and stomach get used to your new calorie intake they will adjust.

    In the meantime Skippy all natural peanut butter with honey, out of the jar is the cure for hunger pangs. I will eat 1 to 2 tablespoons and the hunger goes away, and I actually eat less of everything else because I am not hungry. Since you're a big guy you might need more than 2 tablespoons.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    You have lots of good advice on foods
    My two best are try not to eat carbs alone but in combination with a saturated fat like a few almonds or avocoda to hold hunger at bat and minimize sugar swings. The other is that I am still hungry at 3months plus plus the insistent roar is quit ending into a dull ache which I am trying to adjust to, kinda a chronic pain. Maybe it will never go away but I can handle it at this more muted level
    Goof luck, be patient and experiment
  • clbostian
    clbostian Posts: 5 Member
    If you like salads you can easily make more than you can eat in 1 setting. I make mine with 50g of carrots, 100g of spinach, 100g of angel hair cabbage, 50 g of celery, 25g of bell pepper, and 112g or 4oz of boneless, skinless chicken breast cooked in olive oil. U will be amazed how much it is and it's only 215 calories. I use mustard for dressing because it doesn't add any calories.
  • Greystar0

    just want to say its only been a really short time but im already getting use to it. Slightly hungry alot but nothing hard. Iv missed my goal by about 200 most days and iv made it one day, but im not too concerned. So yea thanks everyone for the advice!

    Also i feel kinda bad moaning about 2350ish per day when some people on here are doing 1200 a day. Now that would be a struggle!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Also i feel kinda bad moaning about 2350ish per day when some people on here are doing 1200 a day. Now that would be a struggle!

    Those on 1200 calories would be either tiny people, with needs accordingly, or people wanting to get their BMI to the low end of healthy, thus needing to be very strict to achieve their goal.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Trying to sustain a 1000 cal per day deficit is too aggressive for most people. If you are over shooting by 200 cal you still have an 800 cal deficit which is still quite considerable.

    For most people a target of a 500 cal per day deficit is reasonable.

    Why not take it a bit slower, allowing yourself a more manageable calorie goal that you are more likely to be able to stick to long term.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Short answer, No you wont. I used to be 23 stone and probably ate about what you do 3 - 6k calories a day. At first it was really rough but gradually over the months my body and my appetite adapted to the new regime. Now eating that much food seems daunting. Stick with it. I know it's rough believe me but one day you will be glad you did.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    Our situations are probably different because I have an eating disorder that I've suffered from since toddlerhood where I can only eat a few foods due to massive food phobias. I have a very short list that I stick to and I eat the exact same things every single day.

    FWIW I eat pretty much the same things everyday if I can help it - couscous salads, chicken legs, some kind of fruit. Makes it easier to plan/calculate things.

    WRT the food phobias, I'd recommend seeking out the help of a qualified therapist as they can help you overcome the phobias. :)

    I have multiple times. Even went to an eating disorders clinic since it is considered an eating disorder called SED (selective eating disorder). Unfortunately it was something that would have had to be addressed when I was a child and no one knew about it in the 80s and early 90s. We all just assumed I'd grow out of it and instead it's gotten worse as I've gotten older. I just deal! I'm almost 28 and I'm still kicking so I figured it could be worse.
  • tiggerGlasgow
    tiggerGlasgow Posts: 12 Member
    Here's a question, are you stregnth training? If not, get to it. Preservation of (and increase of) muscle mass allows you to consume more calories and still lose weight as muscle is more expensive to run than fat. Think of fat as a hybrid car and muscle as your favourite gas burning sports car, muscle looks better than fat and requires more fuel to run.

    If you are stregnth training then my advise is to make sure you're consuming mostly whole foods like meat, veggies and healthy fats before turning to processed foods like breads or pasta. Making sure you get enough protien AND enough fibre will help take care of the hunger pangs.